Anyone know if Baron will be playing in this game? This game is on we better not look like a JV team on tv! I'm gonna be at this game far i've been 3-1 during this season so lets make it 4!
I read somewhere today Baron and Montay suited up last night, but that Nelly opted to save Baron instead of using him for spot duty and possibly losing him for the next game. He is expected to play at home against the Bulls. I hope we ball on National TV. What was the score of the last game against the bulls? I could have sworn we played the bulls this year. I guess not. I thought we played against Deng etc... I hope we beat them...
<div class="quote_poster">Carter Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">We better win on my birthday. </div> Happy Bday to the youngest fan on this forum! Beer for me, apple juice for you. Cheers!
<div class="quote_poster">custodianrules2 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Happy Bday to the youngest fan on this forum! Beer for me, apple juice for you. Cheers! </div> Thanks
<div class="quote_poster">philsmith75 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I'll be there and hopefully the W's pull out a win.</div> +1
I actually think this is a nationally televised game. Too bad we could not put our best team forward...
Both teams should be evenly matched except for rebounding. We'll see how this goes. Not having Baron or Ellis might ruin our chances at home.
i'll see u guys at the game tonight...i'll be the one with the sign that says "Stephen Get Down and Keep QUIET!!" just kidding about the sign
<div class="quote_poster">ryanfish Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I was at the Kings Bulls game last and nocioni didn't play. Does anyone know his status for tonight?</div> He's not playing.. he's out until after all-star break.
I was at class and heard on the game on the radio coming home. The Warriors went into the half with a good lead. Now they're behind by 11. We gotta win this game to keep pace, especially at home. What do these guys do in the locker room?
<div class="quote_poster">Warriorfansnc93 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Who is taking bets for points scored in the 2nd half. I am betting on 37...</div>You mean for Deng, Gordon, or Hinrich?
By the whole Warriors team in the 2nd half. We are half way there... Now who wants to take bets that we score 37 points in the 4th quarter to win?
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER TRADE!!! I DON"T EVEN CARE WHO YOU GET! JUST MAKE ANOTHER BIG TRADE! Seriously. For a big guy. This same sh!t game after game after game is just sad. I don't expect it to improve AT ALL without another big man. Nelson refuses to play Powell alongside one of the centers (Beans/Foyle). He only has one big man in the game at any given time. Then he puts little patty-cake Harrington at PF lol. He can shoot, but that's it. His interior presence is non-existant. BLAH