To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

Discussion in 'NBA General' started by CelticBalla32, Nov 21, 2006.

  1. KMart?

    KMart? BBW Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2005
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    Bruce Bowen is a dirty player. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.We see here he blatently kicks Wally in the face. No one here can honestly say that "the kick was incontrolable."Everyone remembers Bruce Bowen twisting Vince Carter's ankle when he landed on it, but hey, sh*t happens right? What people don't remember is that the following year, Bruce Bowen did the exact same thing to Vince.I've seen numerous games (three I believe) where Bruce has poked someone in the eye trying to block their shot. Now I've seen many basketball games, and that rarely happens. I'll give it to you, he probably didn't mean to do it, but one must again question Bruce Bowen's tendency to "overjump" when trying to contest a shot (Refer to 2nd Paragraph)Then you have the accusations. Vinca Carter, Ray Allen, and I believe Tracy McGrady (I very well could be wrong here) have all stated that Bruce Bowen in a dirty player. They don't say that about guys like Ron Artest or Dwayne Wade.If you watch Bruce off the ball, not only does he hold on to jerseys (which, I must admit, really isn't a dirty move at all), he grabs on to arms, blatenly holds out his foot (I've seen him trip players several times) and isn't shy about giving an elbow.Bruce Bowen is a dirty player. How dirty is debatable. Is he a guy whos dirtiness has become so bad it is accepted, or is he a guy who only does what he needs to win? The options can be debated, but if you don't think Bruce Bowen is a dirty player your vision is being horribly slurred.
  2. Rok

    Rok BBW VIP

    Feb 13, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>Its like speeding on the road. Is that honestly considered something that is that bad? I certainly dont think so...</div> In some cases yes. Someone speeding down the road at plus 90 or over 100 is not safe at all. There's a reason why we have speed limits, I know most people don't abide by it but it's not like their going 20-30 mph over the suggested speed limit. Plus the fact you'll get pulled over by the police for speeding makes it a bad thing.On topic, I don't really know many who doesn't think Bowen is not a dirty player. I do know people who think his dirty play is because he's a good defensive player. I think that's wrong and teaches kids the wrong way to play defense. Bowen's tactics has and will lead to injuries and it's wrong for basketball. I find it odd that only now the league has looked into his actions.
  3. Something-To-Say

    Something-To-Say BBW Banned

    Jul 11, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    Well it depends on when you pull on the jersey. If it's when they're making a move, it's dirty because you're hindering them, and that's not really fair.And who the heck said speeding wasn't bad? Are you kidding? 30 mph hitting a person can perhaps kill them, and speeding WILL kill them. Every extra mph you think is no big deal can certainly mean an extra hundred dollars of damage or an extra life taken just so you could go somewhere faster or get your kicks.
  4. koopa

    koopa BBW Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CelticBalla32 @ Nov 22 2006, 01:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>[​IMG]Bastard kicked Wally in the face! [​IMG] But I don't care if you are a fan of the Spurs or not, you can't argue that he sometimes does to thing a little bit "dirty." I am not saying he's a dirty player, and I am not taking his god-like defensive ability (my opinion, probably the best perimeter defender in the NBA). But I made this thread because people defend Bowen when people call him dirty, and they make it sound like he's never done anything dirty. He has.I do agree that so many things get taken out of hand, like when Ray Allen and Vince bi*ch about him. They are just frustrated because he's such agood defender and he disrupts the hell out of their game. But he DOES indeed make some plays and do some things that aren't right.EDIT: By the way, the elevation on that jump (in the gif above) is amazing.</div>I love that .gif....wally shouldn't have pump faked lol.....and hell yeah bowen is dirty, and that's what I like about him, he brings the best out in players and exposes them, and what I mean by that is, he exposes them if they are a whiny little hoe like lets say ray allen and vince carter or he exposes if you are a great player that welcomes his style and steps up their game like kobe bryant and t-mac lol
  5. CelticBalla32

    CelticBalla32 Basketball is back in Boston

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 24 2006, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>I love that .gif....wally shouldn't have pump faked lol.....and hell yeah bowen is dirty, and that's what I like about him, he brings the best out in players and exposes them, and what I mean by that is, he exposes them if they are a whiny little hoe like lets say ray allen and vince carter or he exposes if you are a great player that welcomes his style and steps up their game like kobe bryant and t-mac lol</div> :no3: But it's one thing to be a tough defender, which Bowen is, and disrupt people's game and get into their heads. That's what a great defender does. But when it gets to the point where he is purposely hurting people (kicking Wally, making sure people land on his foot - resulting in ankle injuries, poking people in the eyes, tripping, etc.) that is wrong.
  6. koopa

    koopa BBW Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    yeah I'm so sure he meant to kick wally in the face, he was just running and trying to block a shoot.ray and vince are whiney hoes cause they go to the media to complain like bitches, and that bi*ch ray even called stu jackson to make sure bowen got fined, that's a bi*ch move and those two are dirty hoes that will never win a championship
  7. Justice

