Youtube banned the movie tons of times but people kept putting them up and they finally left it on.. That is part 1 of 5... they are probably old but I know alot of people have not seen them. check em out..
These 911 conspiracy videos have been debunked quite well by various people. Look at some old "Loose Change" (I believe it was called) threads. Now for the religious aspect: Here is the real truth (from a youtube guy that responded). <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I watched the first twenty minutes, and it was so full of lies that I couldn't stop laughing long enough to finish. I've studied Egyptian mythology, as well as Greek, Roman, and Celtic mythology, and those so-called "similarities" that existed between Jesus and other "myths" don't exist. If anyone chose to learn for themselves, they'd find these facts: 1. Jesus was not born on December 25th. 2. The "star" that heralded His birth was not a normal star. 3. Horus' mother, Isis, was not a virgin, and her name was simply Isis, not Isis-Meri. Horus' father was Osiris. Look it up. 4. It's true that the myth of Mithras is older than Christ. However, all the "miracles" surrounding his birth, life, and death were not added in until at least the 2nd century. Who copied whom? Christmas and Easter were former Pagan holidays, that the Romans had replaced after the rise of Christianity. "Christmas", was a former tradition of the Roman Saturnalia that was celebrated hundreds of years before Christ's birth, where individuals would put up trees in their homes, decorating them with candles and exchanged gifts. r/o Early Catholics began celebrating the birth of Christ on this day and called it "Christ Mass" and around 320 A.D. Christians adopted the name of Christmas, and used Jesus' birthday to replace Mithras'birthday, December 25th in hopes of converting Pagans to Christianity. Easter was formerly, and was celebrated at the same time as Ostara. "Ostara" was named after Ostara, the Norse/Germanic Goddess of Renewal. Ostara, was celebrated in the Spring because Spring is the following month after winter and is a "renewal" of nature. She was represented by rabbits (known for their rapid breeding abilities) and eggs (a symbol of fertility). Eggs were painted as offerings to Ostara... Thus, Easter was ALSO adopted after the rise of Christianity for the same purpose as Christmas. The name.."Easter" was birthed because the Sun,"RISES IN THE EAST"..Christ rose from the dead, in the early morning of the first day.."SUNDAY". Therefore, you have EASTERN..take away the "N" "Easter..SUNDAY". So, no. I'm gonna sit here and tell you that it has nothing to do with the Zodiac. .</div> This is "Loose Change" all over again.
As Homer says it best in the new Simpsons movie..."this book has no answers." The Bible is fake and is a representation of pagan and esoteric renderings centuries old. It's all a melting pot of sacred and truly amazing ideas spun, twisted, and infused by countless leaders in an order to control their people. The core essence of what the Bible teaches is good, but once you throw in a human element such as Jesus, it just becomes stupid and becomes an attack on a person's capacity to reason between fairy tales and reality. I'll never understand why we worship something we don't know exists. Are our lives really that boring that we must make up myths and fables in an order to get from point A to point B fearlessly? Here's an idea, let's take in what we have here now and what we understand and push that on further. Rather than worship some bearded guy that walked on water and turned water into wine. I'm all for Captain America and Superman and Batman and all that, but sometimes we gotta snap out of our childhoods and face reality and realize that we are dumbing ourselves down with this nonsense. We're hurting ourselves intellectually and causing a strain on our movement towards understanding by hiding and standing by these ridiculous belief systems.
<div class="quote_poster">Sasha Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">As Homer says it best in the new Simpsons movie..."this book has no answers." The Bible is fake and is a representation of pagan and esoteric renderings centuries old. It's all a melting pot of sacred and truly amazing ideas spun, twisted, and infused by countless leaders in an order to control their people. The core essence of what the Bible teaches is good, but once you throw in a human element such as Jesus, it just becomes stupid and becomes an attack on a person's capacity to reason between fairy tales and reality. I'll never understand why we worship something we don't know exists. Are our lives really that boring that we must make up myths and fables in an order to get from point A to point B fearlessly? Here's an idea, let's take in what we have here now and what we understand and push that on further. Rather than worship some bearded guy that walked on water and turned water into wine. I'm all for Captain America and Superman and Batman and all that, but sometimes we gotta snap out of our childhoods and face reality and realize that we are dumbing ourselves down with this nonsense. We're hurting ourselves intellectually and causing a strain on our movement towards understanding by hiding and standing by these ridiculous belief systems.</div> I understand why anyone would not believe in God but the movie is kind of funny. It is completely wrong about the ties to Egyptian Gods or whatever else they said. It's ridiculous, I don't understand why you're into this particular movie. It especially loses credibility with the 911 banter. BTW, if anyone is curious, the information I provided in my first post apparently comes from an agnostic (I believe the type that thinks God exists but doesn't care that much about us), so that information is pretty objective. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> I could go on, but what's the point? I'm Agnostic, however, I refuse to watch fiction that's labeled as a documentary</div>
I'm into it, because anything that exposes religion to what it truly is -- a pile of rubbish based on no credibility, has my support.
