Andre Got Robbed!!

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by Really Lost One, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. gr8drc

    gr8drc JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Okay Sixers Fans, just relax.. Yes, Iggy got robbed, but someone that's 5'9 is impressive to watch dunk, don't you think, that first doubled handed 360 dunk was pretty impressive to watch, and that 50 over Webb was nice too. It's about getting the crowd involved half the time and though Iggy's dunks were better, he didn't involve the crowd. Nice behind the backboard dunk though..
  2. jbbBigMo763

    jbbBigMo763 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting lil nba:</div><div class="quote_post">I hate Kenny Smith damn him he cheated like crazy and Rudy to. He help up a 10 and he out it down and put up a 9 damn him I see why retired he cant count and he's races. AI2 is still the champ to me and he will make sure next time we play the knicks he will dunk on Nate and everyone else. And even Spike Lee</div>

    Now, that's going a little too far...
  3. Midnight Green

    Midnight Green NFLC Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    As long as Earl Boykins does not enter the contest next year Nate's title is safe.
  4. Really Lost One

    Really Lost One Suspended

    Jan 25, 2005
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    United States
    kind of off topic and a stupid thought. but i would love to see shaq in the contest. for his dunk, he should shatter the backboard and break the rim. i wonder what the judges will score that?
  5. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    It's about getting the crowd involved based on your dunks not gimmics. Iggy's backboard limbo dunk was insane he got the crowd hyped all night after that. Nate's dunk was nice, but not after seeing him try it 14 damn times.

    The hyped and excited crowd you speak of left in disappointment and booed the contest.

    This is just going to keep players from wanting to participate now, because there was a definite push for the judges to vote Nate the winner.
  6. Brasco

    Brasco JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 30, 2005
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    Iggy messed up plain and simple, it wasn't rudy t. why do your best dunk in the 1st round, he should have known after that all his other dunks would pale next to it. even the crowd was kind of dissapointed with the dunks he brought out after it. save the best for last.
  7. shankyoass

    shankyoass Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

    Feb 15, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting lil nba:</div><div class="quote_post">[​IMG] [​IMG] I hate Kenny Smith damn him he cheated like crazy and Rudy to. He held up a 10 and he put it down and put up a 9 damn him I see why retired he cant count and he's races. AI2 is still the champ to me and he will make sure next time we play the knicks he will dunk on Nate and everyone else. And even Spike Lee</div>

    Buddy, learn how to spell. How can you say Rudy T. is RACIST? He has dealt with African American people for a long time, coaching them and playing with them. Did playing with black people prevent him from passing to them, or coaching them to championships? No.

    You calling him racist just shows how immature you are, and cannot accept the fact that Nate won.

    Go home and cry to your mommy.
  8. hustler

    hustler Revving up the Engine

    Dec 30, 2005
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    This thread is just for the peeps that don't accept the facts and start crying. Really, i think Nate deserved to win because: Iggy did the same 2 dunks which weren't as impressive as Nates even though he failed, it was hard for him because of his height. Iggy over Webb was just killer, can't touch it. Did u see Kobe's reaction when Nate called out Spud? Man that was funny.

    I don't care, i don't think he got robbed, it's my opnion anyways. The biggest mess up was Dirks 3 point shootout, he didn't deserve to make the finals because the last money ball didn't count! Mr big shot shouldve made it, now make a thread out of that.
  9. bbwSwish

    bbwSwish Harder. Better. Faster. Stronger.

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Yeah! Go Little Nate!

    (Leaves thread awkwardly)

  10. jbbBigMo763

    jbbBigMo763 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Johnnybrasco:</div><div class="quote_post">Iggy messed up plain and simple, it wasn't rudy t. why do your best dunk in the 1st round, he should have known after that all his other dunks would pale next to it. even the crowd was kind of dissapointed with the dunks he brought out after it. save the best for last.</div>

    I agree, but I think in the second dunk he HAD to use Iverson, because the rest of the guys used teammates. Probably a rule or something, because I know they had that in previous years.

