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Mar 15, 2011
Jan 3, 2005
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May 31, 1989 (Age: 35)
Irvine, CA

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JBB SmurfY, 35, from Irvine, CA

DynastYWarrioR6 was last seen:
Mar 15, 2011
    1. J_Ray
      I updated the draft page to help you out a bit. Didn't realize I still had that power.
    2. drexlersdad
    3. Moo2K4
      You need to update the draft thread there amigo. You're a few picks behind.
    4. J_Ray
      You were a few hours too late there ;)
    5. J_Ray
      Did you really just leave a message?
    6. Really Lost One
      Really Lost One
      glad to see you back :)
      thanks a lot Dynasty, appreciate it.
    8. Return of the Pegs
      Return of the Pegs
      Yes, this is indeed the sexiest S2 poster alive.
    9. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      only one way to learn.. take your lumps :D
    10. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      wooo defensive now are we... must be hitting on the truth :D

      p.s. you gotta get in on the MMA pick'em league for season 3.. that way me and Celtic King can kick yours and mamba's ass like the Celtics kicked the Lakers ass
    11. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      lol yeah but that 2hrs/night was self induced mr. Onsportstwo22/7
    12. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      from some of the posts you've made before I would have sworn you use hoopsworld.. but I guess RealGM must borrow from them as the post a lot of news about teams from local newspapers or just borrow from the same headlines.

      maybe hoopsworld is just faster.

      oh, survived the day with 4 hours of sleep ;)

      how's the cold :D
    13. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      LOL finally made your way over to hoopsworld I see.. I posted the CP3 news on the other nba site I visit this morning :P
    14. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      LMAO... dude if someone clicks on my profile and reads "thats good....they are more vulnerable at the younger ages." they're going to be like WTF?!?! :D

      here's to reading half the conversations ;)

      Did you see the Bulls/Lakers game tonight? I'm curious as to how Derrick Rose looked? Had some monster rookie numbers.. I think he may beat Oden for ROY.
    15. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      ugh, just got over a stomach virus... emptied my stomach contents Monday night.. Junior keeps bringing all these bugs home from daycare and shares them with mommy and daddy but luckily isn't getting sick himself :D
    16. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      just tonight... every now and then I have nights where I can't sleep. I woke up at 12 (3 hours ago) and spent nearly 2 hours trying to get back to sleep and then gave up. My son has started sleeping through the night on most nights over the last week... keep your fingers crossed :D
    17. Celtic Fan
      Celtic Fan
      yeah insomnia is a bitch...
    18. JE
      Wait you're a Bucs fan?

      Why the hell are you not posting in there? I've been talking to myself for the whole season! >=(
    19. Really Lost One
      Really Lost One
      ah. okay it's all good.

      7-0 BITCH!!! :]
    20. Really Lost One
      Really Lost One
      can you help me with my math??? :(

      laker fan to laker fan!!!
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  • About

    May 31, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Irvine, CA



    <div align="center">"Love me or hate me, it's one or the other. Always has been. Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran. A champion. Hate that. Hate it with all your heart. And hate that I'm loved, for the exact same reasons." -<span style="color:#FF0000">Kobe Bryant</span></div>

    Props to GMJigga​
