Clippers Very Confident That Kobe Will Sign

Discussion in 'Los Angeles Clippers' started by mike18946, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. mike18946

    mike18946 JBB

    Jan 29, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">"Kobe Bryant is very seriously considering moving to the Clips, sources within the Lakers and Clippers told HoopsHype's Gery Woelfel. The sources claim Bryant has an excellent rapport with several Clippers coaches and players - moreso than his current Lakers coaches and teammates - an that his wife is adamant about staying in the L.A. area."


    The person who wrote this Gery Woelfel stated in a recent radio interview that according to most GM's and insiders around the league he is 80% sure Kobe will be a Clipper next season.
  2. Captain Quicks

    Captain Quicks JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 17, 2004
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    Imagine that Kobe Bryant a Clipper moving on down to the other side of town.. I wouldnt like this too much even though I am a Clippers fan, because my boy Q will be out if Kobe is in.. If Kobe comes here where will Q head off to?
  3. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    Q will go to Denver and play next to Melo.
    I'm not that high one Kobe coming to the Clippers, not that I'll be angry, but man....
  4. Mez

    Mez JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 8, 2004
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    Being a Laker fan before a Clipper fan, i would hate to see Kobe leave the Lakers. But on the other hand, if the Clippers get Kobe they'll be set for many years to come. The team is already built perfectly for a guy like Kobe, with a hard working unselfish PF along with a very athletic and efficient scorer at the SF. The Clippers also have the promising young talent of their center Kaman and Wilcox as a backup, and the PG problem will likely be fixed with the #2 pick either by draft or by trade. I'm really looking forward to this offseason, it will be even more exciting than last year's.
  5. Martin

    Martin Back from retirement

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Imagine all the bandwagoners who jump on the Clippers wagon.I personally hate to see Kobe in a Clippers uniform cause imo the C's have perfect trio of Brand,Maggette and Q(youngest trio in the NBA).If I would be Clips owner I wouldn't sign Kobe,I would look for a PG but everything Donald cares about is money.
  6. bbwTwinTowers

    bbwTwinTowers BBW Member

    May 26, 2004
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    I don't think he will sign with the clips, he will probaly go somewhere where he can win sooner and longer.
  7. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Martin:</div><div class="quote_post">Imagine all the bandwagoners who jump on the Clippers wagon.I personally hate to see Kobe in a Clippers uniform cause imo the C's have perfect trio of Brand,Maggette and Q(youngest trio in the NBA).If I would be Clips owner I wouldn't sign Kobe,I would look for a PG but everything Donald cares about is money.</div>
    Are they younger than Amare, Marion and JJ?
    Anyways that's also one of the problems I have, all the bandwagoners that will join the Clippers, I don't want that, hardly anyone likes the Clippers right now then suddenly we'll have a huge fan base of people who aren't really fans.
  8. sactomofo

    sactomofo BBW Member

    May 30, 2004
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    I'm a little weary about the Clippers going after Kobe for a couple of reasons. First, if they do so then there will be no chance of Q returning (which imo would be a big mistake). Second, Kobe would probably try to do too much by himself which could take away from Elton and Corey. Thridly, what if the Clippers sign Kobe and he gets convicted? The clippers would be out a "franchise player" and will have lost Q in the process. Who would play SG then?
  9. Rave

    Rave JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 23, 2003
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    I also would hate to see him leave the Lakers, but Buss is trying all in his power and ability to keep him, so that's quite reassuring if you ask me. However if he did join the Clippers, I think it would be quite beneficial for him and the Clippers, but not really the Lakers.

    Here're my reasons, Brand, Maggette and Q-Rich are their own big buddy three, however they never seem to get the wins. Kobe could turn the tide and be just what they need, this is good for Kobe as he'd no longer be with Shaq and still reside in LA. Bad for the Lakers, why do you ask? Well a player of his caliber leaving the roster leaves a team very suscestible(sp?) especially since he's one of the best, especially in his position.

    They're facing so many problems with all the leaving, the roster and franchise may never be the same and have that killer depth it had whilst he was around. That's one of the many amongst many things that could ruin it for the Lakers, not to mention a changed and lost fanbase.
  10. notmuchgame

    notmuchgame JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 27, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Magic Johnson:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Here're my reasons, Brand, Maggette and Q-Rich are their own big buddy three, however they never seem to get the wins. </div>

    Exactly. Everyone keeps talking about the Clippers trio, but how many playoff games have they collectively participated in....ZERO...yes they are young, but they've been together for 3 years...and what progress have they shown? None if u measure progress by wins. In addition, Kobe isn't exactly a dinasaur. Kobe is 25 years old, Elton Brand is 25, Maggette is 24, Q-rich is 24.

