Welcome to the 2022-23 Caption Contest! The rules are simple. Post a caption to the given picture before tipoff on game day. After the game the caption with the most likes wins for that game. You will receive 3pts for winning and 2 points for posting a caption for a possible total of 5 points. I will include updated standings in the op on the caption contest thread for each game. At the end of the season, the poster with the most points at the end of the season wins NOTICE: THE LAST CAPTION CONTEST WILL BE A BONUS GAME. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BET ANY AMOUNT OF YOUR ACCRUED POINTS ON A BONUS QUESTION. I WILL POST IT TOMORROW. Standings @riverman - 234 @Chris Craig - 228* @e_blazer - 207 @theprunetang - 204 @rotary111 - 169 @swish3 - 161 @SlyPokerDog - 143 @BassPlaya - 136 @TBpup - 132 @HomerLovesKoolAid - 126 @Shaboid - 78 @Whyachi - 74 @stampedehero - 69 @Irish Trader - 56 @andalusian - 49 @twobullz -47 @Terkish - 33 @Stevenson - 38 @DDolla - 25 @BlazerBender - 15 @HailBlazers - 9 @Hoopguru - 8 @Sloth - 8 @damianlillard - 7 @tykendo - 4 @SIeepwalker - 4 @mook - 4 @KingSpeed - 2 @Mediocre Man - 2 @BBert - 2 @beast crnjo - 2 @blazerfan11 - 2 @Cugel - 2 @MickZagger - 2
Simons - (Man, dudes clothes are plaaaaain Jane) Lillard - (Man, that shirt is like a damned neon sign) Hetzel - (I should not have eaten that gas station burrito)
Dame: Just watch and learn how much influence the point guard can have on Blazer scoring! We can both learn from Skylar!
The winner of 2022-23 Caption Contest #81 is @theprunetang Standings @riverman - 236 @Chris Craig - 230* @e_blazer - 209 @theprunetang - 209 @rotary111 - 169 @swish3 - 163 @SlyPokerDog - 145 @BassPlaya - 138 @TBpup - 134 @HomerLovesKoolAid - 128 @Shaboid - 78 @Whyachi - 74 @stampedehero - 71 @Irish Trader - 58 @andalusian - 49 @twobullz -47 @Terkish - 33 @Stevenson - 38 @DDolla - 25 @BlazerBender - 15 @HailBlazers - 9 @Hoopguru - 8 @Sloth - 8 @damianlillard - 7 @tykendo - 4 @SIeepwalker - 4 @mook - 4 @KingSpeed - 2 @Mediocre Man - 2 @BBert - 2 @beast crnjo - 2 @blazerfan11 - 2 @Cugel - 2 @MickZagger - 2