I have been a lions fan my entire life. I have stood by them the entire time. But I cant do it anymore! Their terrible! The game is about as fun to watch as bowling. I dont understand how every rookie they draft turns out to suck. Joey is the worst Quarterback in the league right now. (rating) Of course he has nobody blocking, nobody catching, and nobody running. But please their an NFL team! I hate the Lions now, I feel sorry for mooch. His career as a coach is over, just like all the last coaches. The greatest runnin back of all time quit, beacus the team sucked so bad. I think its time for the Lions to just quit. Maybe the Foreds should just end the team. And someone who has a clue about football but the stadium and get a new team. 3 years they have totally sucked ass, the next 3 years look no better!
Im not sure what you're talkin about...Besides Rogers, who is sick nasty, they're rookies have been playing damn well. Bailey, Holt, Fitzsimmons, Redding have all played great. Kircus has potential and Artos Pinner put up disgusting numbers in college but has been hurt all year. They'll be fine next year after they cut stewart and luther ellis(hopefully) and grab some free agents.
Hey...Lay off the bowling, the PBA gets better rating than the NHL on ESPN, so someone out there likes it....