You worry more bout what people are saying on this board than what's actually happening on the field.
HAHA - hardly. im not the one caring enough to send IM's about "you know what bothers me about your posting" how you hate what you are! LOL. Go Ducks, yah!
DuckFootball Rob Moseley Why hasn't DT been keeping on the option this season? Maybe to set up future opponents. Like, say, Stanford, tonight.
btw- if you aren't smart enough to tell the diff between a fan defending players and a fan directly complaining about someones style of post - maybe a reality check is in order LOLO
His knee touches, but where the Duck player is in the shot, you can't tell when the ball changes possession. I don't think there's enough evidence to overturn that. If they do overturn, I think it will be a bad call.
That's a bad call. Could he have been down? Maybe, but there wasn't enough evidence to overturn that call. Bunch of bullshit.