Discussion in 'AFC West' started by Send em back al, Dec 24, 2003.

  1. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    The year is 1963. Ma and Pa "Chip" are blessed with a little Chip they can call their own. Al Davis is hired as the fourth ever Head Coach of the Oakland Raiders. Professional football would never be the same. Two quick wins over Houston and Buffalo had fans cheering in the street. The second win surpassed the win total of one from 1962, and tied the win total of two in 1961. The joy however was not to last as the hot start was followed by four straight losses. Sandwiched between two 20-14 losses to Boston were a shutout loss to Buffalo and a loss to the Jets. Now sitting at 2-4, hopes for a first ever winning season were on the wane. And, the divisional games hadn't even begun!

    Fortunately, the divisional games did begin, but not before the RAIDERS took out some frustration on the visiting Jets to the tune of 49-26. That was followed by a squeaker at San Diego (34-33) and a pair of back-to back wins over KC. 6-4! That sixth win equaled the franchise best ever in wins!

    The final road game of the season was a week 11 trip to Denver. Chalk up a win at 26-10. Despite the 7-4 record, the RAIDERS were still two games back to their next opponent, San Diego, in the standings, but a 41-27 walloping brought them to within one. Week 13 brought Denver to town for a 35-31 nail biter. The season ended with another thrilling (if not chilling) 52-49 win over Houston.

    Alas, 10-4 and second place in the West was not good enough to get into the post-season. The two 7-6-1 teams from the East, Boston and Buffalo, had a game to determine who would get to play the Chargers in the AFL Championship game. San Diego won their only AFL crown by beating Boston 51-10.

    The RAIDERS, under the leadership of Al Davis have gone on to become one of the winningest professional sports franchises of all time.

    And they all lived happily ever after.

    The End
  2. Cowboy71

    Cowboy71 Dallas Cowboys *********

    Dec 18, 2003
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    So do the Raider faithful owe allegance to Al Davis or to Ma and Pa Chip? Hmmm.....
  3. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    Good freakin question. I guess I'll ask later today.
  4. Send em back al

    Send em back al nfl-*****s member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    Al Davis, reached for comment just prior to dining on Xmas day is reported to have asked, "Who the F*** is chip?".

    Ma and Pa Chip having divorced some eighteen years previous were each found dining in their respective homes with their respective second spouse.

    Ma Chip was quick to point out that Mr. Davis, besides changing the way people look at the game of football also invented cotton candy and the shelled peanut. It was suggested that the next visit by reporters be timed for before the cocktail hour.

    Pa Chip was somewhat restrained in his comments but reportedly looked splendid in his new white jacket and matching pants. Pa Chip was quick to point out that Georgia Frontiere kill Carol Rosenbloom and that he himslf (Pa Chip) had invented cotton candy and shelled peanuts. For those interested, visiting day at the "spa" is Thursday from 10AM-2PM
  5. DolfanDale

    DolfanDale Active Member

    Dec 18, 2003
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    Louisville, KY
    I can understand the desire for cotton candy but who would waste live ammo on a peanut?

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