Very surprised as Tom was with the timing and firing. They seemed to have been playing much better after the Butler trade. Reports show that this goes back to Wiggens vs LaVine, who to trade to Chicago. Tom wanted to trade Wiggens. Taylor wanted to keep him. Wiggens is paid a ton of money. Also reports are telling us Hoiberg is in line for the coaching job. Wow. Tom replaced twice for Fred Hoiberg!! You cannot make this stuff up.
Thibodeau was released by the Bulls because management didn't think he was a good organizational team player. It appears that the same thing happened in Minny. Reports from both places are that Thibodeau doesn't welcome input/ideas from other areas within the organization. Once upon a time, I was the top Human Resources Exec of a company. Without a doubt, I knew more about HR than anyone else in the company. Of course this didn't stop folks from other areas from forwarding articles they'd read or sharing their own ideas of things we should change in our HR policies/practices. Most of these ideas were worthless for our company, but I welcomed them all, and every now and again there was something worthy of further consideration. I can relate to Thibodeau's feelings about input from "amateurs," but there's an organizational good that comes from graciously accepting this input...and every now and again, you just might get something that can improve your organization.