Looks like Ginobli's out. Spurs thumped the Sonics by 20 pts. last night. Apparently their center from Argentina, Fabricio Oberto, is making some noise. We have some really fun match-ups to watch tonight! JRich vs. Finley Pietrus vs. Bowen Monta vs. Parker Murh vs. Duncan Biedrins vs. Oberto Monta/Parker is going to be a match-up of two of the quickest guards in the league. Personally I'd also like to see Beans vs. Duncan. But these match-ups could be null and void if Nellie goes back to that zone -- go Warriors!
I like our chances in this game. If Nellie's 3-2 zone can work again to stop Duncan and Parker inside the paint we should be in pretty good shape. Just have to watch out for Barry, Finley, and Bowen around the perimeter since they can kill us if we leave them. For some reason Murphy usually outplays Duncan when they go head to head so that should be a help.
Spurs are the most professional team in the league. I am scared of this game because they will come out hard and play hard the whole game. Only way Warriors win is if Monta can get the running game going (with MP) and the W's run the tired Spurs off the floor. Otherwise I have a hard time thinking the Warriors will out-execute the Spurs in a half court game. The zone may help short term, but eventually good teams will attack the are right under the free throw just like the Warriors do with Baron against the zone. Shudder to think what happens if Duncan consistently gets the ball at the free throw line against the zone, he can shoot easy J, dump outside for easy jumpers (Bowen, Barry) or dump down to box to Oberto.
Oh boy, as much as philsmith is scared of the Spurs I am excited. That's because Tim Duncan is on my jbb fantasy team! It's the only thing basketball of mine that actually gets to the playoffs! I hope for the Warriors sake that the Spurs take us pretty lightly. If they get up for us, we're toast. They got the inside/outside presence, the perimeter defensive stopper, the defensive stopper inside, the hustle player on the outside and inside. They got two hard drivers that are lightning quick and always in attack mode. And Tim Duncan goes about quitely putting up a meaningful 20/10 (because it means interior presence on both ends + assists + double teams). I like the matchup with Beans vs. Oberto/Murph vs. Duncan/Ellis vs. Parker. And if supermanu was in there, Pietrus and him could battle it out. Bowen is going to suck for our offense. He's cheap as hell on defense.
Murph is so slow -- geez -- Oberto telegraphed his drive and had like 10 seconds to step in front and draw the charge. Meanwhile -- why does Keith McCleod have the Derek Fisher syndrome? He's sitting there pounding the ball, trying to go 1-on-1 and making poor bail-out passes. wtf? edit: okay, nice dish to Beans for the dunk. Wow, Beans is so quick with the ball, he caught the pass and was dunking before Duncan could even turn around. Such a refreshing change from watching Murphy catch the ball, take 5 seconds to get set and get 2 inches off the ground and get stuffed, or watching Foyle simply drop the ball.
<div class="quote_poster">custodianrules2 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Message to animefanatic: your inbox is full!</div> Deleted! Try again
<div class="quote_poster">AnimeFANatic Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Deleted! Try again </div> cool! Anyone feel like trading Jrich now? Somebody has to score until the rookies get better. Also, especially after defenses already figure out how to play Beans and Ellis and any of our new guys. I'd rather Jrich shoot 20 shots a game versus anything that Murphy/Dunleavy/Baron put up. Just somebody get the ball to Jrich and free him up. Ellis shouldn't shoot much either, unless its within the flow because he's a point guard.
<div class="quote_poster">custodianrules2 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">cool! Anyone feel like trading Jrich now? Somebody has to score until the rookies get better. Also, especially after defenses already figure out how to play Beans and Ellis and any of our new guys. I'd rather Jrich shoot 20 shots a game versus anything that Murphy/Dunleavy/Baron put up. Just somebody get the ball to Jrich and free him up. Ellis shouldn't shoot much either, unless its within the flow because he's a point guard.</div> I was about to say the same thing! Hopefully this will quiet all those posters saying ridiculous things about trading JR because of the emergence of Ellis. JRich = Proven.
Wow -- great sequence by Dun -- the strip and save at one end and the 3 at the other. Warriors are hanging in there, and JRich is looking great!
What a posession! Biedrens blocks TD, gets the ball, sends it out on a fast break and Monta takes it to the rack for the lead! Dunleavy is starting to look consistently consistent! Not starter material, but SOLID bench player, albeit overpaid, but I will take this kind of production game in, game out...
Beans with back-to-back blocks on Duncan...Then JRich with the dunk...then Monta with the steal and dunk!!!!