    I've always felt the weak link in the Clipper trio was Q Richardson. He has shot under 40% his last two seasons, his shot selection is just horrendus, and he plays absolutely horrible defense. I dont think anyone would argue that they Clipps would lose anything if they chose Kobe or Q-rich.

    The bold franchises are the ones who succeed. The Clippers are the perrienial laughing stock of the league....what would the clippers have to lose if they signed Kobe...they can only go up...

    The problem I sense with many Clipper fans is that they (a) like to root for the underdogs thus they are clipper fans or ([​IMG] they root for the clippers becuase they like the younger exciting players (i.e. Q-Rich)...IN both cases, signing kobe would "taint" what they have. The Clippers might actually win some games, and with Kobe they'll have that mega-superstar. As a true Clipper fan, what more do you want?
  11. Rave

    Rave JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 23, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting notMuchgame:</div><div class="quote_post">Exactly. Everyone keeps talking about the Clippers trio, but how many playoff games have they collectively participated in....ZERO...yes they are young, but they've been together for 3 years...and what progress have they shown? None if u measure progress by wins. In addition, Kobe isn't exactly a dinasaur. Kobe is 25 years old, Elton Brand is 25, Maggette is 24, Q-rich is 24.

    What do you mean by the dinosaur comment? I'm not use to that/have never heard it. Also thanks for agreeing and supporting my view, this team deserves so much to go far, they have good players and great work ethic and effort and heck even an all-star in Mr. Stat Line 20 & 10, Elton Brand. It's not right that they haven't made the playoffs considering they have a good roster. The reason they can't win is because they don't have any backup and become over-reliant on their own stars. Even if they don't get or go after Kobe, I think they should try to improve their bench to compensate for whenever their trio screws up.
  12. Mez

    Mez JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 8, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Magic Johnson:</div><div class="quote_post">What do you mean by the dinosaur comment? I'm not use to that/have never heard it. </div>

    ^it means he's not an old player, eventhough he's been in the league for a long time.

    I also agree with you guys, and I've been supportive of this happening all year long. I love Richardson, he's my favorite Clipper but I would rather see the Clippers win with Kobe than them lose with Q. I don't know why everyone is so concerned about this "trio" thing, if you can sign Kobe to replace one of them it's only an upgrade.
    With a lineup of:
    C: Chris Kaman
    PF: Elton Brand
    SF: Corey Maggette
    SG: Kobe Bryant
    PG: Shaun Livingston?

    You can't go wrong with that. I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped right to the top of the west in their first year with that lineup.
  13. Rave

    Rave JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 23, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Phreeze:</div><div class="quote_post">^it means he's not an old player, eventhough he's been in the league for a long time.

    I also agree with you guys, and I've been supportive of this happening all year long. I love Richardson, he's my favorite Clipper but I would rather see the Clippers win with Kobe than them lose with Q. I don't know why everyone is so concerned about this "trio" thing, if you can sign Kobe to replace one of them it's only an upgrade.
    With a lineup of:
    C: Chris Kaman
    PF: Elton Brand
    SF: Corey Maggette
    SG: Kobe Bryant
    PG: Shaun Livingston?

    You can't go wrong with that. I wouldn't be surprised if they jumped right to the top of the west in their first year with that lineup.</div>

    The league will be in even bigger trouble once Kaman reaches the peaks of his skills. Chukk's told me a lot of how much of a stud he is in terms of ball, it's scary to think of the Clippers being contenders again.
  14. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    I'm really not concerned about the trio thing, but the losing is credited a lot to them being injured every single year, all three of them always miss like 20 games, and so does Jaric and Wilcox.

    I don't really want Q-Rich back anyways, he's a good guy but his defense is bad, he takes bad shots, is kinda selfish, but he is good on the baords.
  15. Mez

    Mez JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 8, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Magic Johnson:</div><div class="quote_post">The league will be in even bigger trouble once Kaman reaches the peaks of his skills. Chukk's told me a lot of how much of a stud he is in terms of ball, it's scary to think of the Clippers being contenders again.</div>

    Yeah, Kaman definitely has the potential to be a star in the league. He's got great footwork for a big guy, and he's also quick. He can post up and even make the outside shot once in a while. He also has the work ethic most big men seem to lack, and I think this guy will become a star in the near future.
  16. Emo

    Emo Active Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    I don't think Kobe will sign with the Clippers. With the recent news regarding Phil Jackson and Shaquille O'Neal, two of the guys that Kobe Bryant dislikes, and these two going elsewhere possibly, the table is now set for Kobe Bryant to sign that 140 million dollar contract because it will now be officially Kobe's team.
  17. ANiMuS

    ANiMuS JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I will be forever pissed at Kobe if he causes both Shaq and Phil to leave, and ends up ditching the Lakers anyway.

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