    And how is this thread about people who can't accept the facts? I guess everybody except for Knick fans can't accept these facts, right? Nate knows 'Dre got robbed.

    Nate did some sick dunks, but after trying 14 times, he shouldn't have gotten that high of a score for a off the backboard quarter windmill. The Webb dunk was ridiculous... and it would have been funny if he hit Webb (he was close with his right foot), but sick nonetheless.

    All the players courtside knew Iguodala got robbed, as did the fans.

    It's funny people are saying that he took JR Smiths dunk from last year (behind the back), but the one Iggy did was harder, and he didn't get a 50, even though I believe Smith got a 50 for it last year. And also, Kenny Smith penalizes Iggy for missing a dunk, but doesn't penalize Nate?

    Nate put on a show, but people could clearly see that the contest was rigged. That's why the fans booed hometown hero Rudy T after he changed his score, and did not applaud during the trophy presentation.

    It's cool though... atleast Iggy will have the better career.

    I feel bad for Nate though, because he'll take some unnecessary heat for this whole thing, and will look like a sympathy winner when we look back on this contest.
  11. youn6-1

    youn6-1 JBB JustBBall Member

    Sep 12, 2004
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    i think the judging on this is really bad how can u give iggy a 44 on the reverse between the legs and then give a 46 to a regular between the legs doesnt make any sense. if you switch around the scores, which i believe the reverse bewtween the legs should have gotten a 46 then andre wins every1 goes home happy.
  12. jbbBigMo763

    jbbBigMo763 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    Who wants to make an "Iggy got robbed" sig for us all?
  13. Super_Sixer_Fan

    Super_Sixer_Fan JBB JustBBall Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I didn't know that if you were 5'9 you could win something over someone, who's clearly superior to you! I also didn't know, that if you can JUST touch the rim, you can win a dunk contest....I learned somethings today.


  14. AI2AI888

    AI2AI888 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Nothing against Nate Robinson, what he did was amazing, but come on, he should know he didnt win it. He was pissed at missing all those dunks and the look on his face was he knew it was over. If TNT and the NBA want to give him a trophy for being 5-9 with serious hops, fine. But dont rig the dunk contest just when you think its back. Chris Anderson got killed last year for missing a couple of dunks, and was ran out of the building. Yet its ok for Nate to get 25 tries at his dunks, and the misses arent going to be counted. Iggy should have just sat there and thought of something great, even if it was his first time, and do it a million times until he got it. Big ups to Nate, but Iggy was robbed.
  15. jbbBigMo763

    jbbBigMo763 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    You know what happened right after that?

    I'm in Houston, and me and my friends were watching him get screwed. My boy picked up his cell phone, called 911, and reported the robbery!
  16. PlaTsanity

    PlaTsanity JBB JustBBall Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    waaaaaaaaaaaaaaack game
    iggy clearly got robbed
    fricking kenny smith

    nate had more tries than chris anderson
  17. Chuck

    Chuck JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I love how you guys are so whiny and biased. It's funny to me.

    The deserving player was the victor. I was even rooting for Iguodala. He's one of my favorite young players.

    Reasons Iguodala lost:

    1) He did use his best dunk first. In the dunk contest, you have to progressively get better. Every dunk he did was anticlimactic after that.

    2) Andre Iguodala did the same two dunks in the finals, only taking off from differnet positions.

    3) He was much too complacent and uncreative in the dunkoff. He brought a dunk that we not only had seen before, but had seen earlier in the night by someone else. He thought that since Nate only had 44, that he could give a half-assed dunk and still win. No sir.

    4) Although Iguodala had the best dunk of the night, as a whole, Nate put much more thought and effort into his dunks.

    5) It is a rule, that is, the judges were told that you are to ignore the missed attempts, and judge based solely on the completed dunk.

