<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">You can't dunk.</div> Wow you hurt my feelings. It's funny how I'm not even a fan Iggy or the Sixers at all, but even I could tell he got robbed.
Oh man I'm real frustrated! Grow up, nobody here thinks your funny, and honestly real talk nobody on this forum even likes you. Not even Knicks fans. You keep posting pictures like its funny when you can't even respond to my arguements. Your a hypocrite because you don't even make "logical statements". You are a joke, and for once I'd like you to respond with some maturity instead of posting pictures. My 11 year old sister could come online and talk basketball better than you can. Sexual frustration? You are a joke.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting B-22:</div><div class="quote_post">Oh man I'm real frustrated! Grow up, nobody here thinks your funny, and honestly real talk nobody on this forum even likes you. Not even Knicks fans. You keep posting pictures like its funny when you can't even respond to my arguements. Your a hypocrite because you don't even make "logical statements". You are a joke, and for once I'd like you to respond with some maturity instead of posting pictures. My 11 year old sister could come online and talk basketball better than you can. Sexual frustration? You are a joke.</div> Whatever you said...but don't PM me.
Great to see it took you 4 days to come up with such a horrible response! And, aren't you the same guy who is telling us to get over it, yet you come back and start an argument again? Didn't you tell me to "let it go" and "stop trolling" in the other thread when I answered somebody's question, but you yourself do not follow your own advice? Wow, talk about hypocritical. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. EVERYBODY has gotten over it, yet it seems you continue to feel the need to validate the title... not for us, but for yourself. Deep down inside, I know you feel 'Dre got robbed, otherwise you would accept Nate's victory, and move on. It is truly sad to see you continue to dwell on this "victory." And, you should go back and read your last few posts, because everything you're saying about us being babies, and needing to get over it, you should be following yourself. Talk about hypocritical dude... <div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">Yeh...I made a couple of 360 dunks in my day until I broke my ankel I'm only 5"9 </div> Cool man. Don't believe me, that's your problem. I know what I've been through in my life, and I know what I can do. You don't want to believe it, go ahead, that's your choice, but it doesn't change the facts. Wait, how did you break your ankle? When you were jumping up and down celebrating Nate's "victory"? Because that's the only athletic thing I can envision you doing. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">To say Nate didn't put on a good show, makes you a hater, a crybaby, and very sexually frustrated to say something silly.</div> How many times do I have to tell you to work on your reading and comprehension? Read all of my posts... I have never said Nate didn't put on a good show... I have always said he put on a great show. Stop making up things to make your case... but then again, you're the one whose probably sexually frustrated, because your boyfriend has been cheating on you, right? <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Nate won it, let it go man. Off the board between legs was great, Nate just keep on comning on with different dunks, each one of them got better, and more difficult, which was great.</div> Again, I have gotten over it... you are the one who continues to bring this up! It is truly pathetic... Now, in case you didn't know, Nate did not do a off the backboard between the legs. He tried to do it, but by the time he was done, all he did was a between the legs dunk, not off the backboard. Don't believe me? Well, how about this... if I'm right, you put the "Robbed" graphic in your sig... deal? Accept, and I'll show you the video footage. Don't be afraid to back up your claims now, j0se. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Who cares about dunk attempts, it took 5 -6 attempts for Iggy to do that off the back of the backboard with Iverson Dunk, and 3 times in his final dunk, not to mention others...there is no rule on dunk attempts, if there was alot of guys would of been eliminated, and it would have been boring.</div> Um, again, watch the contest before making ludicrous statements! It took Iggy 2-3 attempts, not "5-6" to land the dunk from behind the backboard. The first time he hit his head, barely, on the backboard. The next one, AI made a bad toss, and Iggy didn't even attempt the dunk... the third, he nailed it. And yes, there is no rule on how many attempts you can have on a dunk. However, if you would have read each of my posts, you would realize that I have repeatedly said that the NBA changed the rule this year. In previous years, you had only two attempts. A few years ago, Jason Richardson failed to win his third straight Slam Dunk championship because he missed his dunk twice in the finals, and allowed Fred Jones to win it on a weak dunk. Again, read before posting... please, I'm trying to help you save respect and dignity. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Both had good competitions, its nothing to stress about. Its time to move on.</div> Please, follow your own advice on this one... I've already explained why. Stop trying to prove to yourself that Nate deserved the win, because that's the only explanation for you continuing to dwell on this topic. Everybody else has already moved on with their lives, except for you, apparently. Now, think before you post next time, because with every post of yours you continue to make yourself look dumber and dumber. Honestly! I mean, come on, you had 4 days to think of a response, and you came up with that weak ****?! Horrible... maybe next time you should think some more... but then again, nobody would want you to hurt your brain too much. Now, let's see if you can come up with a better response, and try not to take 4 days this time... especially if you are going to come back with another weak response. Hell, I'll PM you a link to this post, that way you have NO excuse for missing it. Nate won. Some people think he deserved it (you). More people think he didn't (me). Whatever it is, it is somebody's opinion. It's over... get over it! Everybody else has...
