Assume the Bellinell/Wright/Beans for Amare goes through. Then 1) Monta/CJ/Law??? 2) Jax/Curry/Buike 3) Magette/Morrow 4) Randolph/Davidson?? 5) Amare/Turiaf/Kurz Help me out...lots of holes
Well, Turiaf will end up playing alongside Amare I predict for stretches, with Amare hopefully holding up about 40 minutes a game. There's a chance we ask them for Clark back, but might have to settle for Amundson or Dudley if we get anything at all. Buike or Maggette will probably end up playing a good number of minutes at the 4 in Nellie's small ball format.. Jax moving over to the 3 for Curry. That's basically the rotation assuming Amare goes through and no other trades or FA signings are made.
Sure... and if you look at that rotation, there's pretty much 10 guys who can play everyday minutes. Which is more than Nellie traditionally uses. That lineup is definitely more explosive than last years roster, I'm not sure it's better though. The depth isn't there at all, but then again, Nellie hasn't dipped into the undrafted yet to fill the rest of the spots I'd love to see Magette moved somehow though.
I'd trade the next 3 lottery picks for some direction with this franchise. I'm starting to think the Warriors are nothing but a re-hash of the clippers. You'd think out of all these lotteries we'd find our way out of the hole.