    AI Jr. will be back, and he will win a slam-dunk competition. More specifically, he will win one that he deserves to win.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting BigMo763:</div><div class="quote_post">Who wants to make an "Iggy got robbed" sig for us all?</div>
    Some sore loser with a lot of free time? ;-)
  18. Smitty

    Smitty brush em off.

    May 3, 2004
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    I love how people are trying to put us down cause we're upset our boy Iggy didn't win. Are we supposed to be happy he lost? It's called being a fan.
  19. Chuck

    Chuck JBB JustBBall Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Psycho Drama:</div><div class="quote_post">I love how people are trying to put us down cause we're upset our boy Iggy didn't win. Are we supposed to be happy he lost? It's called being a fan.</div>
    No, it's called sportsmanship. Something about which you obviously know little.

    I said I was rooting for AI too. I'm just not a crybaby.
  20. jbbBigMo763

    jbbBigMo763 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Chuck:</div><div class="quote_post">I love how you guys are so whiny and biased. It's funny to me. </div>

    Wait, so we can't complain that our boy got robbed of the title he rightfully won? Was the audience at the Toyota Center, who were rooting for Nate the entire night, biased when they booed Rudy T for changing his score, and robbing Iguodala? Were the rest of the competitors, and the players courtside, biased for acknowledging that 'Dre got robbed?

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">1) He did use his best dunk first. In the dunk contest, you have to progressively get better. Every dunk he did was anticlimactic after that. </div>

    I agree with you that he used his best dunk early on, but he was forced to. The rule was that on the second dunk you must have a player help you on your dunk... hence, every other particpant had a teammate helping them that dunk as well.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">3) He was much too complacent and uncreative in the dunkoff. He brought a dunk that we not only had seen before, but had seen earlier in the night by someone else. He thought that since Nate only had 44, that he could give a half-assed dunk and still win. No sir. </div>

    Wait, which dunk are you talking about? The fact of the matter is that he should have won, with his final dunk in "regulation." So, Kenny Smith can wait for the rest of the judges to put up their score, see what the total score is, and then deliberately give a score that would force a dunk-off, not taking the actual dunk into account? Seriously...

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">4) Although Iguodala had the best dunk of the night, as a whole, Nate put much more thought and effort into his dunks. </div>

    Nate didn't put too much thought into his dunks. People are saying Iguodala stole dunks from last years competition (behind the back), and did the through the legs, etc. But, then why aren't these same people saying/penalizing Nate for doing the same thing? The whole jersey thing... that was Josh Smith from last year. Dunking over somebody? Not too original there, right?

    And I hardly call attempting a dunk 15 times before making a simpler version of it "effort" and "creativity." If he had made the original dunks he attempted to do, without having so many attempts, then by all means he deserved the score he received, but taking that into consideration he did not deserve the scores he did (and that isn't even what we are griping about). And guess what... the NBA took out the "two-attempt" rule this year... I wonder why. [​IMG]

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">5) It is a rule, that is, the judges were told that you are to ignore the missed attempts, and judge based solely on the completed dunk.</div>

    Again, I guess it was a coincidence that they took out the "two-attempt" rule this year, right? Everything pointed to a rigged competition.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">AI Jr. will be back, and he will win a slam-dunk competition. More specifically, he will win one that he deserves to win.</div>

    He deserved to win tonight, and he didn't. There will forever be an asketerisk next to Nate's name, even though it isn't his fault... it's the judges' faults (mainly Rudy T).

    I guarantee that if this happened the other way around, where Iguodala won because the judges screwed Nate over, the Knicks' fans would be 100x worse than we are right now.

    I'll give Nate his credit. He pulled off some nice dunks tonight, and one of the most electrifying dunks in history (over Webb), but by no means did he beat Iguodala. The judges gave him the trophy as a gift, and Nate will take undeserved heat in the eyes of many fans, because the majority of NBA fans feel that Andre Iguodala is the true 2006 NBA Slam Dunk Champion.

    Again, I'm giving Nate props, but the truth is Andre got robbed.

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