The preview trailers looked great, for those short commercials.... Definitely worth the money, eh Tom?
Yep....wish I saw it in IMAX, but was concerned that the volumes would have blown my ears out. Visually stunning. There really isn't much acting, the plot essentially plays a leading role and the characters support it. Which is a good vehicle for a tech heavy story. All the visual sequences worm holes, black holes, etc. Were computationally produced by a retired CalTech Professor, he has two astrophysics manuscripts in preparation based on the modeling done for this film. For example, modern graphics utilize ray tracing and reflection....that wasn't going to work here, lol! I would read up about epileptics seeing this film to be safe, some strobe effects but not too bad.
My brother just saw it & his review & I quote, " Its the most drawn out boring piece of shit that I've seen in a long time".
Yeah, it would be a movie I would have to go it alone. Neither Kim or Ken can so much as handle Christmas Tree Lights. Even some fluorescents are hard on some epileptics. To be safe I will in fact see it alone, and in IMAX, simply because I am so deaf, the sound won't hurt my ears, may throw my equilibrium off, and I would be lethargic coming out of the Theater, I may walk a mile in the wrong way before I can find it. Visualize a few hundred peeps coming out of the IMAX, and hitting their key alarms to their vehicles, cuz everyone is disassociated with where they are....!
I can't see how anyone could be bored with this film. After seeing but one trailer when you posted this Tom, I have googled enough trailers to get a good feel for a "Must See" Movie, right up my and obviously your alley too Tom...thanks, I almost forgot about this movie, and would of missed it, if not for the post right here....!
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Yes I thought Star wars sucked, My brother thought Interstellar sucked. I'm sure there have been well reviewed movies that you thought sucked (God forbid). Not saying I won't see Interstellar just sharing an opinion that my brother had. That is okay isn't it?
Well no its not OK. Your experience is fine...we can discuss that. But your brother isn't a poster and no one can discuss his experience directly. This is a 8.9/10 rated movie.
Can't think of one I didn't like. I also don't need to enjoy the story or all characters to appreciate the film, plot, etc.
Your on Tom, I hope to catch it this weekend, if not by Friday....then I'd love to hear your take on astrophysics, ie, great hobbies and "work if you can get it"...(just a cliche). 2001 was way ahead of its time for most movie goers, who didn't have a hobby or job, in numerous fields, which made the Space Odyssey as real as could be any time or place....I loved that flick, and Solaris too..... Hell, I'm still waiting for McDonalds to put a Franchise halfway to the Space Station, or a better franchise company, than sick'o Mickey D's.....Dad, (I mean Commander) are we almost to the ISS yet, I got to use the bathroom, as the only Space Eatery Drive thru is within view...
just to think the D.O.D. let plenty of press releases out to all major newspapers around the new millennium, stating the X-43 and X-37; projects had been scrapped, due to SRAM and SCRAM rocket thrust, which were not close to being sufficient enough to launch such bad ass vehicles. Stating both Programs had been scrapped. With nothing new on the Horizon.....! Most non-Aerospace, and plenty of Aerospace employees bought the hype it wasn't ever going to see the time of day, while life went on, with few knowing this prize of a Ultra-Sonic vehicle, was on its way to more testing successfully.