and if i ran this board i'd change your user name to needledick murphy and change your avatar to a tranny hooker.
You couldn't run a are intellectually incapable and your obsessive references to gay sex leads me to believe that you are trying to divert attention from your own sexual identity, an attempt rooted in a poor self-image and of course, male insecurity. Carry on, of course, it is entertaining in a sick. loathsome way. As for the other clowns in this thread, I would suggest perhaps some Aretha know, R-E-S-P-E-C-T... rather than whatever gangsta crap you are currently listening to. The underlying misogyny of this thread is quite clear.
Bosh? has that thug ever gotten past the 1st round past 5 years? ROFL. I live in Toronto and i know how desperately hard the media tried for Bosh to become a Star, because they couldn't get over VC. But hey i guess it worked.
if they were over VC then fans wouldn't boo him everytime he has the ball in his hans, maybe once or twice during the game but not all game long.
You just self-owned yourself there kid. I know for a fact that people in Toronto STILL have not gotten over VC, and hence they Boo him, and i always watch the raptors board as they talk about Vince atleast once a day rofl. Nice try living in Denial, continue failing.
Why are you rolling on the floor laughing? I don't get what's so fucking funny. I don't miss him at all. I know he's a good player, but I don't sit around and wish that he was still here. He came and he left. I wish T-Mac were still here. I wish Billups was still here. I wish Camby was still here. But Carter, not really. And please don't speak on behalf of every Toronto Raptors fan. The Toronto posters here have tried hard to tell every Net fucktard who believes we want Vince Carter that we don't. Don't talk shit.
Go to realgm raptor forum (a lot more active forum compared to sportstwo) before you even attempt to say "we dont want him back" I see new threads almost EVERYDAY saying they want him back. Your in denial once again.
Your underlying racist tones are quite clear also. I wish I was 80 with white privelege, too. Stupid ass honkeys still think they run sh*t and try to push their values on others. Get a life.