76ers Fact Or Fiction

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by Avery, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. XunS

    XunS JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Fact. On his day AI is one crazy player. Floaters, runners, lay ups and shots he can do them all. Plus his speed on the break will give him afew easy baskets. So even if he doesn't get his 60 point game again, he shouldn't be far from it ( around 50 to 58).

    Fact or Fiction : Iguodala will be the MVP for the '06 Rookie Challenge?
  2. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting B-22:</div><div class="quote_post">Let me ask you this. What gives you the indication that AI doesn't have much left in the tank? Come on man he just came off a 30 and 8 season. In my opinion he is in the prime of his career. I believe AI can average 30 and 9 or 10 this year, like he did in the playoffs. The tank still has plenty left.....

    Anyway, I don't think Wagner could have a breakout season with the 76ers. He would be playing off the bench so I don't really see him "breaking" out.</div>

    Iverson turned 30 this past off-season and with all the injurys he had in the past I am not sure how A.I's body will react to being a year older with all these prior injurys. A.I ,if he wants to play another five or six years as one of the leagues best scorers, has to change his game. At 30 he can't afford to take those hits in the post anymore like he did when he was 26 or 27. His body is going to be physically breaking down, and it's going to take longer for his body now to recover from those injurys where he just played with them.

    Mo Cheeks will definitely try to change Iverson's game this year if he already hasn't. You'll see alot of 10-15 foot jumpers/floaters where in the past you'll see Iverson take a hit in the post then go to the line. His points a game will suffer early in the season while he adjusts to this change but once he gets a feel for it he'll be fine.

    I'm not saying that A.I will stop driving into the post completely it's just that now that he turned 30 he has to be careful with his body being that he is one injury away from being retired. Iverson's great at what he does and I don't think anybody wants to change that 100%. It's just minor things Mo will do to A.I that you'll see a minor change in his numbers, that's all.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Fact or Fiction : Iguodala will be the MVP for the '06 Rookie Challenge?</div>

    Fiction. He is definitely somebody that can win it but guys like Shaun Livingston, Ben Gordon, Dwight Howard, and Luol Deng also improved their game over the off-season too and one of them is going to win it with Iggy not far behind. Also who knows, the rookies may come away with this one where I wouldn't be surprised.

    Fact or Fiction - Mo Cheeks will stay here for more then three years.
  3. Apollo

    Apollo JBB Into The Fire

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I think it just depends on where he takes us in the future. But it seems like King and Mo have a very close bond, I think he`ll be around for a while.

    Fact or Fiction- Louis Williams was the right person to draft at our spot.
  4. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    That can be either fact or fiction, because there was Blatche and Gomes still availble and some Sixer fans would have preferred them over Louis. I personally liked the selection of Louis Williams because I'm a Louis fan and I can follow his carreer even more now, so it'll be Fact for me.

    Fact or Fiction: Steven Hunter will win the MIP honors this season.
  5. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    FICTION. That's very hard to do but Hunter will improve a lot this season.

    Also how can you say that Louis was the right pick? RYAN GOMES was on the draft board at the time we were picking. He filled our need at SF, he's big, he's a work horse, and he is a proven college player above all.

    F/F - Sammy Dalembert will develop a go to post move this season.
  6. TmacGarnett

    TmacGarnett JBB JustBBall Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    hes there for rebounds and shot blocking not pts (not a big sixers watching guy some1 tell me if im wrong plz)

    f or f
    sixers win division
  7. AznxBaller

    AznxBaller JBB Back...

    Aug 14, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">
    f or f
    sixers win division</div>
    I'm going to go with Fiction on this one, I think Celtics currently have a much better put together team with Pierce, Davis, and a couple of quality proven young guys. Still, its a close one.

    Fact or Fiction: Iverson will be a Sixer for life.
  8. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I'm going to go with Fiction on this one, I think Celtics currently have a much better put together team with Pierce, Davis, and a couple of quality proven young guys. Still, its a close one.</div>
    I don't think the Celtics are better then the 76ers, they didn't really start doing good to win the divison last year until after they got Toine.

    Anyway AI should be a 76er for life, there is always a chance he gets traded when he is a lot older though that happends a lot with the older guys in the league these days.

    Fact or Fiction: Willie Green will make a strong recovery from his knee surgery
  9. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting C.K.:</div><div class="quote_post">FICTION. That's very hard to do but Hunter will improve a lot this season.

    Also how can you say that Louis was the right pick? RYAN GOMES was on the draft board at the time we were picking. He filled our need at SF, he's big, he's a work horse, and he is a proven college player above all.

    F/F - Sammy Dalembert will develop a go to post move this season.</div>

    Read my post again..I never said it was the RIGHT pick, but since I'm a Louis fan I liked the pick, I already know we could have picked Gomes, who was on the board still(and hey I would have been just as happy If we did pick Gomes, like you said, It wouldv'e filled our need at SF.) but as a Williams fan I wasn't disappointed with the pick.

