Actually it should be: Iverson - 32 James - 14 vcwannabe messed it up And I will add +James -Iverson Iverson - 31 James - 15
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting vcwannabe15:</div><div class="quote_post">Yeah its basically over so... THE WINNER OF THE ALL-STAR FANTASY ELIMINATION GAME: ~ALLEN IVERSON~</div> It ain't over till its over!!11223 LBJ Stand Up! +LBJ -AI Iverson - 30 James - 15 Wow this game sucks big time.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting vcwannabe15:</div><div class="quote_post">This game sucks now because there's only 2 players I am making a new one soon.</div> But this one isn't over!!111122 AI- LBJ+ Iverson-31 LBJ-14 Long live King James!!!!11222