Nate is champ, stop Pming me, my box is full of crying sexually frustrated 76er fans who never played basketball before....it doesn't even work I can't read your PM's, now I'm not going to respond to your trolling post.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">Nate is champ, stop Pming me, my box is full of crying sexually frustrated 76er fans who never played basketball before....it doesn't even work</div> Dude, I only PMed you so you would read my post, because with your track record, you only read the posts you want to read. Now, seeing as you probably read my post, you have realized how retarded your argument, rather your way of arguing, and your previous posts were, and have probably decided to finally shut your mouth and stop posting on the matter. Good move on your part there. We are the ones who are crying? If I remember correctly, it was you who revived this topic by responding to my post from 4 (now 5) days ago. And this was after you told me to "stop trolling. get over it" in another thread regarding the same topic. Now, you tell me... am I "crying," or are you trying to prove to yourself that the title Nate won is valid? I'm guessing the latter. And please, stop think we are "sexually frustrated." I mean, who in the hell uses that as an insult on a message board? Please, stop giving us little clues as to what is going on in your life. Nobody cares! <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I can't read your PM's, now I'm not going to respond to your trolling post.</div> Yeah, I bet you can't read my PM! I guess that's what happens when you fail kindergarden, right? Are you that popular on these forums? You have 120 PMs stored in your inbox? WOW! I bet not! I guess you just chose not to read my PM... no, wait. You probably read my PM and my post, and realized how stupid you have sounded, and are now trying to pass it all off by saying "I'm not going to respond to your trolling post" and "get over it." Wow dude, way to man up there. You lost the argument between us, and you don't even have enough pride or dignity to accept it? I'm not saying that I proved Iguodala was robbed, but I definitely destroyed any credibility you had, and pretty much destroyed your argument. Wait, so my post is considered trolling, even though I responded to YOUR post?! That makes A LOT OF SENSE! If anybody is trolling, it's you... but you probably are too blind and ignorant to realise that. Jeez dude, you lost the argument. Face it. It's over. Get over it. Man up, and accept it like a man, don't make excuses like a little girl and a crybaby. Fall back. Either come back and try to save face by continuing this argument/debate reasonably, or just don't post here at all. It's as simple as that. Now, j0se, I think you should change your avatar, and use this picture instead:
Jose like I said your a joke, you still didn't respond to his arguments. Whats wrong, you can't present any logical staements? We've obviously got you frustrated because your crying telling 76ers fans to stop PM'ing you, we got you shook. Nobody is trolling, if anybody is you are. Your a joke, grow up.
haha. lol. j0se, why dont you just leave, bigmo is owning you at every post. lol. its pretty sad. be a man and admit your faults, then maybe somebody will forget about this
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting B-22:</div><div class="quote_post">Jose like I said your a joke, you still didn't respond to his arguments. Whats wrong, you can't present any logical staements? We've obviously got you frustrated because your crying telling 76ers fans to stop PM'ing you, we got you shook. Nobody is trolling, if anybody is you are. Your a joke, grow up.</div> <div class="quote_poster">Quoting B-22:</div><div class="quote_post">AIM: B Smooth 202</div> I'm not your girlfriend, don't flood my Email box asking me to conversate with you AIM, I'm not your friend either, there are plenty people outside, go make a friend.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting BigMo763:</div><div class="quote_post">Dude, I only PMed you so you would read my post, because with your track record, you only read the posts you want to read. Now, seeing as you probably read my post, you have realized how retarded your argument, rather your way of arguing, and your previous posts were, and have probably decided to finally shut your mouth and stop posting on the matter. Good move on your part there. We are the ones who are crying? If I remember correctly, it was you who revived this topic by responding to my post from 4 (now 5) days ago. And this was after you told me to "stop trolling. get over it" in another thread regarding the same topic. Now, you tell me... am I "crying," or are you trying to prove to yourself that the title Nate won is valid? I'm guessing the latter. And please, stop think we are "sexually frustrated." I mean, who in the hell uses that as an insult on a message board? Please, stop giving us little clues as to what is going on in your life. Nobody cares! Yeah, I bet you can't read my PM! I guess that's what happens when you fail kindergarden, right? Are you that popular on these forums? You have 120 PMs stored in your inbox? WOW! I bet not! I guess you just chose not to read my PM... no, wait. You probably read my PM and my post, and realized how stupid you have sounded, and are now trying to pass it all off by saying "I'm not going to respond to your trolling post" and "get over it." Wow dude, way to man up there. You lost the argument between us, and you don't even have enough pride or dignity to accept it? I'm not saying that I proved Iguodala was robbed, but I definitely destroyed any credibility you had, and pretty much destroyed your argument. Wait, so my post is considered trolling, even though I responded to YOUR post?! That makes A LOT OF SENSE! If anybody is trolling, it's you... but you probably are too blind and ignorant to realise that. Jeez dude, you lost the argument. Face it. It's over. Get over it. Man up, and accept it like a man, don't make excuses like a little girl and a crybaby. Fall back. Either come back and try to save face by continuing this argument/debate reasonably, or just don't post here at all. It's as simple as that. Now, j0se, I think you should change your avatar, and use this picture instead: </div> You ran to the moderators because was my agrument was too much from you, you obviously can't handle a debate. