L.A. Noire

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Patriot, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Patriot

    Patriot Active Member


    Developed by Rockstar Games. This looks really good. Anyone getting it?
  2. speeds

    speeds $2.50 highball, $1.50 beer Staff Member Administrator GFX Team

    Rockstar is pretty reliable. Looks like they've improved the facial animations but it will largely be a spin-off of GTA in the same way that Red Dead was. Not that that is a bad thing. I'll be checking this out.
  3. Master Shake

    Master Shake young phoenix

    Black is to politically incorrect now-a-days eh?

    Still, looks good and like speeds said - Rockstar is usual very good with their shit.
  4. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Looks amazing.
  5. Moo2K4

    Moo2K4 NBA West Producer

    I'll check it out, because, as stated, Rockstar is reliable. However...they need to figure out how to make the middle of their games. RDR was a horrible offender of this, because the game was god awful boring when you were in Mexico (which caused me to quit the game), and GTA IV was rather bleh in the middle part as well.
  6. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    You are on crack.
  7. Moo2K4

    Moo2K4 NBA West Producer

    How so? Mexico in Red Dead was god fucking awful. And I'm actually kind of glad I didn't make it to the end anyways, because I would have killed if I had to herd more fucking cattle. And I'm sorry, in GTA, the bank mission in the middle ruined it for me. I tried that mission countless times and always failed, so I never went back.
  8. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    You suck balls if you couldn't beat that bank mission.
  9. Patriot

    Patriot Active Member

    Dude, that bank mission was fucking epic. I beat it on my, like, second try.
  10. DynastYWarrioR6

    DynastYWarrioR6 JBB SmurfY

    Cattle herding and mundane horse riding chores made me not play RDR since the first week I got it. This summer is when I have the longest lull between all my preorders, but I'm probably gonna spend all my time trophy hunting (and finishing) Fallout: New Vegas. And when I finish that, I'll go beat Fallout 3 two more times (with Evil and Neutral characters for trophies). Then I'll have platinumed both of those games. I love those games, just long :P
  11. Colonel Ronan

    Colonel Ronan Continue...?

    I thought RDR and GTA:IV were enticing during the beginning, middle and end. Nevertheless, I'll be picking up LA Noire.
  12. Colonel Ronan

    Colonel Ronan Continue...?

  13. Colonel Ronan

    Colonel Ronan Continue...?

  14. JustinVerlander35

    JustinVerlander35 Bringin' the Heat

    Cannot wait to get this game.
  15. Colonel Ronan

    Colonel Ronan Continue...?

    I feel ya.

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