OT Vaccines Are Satan

Discussion in 'Blazers OT Forum' started by Serbian, Jun 5, 2021.

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  1. Chris Craig

    Chris Craig (Blazersland) I'm Your Huckleberry Staff Member Global Moderator Moderator

    Jun 25, 2015
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  2. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    Whatever happened to John Cusack and the shamwow guy?
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  3. julius

    julius Global Moderator Staff Member Global Moderator

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    Say...can you loan a brother a cool 150G? and by loan I mean "can I have?"
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  4. Hoopguru

    Hoopguru Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Do the Rothchild's sit a dinner plate for both you, and lucifer, at the annual CFR banquette?
  5. Blazerstc

    Blazerstc New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Well, what you are missing here is that the % reduction they were quoting was the reduction in the daily rate of increase. So it is similar to a compound interest problem. Over time, a huge number of deaths are averted if the daily rate of increase is decreased by 1%.

    After 100 days, the growth rate decreased less than 2%. I'm good with masks, but their effectiveness is greatly exaggerated. Interesting to note, the case growth was already on the downtrend before implementation.[​IMG]

    Great, but the good doctor is an expert in the link between kidney and cardiac disease. It might be a good video, I don't know, but he's not an authority on this subject.

    Did you watch the video? Sounds like you didn't, due to your pre-conceived notions. He's a Doctor who has been treating patients. Couldn't hurt to at least view the video with an open mind, you have nothing to lose other than 15 minutes of your time.

    VAERS was established in 1990. We haven't had a high-profile, nationwide rollout of a vaccine since then that I can think of, other than this one. So, it makes a lot of sense that there would be more reports on this one, especially given that anyone can submit a report.

    These are CUMULATIVE reports. Since 1990, there have been around 10 Billion vaccines in the US. The annual number of flu shot's alone is similar to the total number of covid vaccines. Filing a false VAERS report is time consuming, and according to their website: Warning: Knowingly filing a false VAERS report with the intent to mislead the Department of Health and Human Services is a violation of Federal law (18 U.S. Code § 1001) punishable by fine and imprisonment.

    Not sure how you did your math there, but let's assume for the moment it's correct. Then vaccinating all 7 billion of us would save the lives of 700,000 people. That seems worth doing, at least to me. But there is at least one problem - more than 700,000 people are already dead. Something like 3.7M worldwide, I think.

    According to the vaccine manufactures trials, their Absolute Risk Reduction is around 1%. That takes into account the small percentage of people that have it and are contagious. Lets take Oregon for example. Currently, assuming a 14 day contagious period, there are about 5k people with covid, out of 4.2M people. So, 1 out of 840 are contagious at this time. Then factor in the very low mortality rate for the majority of the population, and the actual benefit to a person getting the EUA vaccine is very small, when looking at it from a community stand point. When we look at Oregon at it's peak back in Nov/Dec, there were about 18k with covid, or about 1 in 235 people. From Moderna's trial, out of 15k that received the placebo, there was only 1 death...out of 15k people. That's pretty similar to my calculations of 10k.

    Does anyone know if they count a breakthrough case the same way as normal covid cases? The answer of course is NO. Starting in May, they changed it to where they only count hospitalized or deaths after vaccination as a breakthrough case. Imagine if that same standard was applied to all covid cases since the beginning, the percentages and numbers would be much much lower.

    The whole point, is that covid is not a high risk for the majority of the population. In Oregon, 64% of the deaths, are in people over the age of 80 which accounts for only 4% of the population. Them pushing this vaccine on everyone, pregnant women, children, young and healthy people, with disregard for people with certain health conditions, medications etc. doesn't make sense, when it's not approved by the FDA, for a new technology that has NEVER passed trials and made it to market before. Anyone know how many vaccines Moderna has ever brought to market? ZERO! It is understandable why people are hesitant at this time. Many just want to wait until the trials are over. Hey, the people at risk have the vaccine, so what's the issue?

    It's great that you posted links. More people should.

    Here is another video with a good overview, albeit it's a little corny at times.