    Justice BBW VIP

    May 28, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 24 2006, 12:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>those two are dirty hoes that will never win a championship</div>Could you be anymore trite and cliche?
  8. CelticBalla32

    CelticBalla32 Basketball is back in Boston

    Feb 16, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 24 2006, 01:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>yeah I'm so sure he meant to kick wally in the face, he was just running and trying to block a shoot.</div>Last time I checked, you block a shot with your hand, not your foot. Also, are you telling me he couldn't have moved his foot? You kidding me? He jumped from like 7 feet away and he had his leg extended towards his face the entire time.
  9. Rok

    Rok BBW VIP

    Feb 13, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'>yeah I'm so sure he meant to kick wally in the face, he was just running and trying to block a shoot.ray and vince are whiney hoes cause they go to the media to complain like bitches, and that bi*ch ray even called stu jackson to make sure bowen got fined, that's a bi*ch move and those two are dirty hoes that will never win a championship</div> [​IMG] I can't believe your defending that. Also, if a guy makes a dirty play that leads to injury. I think that player has every right to bi*ch about it. Technically speaking, if I were to throw an elbow into your face during a game, are you telling me your not going to react to it? Now by react, I don't mean convulsing uncontrollably, I mean are you going to retaliate?
  10. koopa

    koopa BBW Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    F*ck them, what does it matter if they get hurt, they are worthless to the nba, not like they'll ever win a damn thing in their careers
  11. KMart?

    KMart? BBW Elite Member

    Aug 21, 2005
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 24 2006, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>F*ck them, what does it matter if they get hurt, they are worthless to the nba, not like they'll ever win a damn thing in their careers</div>Vince Carter and Ray Allen are worthless to the NBA? Two perenial All-Star who mean everything to their team? Two guys who make the league thousands if not millions of dollars through jersey sales and endorsements? Two guys who actually give the league a decent image?Are you actually defending Bruce Bowen's kick to Wally's face? If so, I don't even have to say anything.My friend, not only do your posts come off as stupid, but you are horribly immature and biased. And I'm not even going to get into your grammar/typing ability. If English is your first language, you should be downright ashamed.
  12. ballerman2112

    ballerman2112 BBW Elite Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CelticBalla32 @ Nov 24 2006, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>:no3: But it's one thing to be a tough defender, which Bowen is, and disrupt people's game and get into their heads. That's what a great defender does. But when it gets to the point where he is purposely hurting people (kicking Wally, making sure people land on his foot - resulting in ankle injuries, poking people in the eyes, tripping, etc.) that is wrong.</div>CB, I can understand how kicking Wally in the face is purposley trying to hurt him...I will give you that. There is really no excuse. But if you look at EVERY incident where people land on his feet(which is like 2 or 3) it is with his back turned trying to box them out. That is what happenned with Vince Carter. It is an instinct as a basketball player and even more so for a player like Bruce Bowen who thrives off of defense and hustle. Bruce and Ray Allen dont like each other....period. Ray Allen does dirty stuff to him to in the sequence of the game, so I honestly wouldnt take anything they do to each other too serious. And did anybody watch the Spurs vs. Mavericks earlier this season? When Josh Howard shoved the sh*t out of Bruce Bowen? It was obvious that Josh Howard just fell down and Bruce couldnt really slow down so he just kinda walked over him. And Josh Howard flipped out about it. Is that something that you would consider "dirty" by Bruce Bowen, because it is similar to alot of the other stuff that he does. Aside from the Wally incident that is...
  13. ballerman2112

    ballerman2112 BBW Elite Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Justice @ Nov 24 2006, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>No. Look at my sig. I actually know what's funny. What I dislike about Spurs fans is that they are very frequently bandwagoners and have little respect for any other team in the league. They think that only the Spurs matter. The only argument you people ever make is, "lol we haf chapionshits luk @ uz!!!11" You don't see Celtics fans talking about how they have a shitload more championships than everyone else, because they actually have knowledge about the NBA in most cases. They can make a reasonable, meaningful argument that isn't completely obnoxious.</div>Hey buddy, I am a Spurs fan and I view myself as a person who has NBA knowledge about every team AND I am not biased so there is an exception. And if celtics fans at this site were alive when they watched them win championships, im sure they would talk about it a little bit more.
  14. koopa

    koopa BBW Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (nba dogmatist @ Nov 24 2006, 02:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>how was anyone supposed to tell you were kidding? I still don't think you were.</div>well, for one, when I'm defending something that is obviously wrong it usually means I'm kidding...I do think ray and vince are little hoes for crying to the media instead of just stepping up their game like kobe and t-mac do........but think what you will, not like it matters since it is only a message board
  15. Justice

