It’s almost (almost!) like you haven’t been paying attention. Go figure. Biden didn’t undo DEI (and anything and everything MAGA deems is connected to it), threaten the entire federal workforce (including air traffic controllers), make war on Somalia, etc, etc, etc. pull your head outta the MAGA fever swamp and pay attention. You are worth so much more than using cheap gotchas to deflect from the reality that is unfolding. At my age I’m going to get off easy. But your generation is gonna be paying the Trump/Musk bill for the rest of your lives. Hunker down buddy, it’s going to be long, hard ride. And whistling past the graveyard is not gonna help you one bit.
Oh, unfortunately I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He's killing the middle class and poor and gifting more to the wealthy.
I can't "like" that post because it is dreadful. But hey, they are making sure a transgender congresswoman doesn't use the ladies' room. And Elon Musk is getting richer.
being right wing in 2025 is all about suppressing free speech, expanding gitmo, using the military for deportations, stagflation, tariffs (consumer taxes) etc.
Very conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board, who endorsed Trump for president, called tariffs stupidest trade war ever. There is no goal, no end point, no demand. Stop illegal drugs? As long as there is demand there will be supply. They don't mention Trump just pardoned major international drug dealer. Border security? Canada already agreed to beef up border security. (I am old enough to remember the boast world's longest open border.) What is he trying to accomplish besides blowing up trade, alienating allies and increasingly prices? Like Paul Krugman said,the is doing it to show he can. A new word list that puts your grant application on the “review to reject” list.
This is simultaneously frightening and frighteningly stupid. Pathetic that the best that these musky AI geniuses can do is a badly designed keyword search. That would be encouraging, except that they don't really care what they destroy, as long as they get to destroy things. barfo
CDC website removed all references to contraception, violence against women, and HIV prevention. Agriculture department removed suggestions for farmers coping with climate change. As soon as head of WWE who has no education experience is confirmed as secretary of education, President Musk plans to shut down department of education.
Thirty agents and armored car used to arrest 62 year old Arizona man with no criminal record, who has lived in the country 40 years and has four American citizen children. In Texas a Trump voter, cop who thought Trump was pro police, attended protest yesterday. He is upset over January 6 pardons, and worried his father could be deported. Another one who never thought face eating leopard party would eat his face.
If they try to shut down the department of education there will be a huge outcry like when they tried the freeze and will be forced to backtrack.
Plots of land will be set aside elsewhere in the middle east for the current residents of Gaza. Maybe we'll call them "reservations"? And the US will own and redevelop Gaza. Guess Jared will get to build that hotel after all. barfo
Maybe Egypt, Jordon and others will take in Gazeans. As much as I cant stand Trump this may be a decent idea for peace in the mid east?