  6. Serbian

    Serbian Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    And still you lack common sense. Since im International chess master i have bet many people including high ranking chess grandmasters who have PHDs in computer science and yet some of them just like yourself lack common sense. Epic fail. And in life to survive sometimes all you need is common sense not some ridiculous IQ score that you claim of 147 not doing you much good since you took the jabs. I rest my case
  7. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

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    If you don't stop with the personal insults you would be posting them or anything else here anymore.
  8. Serbian

    Serbian Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    So you and your fellow administrators are mocking me posting ridiculous stuff about me including” Sham WOW” but its ok for them to mock me and ridicule me, and thats ok...but if i say anything remotely sensitive you want to bann me?! Really? Do you see the double standard? I have been under attack. Please do not have a double standard im aware im not liked over here but please stop with the threats.
  9. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    16 of your posts or quotes of your posts in this thread have either been edited or deleted for personal insults. Please don't try to spin it or claim that you're some sort of a victim. The shamwow isn't a personal insult. You have been free to post your opinions. And others have been free to post their opinions about your opinions. You do have a problem with insulting people who don't agree with you. This is a problem that you've seem to only recently developed. Please go back to how you were in where you would post your opinion without insulting someone.
    hoopsjock likes this.
  10. Blazerstc

    Blazerstc New Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    @Serbian the appeal to authority is strong with many people. We are fed this 24/7, while differing points of view are censored. I don't know how people that view this in it's totality, don't see that the whole thing doesn't pass the sniff test.

    - Covid was created in a lab partially funded by US

    - Asymptomatic spread is low, mass testing and they count asymptomatic as cases (that has never happened before), downplaying and even threatening doctors with recourse for TREATING THEIR PATIENTS with medicine that has been shown to be effective.

    - Massive lockdowns and mask mandates never seen before, or even close to it.

    - Inflated numbers, while vaccine adverse reactions discarded and censored.

    - Almost 3 co-morbidities with each "covid" death. Average age of death is 80.

    - Facebook purposefully promoted authoritarian propoganda regarding covid...VH Vaccine Hesitancy score. All other mainstream doing the same sneaky censoring, articles and stories meant to deceive or embellish the danger of covid.

    - Bribing people to get the vaccine by states.

    - Having pregnant women get the new experimental vaccine, with no data or studies it is safe in the short or long term. Young women are very low risk, almost ZERO.

    - Counting breakthrough cases much differently as normal covid cases...should be held to same standard.

    - The PCR test depending on the cycles can greatly alter the number of false positives or negatives. The CDC allows up to 40 cycles, where as even FAUCI recommended it should be lower than 35. The avg for other viruses like the flu, is around 28.

    - The Flu has basically disappeared, only 1500 cases Nationwide...down from 20 Million. The precautions would reduce them of course, but 20 Million down to 1,500?

    - You have to go on alternative search engines etc. to find articles that oppose covid's actual risk, as they are scrubbed and censored from social media, google, youtube etc.

    - Wanting to give the vaccine/school closures for minors. There have only been 3 deaths in Oregon under the age of 20. Hard to say if those deaths were even due to covid. Why the hell would they want to give them this new experimental "vaccine" that hasn't been properly tested.

    None of it makes sense. It can be dangerous to certain demographics, but the majority it is not. Men can get breast cancer, do we screen them with mammograms when they turn 45 like Women? Nope.
  11. Serbian

    Serbian Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    On this forum Only I totally agree with you, the rest do not ask any questions. The crazy thing is the CDC now changed the guidelines in PCR test. For vaccinated people and breakout cases it has been lowered to 28!!! Image that! Unbelievable. We know that the inventor of PCR test Dr. Mullins coincidentally died 6 months before covid outbreak. While he was alive he always stated” PCR test is not invented to detect infections “! Remember this global plan. In Australia they changed the law where if a doctor treats a patient with early covid he will be jailed up to 6 months!! In New Zealand they shut down the whole country down again after 1 reported case!! Its not about health but about control and digital passports, tracking you every move while exterminating large number of global population
    Blazerstc likes this.
  12. ABM

    ABM Happily Married In Music City, USA!

