

stampedehero, Jan 19, 2016
    • stampedehero
      This is my backyard.....when I sleep
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      Mattingly23NY Hero, where in the world was this awesome pic taken? In your backyard? really? You live near Baltimore don't you? Seems I could see this as a freeway system much like LA's, glowing over hill tops for 60 miles plus. Yet, the hills directly in front look like a wildfire scene, and the STARS in the background, holy smokes, that is a epic photo you got there, what more can you tell me of it?

      Rob aka M23NY
    • stampedehero
      I really do not recall where I found it back in Feb 2016, but the picture is amazing. What intrigued me was the filtered light particles dispersing into the sky hovering over a valley of fire.:)
    • stampedehero
      I actually live in the often ridiculed State of NJ near Princeton. NJ was well known for superfund sites (approximately 100). Like New Yorkers we tend to forget about it.
      I found out that the Eastern part of Kentucky had a dramatic 25% increase of cancer while NJ dropped its rate by about the same.
      The only increases I had seen lately is a 22 cent per gallon gas tax. We once were the lowest in the nation. Still, at $2.18 to 2.35 the price is bearable.
      I had retired and am in the midst of a decent part time job search without weekend duty. I have become addicted to Utube alien presence and historical evidence on the planet. The sightings had dramatically increased, especially over Mexico.
      Lastly, I can work for a municipality or State fire Inspector position six months after I retire as per State law. I would prefer that choice. I know you are a professional retiree.
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    Jan 19, 2016
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