Hey Wookee. the Bones lady and the FBI dude get married. There, spoiled it for you. Now you can watch tonight.
Eric has some great lines: "Apparently all Angela needed was to hear her job description in a deep African-American tone." "I'm told I look like a marionette in a windstorm." "Sometime, when you're not busy, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions about sexual positions?" "Ignoring me is Booth's way of acknowledging my presence. It's a guy thing."
So she survived the acid trip? Nice.....or was it mushrooms....i think you need acid for the black and white to colour change
"I am kind of a big deal" Kidding, bud, just kidding. My wife is stoked to see you on the show. And I am very happy for you.
You know, Eric, you're scary as hell in the clip. That said, I'd be way more concerned for Bones if she had welched on a $100 bet.