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Is this the two statements are true game?

    PS: Here's some good reading for you, Lansters....

  13. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    That's bullshit.

    Yes, because it's bullshit.

    Yes, he died before the pandemic. What is the coincidence? He also believed OJ was innocent and consulted with his defense. Believed you could talk to god via LSD. He believed HIV didn't cause AIDS.

    No, he said the PCR shouldn't be used to detect HIV because he didn't believe HIV caused AIDS.

    Yes, New Zealand was free of covid in July of last year. When a new case happened they reintroduced lockdowns to eliminate any chance of a new outbreak.

    Says the person who has been tracked for years by corporations while using their smartphone. Sure, the government wants to track you.
    hoopsjock, riverman and Hoopguru like this.
  14. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    It's sad the lengths some of you are going to spread crap from facebook.
    hoopsjock, donkiez and Hoopguru like this.
  15. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    If you want a mammogram you can pay for one and have it.
  16. Serbian

    Serbian Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    not bullshit but facts. And remember you can always throw your iPhone away.

    Dr. Mullins called Fauci a fraud and an idiot who doesn’t know anything, and I believe they took him out because the fraudulent PCR test could have never been used. Listen to this clip from him https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeoLXhfL/ cant find it anywhere on YouTube cause they bann it
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2021
  17. barfo

    barfo triggered obsessive commie pinko Staff Member Global Moderator

    Sep 15, 2008
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    You are, once again, misreading the data. The study ended at 100 days. Well, at least the one in your link did. Maybe there is a follow-on study that goes beyond 100 days?

    Exaggerated by some, for sure. But also underestimated by some, including, I think, you.

    That's not actually interesting to note. Cases spike and recede - the US has gone through a few peaks so far.

    I didn't, but preconceived notions aren't why. I rarely watch any videos posted here. If there were any interesting facts in the video, they could be summarized. You've watched it, what does it say? Wasting 15 minutes trying to get at something that could be read as text in 30 seconds isn't efficient.

    15 minutes is a lot. I've spent less time than that, for instance, reading the article you linked to and debunking your claims about it.

    Yeah... but nobody thinks the Flu vaccine might kill them or make their dick fall off or includes a microchip or whatever the latest conspiracy is. Flu vaccines are boring.

    I wasn't suggesting that people might be filing false reports, although I wouldn't put it past some of the anti-vaxxers, now that you mention it.
    What I meant was that it's just a complaint department. It's not a scientific study of side effects.
    And yet 1 out of 550 people in the USA are already dead from Covid. So obviously your numbers aren't accurately representing the risk.

    That paragraph as written doesn't make sense, maybe you can clarify? There weren't 'breakthrough' cases at the beginning, since there were no vaccines, so there was no reason to have a standard for what counts as a breakthrough case back then. If you are suggesting that only hospitalizations and deaths should have ever been counted, fine, then just ignore the other data - we do have the hospitalization and death data separately.

    Yes, it's entirely understandable. Many people don't have any understanding of science, and there are a great number of people spreading disinformation about the vaccines. Some intentionally, some unwittingly.

    The risk is far larger than you believe it to be.

    hoopsjock, riverman and SlyPokerDog like this.
  18. riverman

    riverman Writing Team

    Nov 15, 2013
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    This reminds me of a barfo vs Denny back and forth only without Denny.....I miss reading those.
  19. SlyPokerDog

    SlyPokerDog Woof! Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 5, 2008
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    I'm being serious, in your own words explain how and why vaccines work. Nothing too detailed. Don't worry about getting all the terminology right, just the basics.

    You mean this clip on youtube?

    You know that is a heavily edited interview from Mullins claiming HIV doesn't cause AIDS right?
    hoopsjock likes this.
  20. Serbian

    Serbian Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2019
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    At end of day barfo doesnt even want to watching anything with any facts, so why waste time. You might as well stop posting on this thread until more open minded people post on here. You have already made up your mind of what the government agencies told you and we know governments never lie...everything they say is the truth and nothing but the truth....because the government is the lord and savior.
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