I hope the Oilers end up winning in 7. Not because it'll be the first time a team has been down 0-3 and won, but because I kinda like a team from Canada winning the Cup. It's weirdly more common place in the NHL than any other sport actually...Never has happened in the NBA, only once in MLB (great series in 04, Boston beating the Yankees) but has happened 4 times in the NHL, including twice in the last 15 seasons.
I used to be a big fan of the NHL, but the strike season ruined it for me. Tonight is the first time since then I've watched any parts of a game, especially the Stanley Cup. I forgot how exciting the playoffs are in the NHL. Not gonna lie, pulling for Edmonton.
GAME 7 of the most coveted trophy in sports. Please do yourself a favor and tune in. Tune in for the passion. The hitting. The no one taking any plays off.
Covered Edmonton in my working days when Gretzky and Pockington were there. I thought blazerdom was crazy the Oilers fans are just nuts and about their team. When Gretzky was traded and Poe sold the team the city went ape shit. If you drove south of Red Deere Flame country you took your life in your own hands, it was worse than Sonic Blazers rivalry I ever saw. Downright confrontational. More like Yanks BoSox.
Let me tell you what 31-years does to a country--I hardly heard a Flames fan express discomfort with the Oilers winning this series.