    Justice BBW VIP

    May 28, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ballerman2112 @ Nov 24 2006, 02:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Hey buddy, I am a Spurs fan and I view myself as a person who has NBA knowledge about every team AND I am not biased so there is an exception. And if celtics fans at this site were alive when they watched them win championships, im sure they would talk about it a little bit more.</div>I said most Spurs fans, not all. I figured you'd probably respond, but I didn't intend on calling you anything. And yeah, Celtics fans probably would, but the ones I have seen here are actual NBA fans and therefore have valuable NBA knowledge.Do you not agree with me that championships have nothing at all to do with whether or not Bowen is a dirty player? Do you not agree that championships have nothing at all to do with whether or not another player has the right to complain if they think that's true?<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 24 2006, 03:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>I see nothing funny in your sig............. well I don't know about the bandwagon part because there is no onne here to compare with the likes of your fellow fan wagas.......I know at the wire that there is nothing but bandwagon fans of the mavs.......and I haven't seen no spurs fan here brag about a championship even though I rarely read in this section, so I guess you are referring to ballerman????????.......and like ballerman said these celtic fans are to young, they weren't a live when they were winning so it doesn't matter to them as much, so that has nothing to do with I think you just hate spurs fans because the mavs have never done anything until last year and then choked it away even the the refs helped the heat out</div>I could barely sift through this drivel, but I'll try to refute it.As for the pig slop about Waqas... yeah, okay, he is a bandwagoner and an idiot, but there are quite a few quality Mavs posters. The only quality Spurs poster here is ballerman. I don't post at the wire, so I don't know anything about that or why you even brought it up. Way to be irrelevant again.I, coincidentally, know people in real life who happen to be Spurs fans and similarily know Mavs fans as well. Pretty much every Spurs fan I know is a sorority girl or a frat daddy who has little to no knowledge about basketball. On the other hand, the Mavs fans I know are people who actually have watched basketball for years, played it, etc. Rockets fans are generally alright as well, even though they can be assholes, too.Celtics fans do not generally remember their championships, but they also aren't completely banal, vapid, and irrelevant, either. That was my point.
  16. koopa

    koopa BBW Elite Member

    Feb 14, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    smh........I never once said because they don't have a championship it doesn't give them the right to complain...I called them bitches because they complained to the media about bowen playing dirty....why do they have to be bitches??? why can't they be like kobe bryant and t-mac and just step up their game instead of worry about the refs bailing them out of everything??? that is why I called them bitches.....then I just said they are never gonna amount to anything in the nba, that's just my opinion on them, it's not because they don't have a championship and bowen does, it's because I hate themand why is it ok for you to bring up people I don't know, and it's not ok for me to bring up people you don't know??? you are doing what I'm doing when I referred to the mavs fans at that other site except you are bringing people that you've's the exact same sh*t
  17. Illosophee

    Illosophee BBW Elite Member

    Sep 9, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <span style="font-family:Book Antiqua">Bowen's a great defender, but he plays a tad bit too dirty at times. You can't tell me that that is respectable, now can you?BTW, that thing he pulled on VC was just cheap, man. That's below degradable. Bowen aims to injure players at times.</span>
  18. Justice

    Justice BBW VIP

    May 28, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (koopa @ Nov 25 2006, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>smh........I never once said because they don't have a championship it doesn't give them the right to complain...I called them bitches because they complained to the media about bowen playing dirty....why do they have to be bitches??? why can't they be like kobe bryant and t-mac and just step up their game instead of worry about the refs bailing them out of everything??? that is why I called them bitches.....then I just said they are never gonna amount to anything in the nba, that's just my opinion on them, it's not because they don't have a championship and bowen does, it's because I hate themand why is it ok for you to bring up people I don't know, and it's not ok for me to bring up people you don't know??? you are doing what I'm doing when I referred to the mavs fans at that other site except you are bringing people that you've's the exact same sh*t</div>Bowen has a championship, but he will never be an HOF. They should be, so I think that's amounting to something. Once again, having a championship has nothing to do with anything, which is why I'm calling you a moron. They shouldn't have to "step up their game." They shouldn't have to worry about some ***hole trying to end their careers. It's one thing slapping and pulling jerseys, completely different with all the other things he does.


    Apr 11, 2004
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    Thread cleaned up. Feel free to PM each other.
  20. Waqas

    Waqas Member

    Mar 24, 2006
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    Re: To everyone who says Bowen isn't even a tad bit dirty...

    Look, Bowen IS a dirty defender. The he hits other people belongs to the NFL and all. Just look at Roy Williams. He used a dirty move (the horse-collar) and there's a rule called the Roy Williams Rule.But this is basketball, where the offense should get the benefit from rules as it's supposed to be high-scoring. Looking at that, there should be a Bruce Bowen Rule at least for the things he does that can injure a player.Hey, the NFL did it, even though it's a lower-scoring game...

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