This might be too soon or whatever. But in light of the hate going around. I'm thankful for the last 5 years given to our program. he helped move this program forward, and now I look forward to another coach who can help further it more. Wtd!
3 straight conference championships First Rose Bowl win in almost a century An appearance in the NC Unprecedented. Coach Kelly built this program into the program of the west during the 5 years he was here. Nothing but good memories.
Will you feel this way if it is revealed that Chip mortgaged our school by cheating so that he could get quick success and a ticket to the NFL?
Its good that he most likely isn't leaving because of Sanctions. Thats the only positive thing about this.. also I would love if we could get Chris Peterson.
We don't know all the facts yet, so I don't see why you're so quick to thank the guy for peacing out without warning.
Doesn't change the highs and lows (more highs) over the last 5 years. Do I wish he would stay? of course. But regardless of timing. . . You gotta do what you gotta do.
If we do have a new coach next year, hopefully we will raise the ceiling that Chip established.. Thank you chip, for taking our program to new heights, man. WIsh you all the best.
If he did cheat then we will deserve sanctions for employing such a character. Being how I have zero knowledge to him cheating or not.. Speculating on how mad I would be would not be worth my time to stress about.
That wasn't my question though Wheels. I'm asking if going to the Natty and winning the Rose Bowl were worth it if in the end that accomplishment is taken away and we lose future bowl entrees? Will they still be highs?
I can't go back and re-feel the emotions of a win or a loss so that doesn't change I guess? Tell you what if it comes out that chip ran a dirty program and mortgaged the program to get what he wanted then we can revisit this discussion. Until then its not worth my time to stress about or your time to read my neutral viewpoints
I still think it was a horrible decision to have all this come out a week before LOI day. I don't know if I agree with Zags that it was a good thing. I think it shows instability and that Kelly will eventually go to the NFL, possibly sooner rather than later.
If Kelly wasn't winning, and if he had Mike Riley's record over the past three years, he'd likely have been fired by UO last month. Or, is loyalty only a one-way street? I find the timing/loyalty argument to be garbage. Unless, of course, UO has Chip signed to a lifetime contract, no matter how he performs. It's episodes like Sunday night that are actually refreshing, because it shows how small-time the UO program/fanbase still is, and I think that's a good thing. Big Boy schools are used to their coaches being hot commodities, and realize that is part of having an elite coach heading an elite program. Who the hell cares when it happened? If someone hadn't leaked the information, nobody would have known about it. I just heard Nick Saban's name on SportsCenter as a target for the Indy job. I wonder if their fanbase will have a complete meltdown and start smearing him?
That's actually a poor analogy. Saban got his current job despite the fact the school knew he was a weasel who doesn't keep his word or honor contracts. This is the first time Kelly has shown a willingness to break his contract. You can't blame people for being upset. As for myself - I had already reached the conclusion that most college coaches are whores and sociopaths. Maybe Kelly will yet prove the exception - but excuse me if I don't hold my breath.
Didn't Saban return Bama to greatness? When was the last time they won a natty before he started coaching there? I give Chip a lot of credit for what he's done, but the Ducks have been building to this for decades now. It's not all on Chip. Mostly I was annoyed because I didn't want to lose out on all the recruits that we've been talking about over the last six months. If Chip leaves, we will replace him. You can't replace the guys who would transfer or pick another school. That would take years.