<div class="quote_poster">Sasha Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I'm into it, because anything that exposes religion to what it truly is -- a pile of rubbish based on no credibility, has my support.</div> Fair enough but don't you think it is hypocritical of them to have many glaring lies in their movie? Just saying. If one wants to expose religion, I think one should do it in an appropriate manner instead of lying to or misleading others.
Now I know why Youtube took it down, this video makes up a bunch of "facts". Lol everyone, more interesting info: <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> wow this is really badly researched stuff. the pseudo-etymologies of 'hours', 'horizon', and 'sunset' in the film are completely (and poorly) fabricated folk-etymologies. sirius doesn't move in relation to orion. the southern cross is a contemporary (not an ancient egyptian, greek, or even roman) constellation. horus was not crucified, he was stung by a scorpion. on and on it goes. sort of dreading to see where part II leads... This vid full of untruths. I only checked 5 things and they all false. I then gave up. Check facts yourself! I'm atheist btw. Horus was the sky god, not the sun god. Horizon comes from greek, NOT from horus. Krishna and most other gods not born on 25th dec. Krishna July 19th. Horus never had 12 diciples. etc etc etc. Check yourself! i am a staunch atheist. but the etomological fallacies in this majorly irk me. also while most world religions share the same themes. The attributes this person gives each "God" are incorrect. Even where the atributes that are correct, these attributes were not necessarily important in that hero worship. Everything here is in context of christinanity and the important themese to it. I'm afraid this video does more of a disservice than service. NNACCURATE. What a huge pile. It's full of so much truth and then such huge piles of lies. Someone needs to make videos exposing this, with near the same name and tags so everyone that sees this disgrace will see the expose too. This has more than one twisted agenda. Well...he obviously says on the video that "the list of people following the same pattern goes on and on"...IMPLYING that all of them did have the same characteristics, when most of them weren't similar at all. To deny that Jesus Christ did not historically exist is not really up for debate. It is a fact, Name one other person whose life has been as followed and documented as Jesus? Do you really believe that the most documented and followed person in history did not even exist? That is just plain illogical. And to make your "claim" more embarrassing, it's already been disproved by countless scholars over a century ago. The idea of linking Christianity with past religions or fables was first introduced by a group called the Religionsgeschichtliche schule, and was later disproved by FACTS provided by scholars. Its a shame because you sound intelligent, yet your research is that of a two year old. </div> Here's another quote from someone who wanted to believe the video: <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> Yeah it really is a shame the guys who made this didn't get all the facts right. Still a great docu but the religion bit is nearly all made up i'm afraid. I was clapping my hands after watching it the 1st time thinking this could be the catalyst that starts the end of worshipping Jesus. Hooray! Shame It now reads to me like the reverse of the bible. Trying whichever way possible to make people disbelieve</div>
sigh, I don't see why people who don't believe in God try to push it so much, and vise verca, let people beileve what they want, some people have strong beliefs in a God so let them be, others don't so let them be. I didn't watch the video but i read the responces. I went to and i thought it was completely strange. They say something about reptile aliens making the human race, but where did this reptile race come from, i know some will say that where did God come from. IT said that the reptiles made religion so humans will not focus on the truth that they are creators btu then how did the guy who wrote up the site know that. Again maybe its my strong faith that won't let me see any sense in that site, but even for people who don't believe in god i dont see how any of this makes sense.
Some more fascinating responses: <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> Any resurrection of a mystery religion deity has been proven to surface textually in history at least a century after Jesus. These claims, presented in the 19th century, have already existed and have been discredited and put to rest. Scholars and credible researchers, unlike the viewers here who claim they've researched the topic and who now firmly believe in the comparisons presented in this video, have already denounced the story of Jesus being related to pagan mystery religions. Nowhere in the bible does it state that Jesus was born on Dec. 25th or that he was visited by 3 wise men. There were three gifts. Mithra was born fully grown out of a rock. Dionysus was a product of Zeus and Semele, which means intercourse had to have taken place. Krishna's mother already had seven children before him. It was even contested by his followers. So your claim is? What? Interesting. You're a ****ing disgrace. Attis' resurrection was never printed in text until 150 AD. And even his resurrection has no comparison to Jesus' in any way. He was sometimes pictured as returning to life as a tree, or always dead but his hair continued to grow. NOTHING like Jesus. There are not sources. Please visit tektonics[dot]org/copycat/osy.html and tektonics[dot]org/copycat/krishna02.html, etc. Please do your homework before believing this stuff. Thanks.</div> Hah, I knew the Loose Change people were involved in this. No wonder this video is full of lies. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> Taking direct video from "loose change" which has been debunked over and over again by actual experts (which is also why it has been remade, to cover up its many flaws) takes credibility away. Also, the majority of info presented is very difficult to find, no real sources, and is taken almost directly from Acharya S's book, "The Christ Conspiracy." And also, a LOT of the Horus information is completely wrong. Look it up for yourselves before you believe this ****. Loosechangeguide(dot)com </div>