    Fact. Willie has alot of heart and I know he's doing everything he can to make a strong recovery.

    Fact or Fiction: Deng Gai will average at least 3 bpg.
  10. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Fiction for a rookie who was undrafted to average 3 blocks per game would have to be a record of some sort. I'd be happy if he gave us a single block
  11. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    United States
    fact or fiction: the sixers will make another big trade at the deadline this season
  12. N4S

    N4S BBW Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Fact: BK is known for this. I wouldn't be suprised if he already has in his mind what he is wanting to do. lol

    F or F: Louis Williams will be buried at the end of the bench most of the season.
  13. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting phiLA:</div><div class="quote_post">fact or fiction: the sixers will make another big trade at the deadline this season</div>
    That has already been asked on page one man.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">F or F: Louis Williams will be buried at the end of the bench most of the season.</div>
    It's hard to say considering Williams could get some minutes playing due to Willie Green's abesnce. So I'm saying fiction, I see him getting some playing time a little throughout his rookie year, and I'm looking for him to play a significant role in his sophmore season.

    Fact or Fiction; Steven Hunter will improve all of his stats, and be a key asset to the 76ers defense.
  14. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    Fact. Steven is only going to get better and better in Philly

    F or F: Dalembert will be a Sixer for life.
  15. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I'm going to have to say fiction, although I would probably like to see Sam a 76ers for life I think he is a player who will eventually just move on instead of staying with Philadelphia. But seeing him stay long term is good for now.

    Fact or Fiction:Andre Iguodala is a future All-Defensive team and defensive player of the year player.
  16. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    Fact/Fiction - Andre will be on an All-Defensive team one day but not defensive player of the year so yes my answer will be part fact, part fiction. There's a lot of guys in Iguodala's generation that I feel will win a defensive player of the year honors before their career is over (Okafor, Dalembert, etc.)

    F/F - Deng Gai will contribute some where down the road for the 76ers.
  17. Apollo

    Apollo JBB Into The Fire

    Sep 6, 2004
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    After watching DNL the other day with the whole Sixers staff, it sounded like he was a great picup and they were very pleased with him. So hopefully he can be something down the road.

    Fact or Fiction- Billy King is a good GM.
  18. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    Fiction. It's tough but I want to wait and see how Kyle Korver, Samuel Dalembert, Louis Williams, and Steven Hunter turn out to be in their prime. Guys Billy King either picked too high (Louis), or gave a huge contract to (Korver, and Dalembert) or simply took a risk by passing up a vet for him (Steven Hunter). Although Billy made some great picks in the draft with Korver, Green, and Dalembert (I don't consider Iguodala a great pick because he fell into our lap) he overpays for guys in the market. When it comes to scouting and drafting Billy King is one of the best in the league but when it comes to laying the money on the table for free agents he is one of the worst. If Dalembert can live up to the contract he was given then I might change my view on BK but right now, he is an average GM but a great scout.

    F/F - A.I will win a ring before his career is over.
  19. XunS

    XunS JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    This is a difficult one. But I'll say Fiction. AI plays with alot of heart in games and I don't think he'll settle without a ring. He'll most probably move later in his career or when he's a free agent to a title contender. But I'll definitely love to see Ai win a ring with the 76'ers.

    Fact or Fiction : Korver will hopefully learn something other then to shoot 3's in this preseason training.
  20. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Korver already plays with some hustle so he doesn't just shoot threes all the time. But hopefully he can learn how to create his own shots.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Fiction. It's tough but I want to wait and see how Kyle Korver, Samuel Dalembert, Louis Williams, and Steven Hunter turn out to be in their prime. Guys Billy King either picked too high (Louis), or gave a huge contract to (Korver, and Dalembert) or simply took a risk by passing up a vet for him (Steven Hunter). Although Billy made some great picks in the draft with Korver, Green, and Dalembert (I don't consider Iguodala a great pick because he fell into our lap) he overpays for guys in the market. When it comes to scouting and drafting Billy King is one of the best in the league but when it comes to laying the money on the table for free agents he is one of the worst. If Dalembert can live up to the contract he was given then I might change my view on BK but right now, he is an average GM but a great scout.</div>
    I agree with you to a certain extent, but I just wanted to say something. Although the young guys did get very sizable contracts they were reasonable because other team were probably offering them the same kind of money. When NBA players, and agents are getting a deal done they are always going to mention how much the other teams are offering and that?s how those guys got those contracts. Dalembert was said to possibly get a big contract from Atlanta, I think Dallas offered the same money as Philly did to Steven Hunter, and the same with the other free agents we signed. I agree though, giving the young players big money is definitely very risky, hopefully it can turn out though because if it can the 76ers have a very bright future.

    Fact or Fiction- AI will be top three in assists per game this season.

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