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Hunter:</div><div class="quote_post">j0se, Recently, there have been several complaints from members and staff with regard to your posting style. </div> Exposing you right there, whats the point of debating with you if you're going to snitch? Typical suburbs kid. I got almost 10 PM's from 76ers fan, asking for my AIM ID, insulting me, running to the moderators, the moderators getting on my case...because I schooled you guys in a debate? Grow up, you shouldn't take this so seriously. Why are you trying to cop me now? "Fall back" and using the crybaby thing I totally clowned you out with? You can't be this frustrated, you need to control your emotions and stop letting it get to you. You think sounding like me will give you any chance to look like you have the advantage in any debate? When I read your post I see a crying unemployed kid reaching out for respect like "Dude whatever, please stop it". Present your explaniations that aren't logical to me like a grown man, I find it very hard to read such childish and immature post. After this, all 3 of you guys will run to the moderator cause I'm laying it too hard for you kids. Not only we got frustrated crybabies before we also got snithces , I thought you guys would be better than that.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0sie:</div><div class="quote_post">You ran to the moderators because was my agrument was too much from you, you obviously can't handle a debate. Exposing you right there, whats the point of debating with you if you're going to snitch? Typical suburbs kid. I got almost 10 PM's from 76ers fan, asking for my AIM ID, insulting me, running to the moderators, the moderators getting on my case...because I schooled you guys in a debate? Grow up, you shouldn't take this so seriously. Why are you trying to cop me now? "Fall back" and using the crybaby thing I totally clowned you out with? You can't be this frustrated, you need to control your emotions and stop letting it get to you. You think sounding like me will give you any chance to look like you have the advantage in any debate? When I read your post I see a crying unemployed kid reaching out for respect like "Dude whatever, please stop it". Present your explaniations that aren't logical to me like a grown man, I find it very hard to read such childish and immature post. After this, all 3 of you guys will run to the moderator cause I'm laying it too hard for you kids. Not only we got frustrated crybabies before we also got snithces , I thought you guys would be better than that.</div> j0sie, I've come across some poor posters before, but you have got to be one of the worst. I don't see how you can act like a "gangsta thug" calling people snitches and acting like you "clowned" people by saying "fall back crybaby," when you are on the internet having e-beef. Not to mention you being worried about people asking for you AIM. You are a pure clown, get off the internet, get on the street and rob some people if you want to be a "gangsta." You don't impress me with your immature callouts to people that you will never meet in person. How can you call people "suburbs kids" when A, you look like a kid in your picture and B, you clearly aren't poor when you have a computer with internet connection. I've seen around two or three threads and countless posts about you posting junk about a dunk contest that happened a week ago. Here's a little advice, if you don't want to get banned, drop the act, if you do, go ahead bigshot.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">You ran to the moderators because was my agrument was too much from you, you obviously can't handle a debate.</div> I can’t speak for him, but honestly your argument was to much for him? I think your failure to create a debate, and personal shots is what caused him to report you, if he even did that. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Exposing you right there, whats the point of debating with you if you're going to snitch? Typical suburbs kid.</div> Their is no problem debating, but how is posting a picture, along with two sentences, none of which address the issue that is being argued a debate? <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I got almost 10 PM's from 76ers fan, asking for my AIM ID, insulting me, running to the moderators, the moderators getting on my case...because I schooled you guys in a debate? Grow up, you shouldn't take this so seriously.</div>Schooled someone in a debate? What thread are you reading? And what is up with you addressing everyone as a whole “76ers fans” I’m a 76ers fan, and didn’t pm you so I don’t know what the hell your talking about when you say " 76ers fans". <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Why are you trying to cop me now? "Fall back" and using the crybaby thing I totally clowned you out with? You can't be this frustrated, you need to control your emotions and stop letting it get to you. You think sounding like me will give you any chance to look like you have the advantage in any debate? When I read your post I see a crying unemployed kid reaching out for respect like "Dude whatever, please stop it". Present your explaniations that aren't logical to me like a grown man, I find it very hard to read such childish and immature post.</div>BigMo Date of Birth: July 6, 1987 Age: 18 Jose Date of Birth: June 15, 1987 Age: 18 Does the whole 21 days that separates you guys make you a “ grown man” and him a “child”?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">You ran to the moderators because was my agrument was too much from you, you obviously can't handle a debate. Exposing you right there, whats the point of debating with you if you're going to snitch? Typical suburbs kid.</div> Um, FYI homie, it wasn't me fool. So, anytime somebody says "several reports ... by members and staff" it has to be me? Yeah, right. That's a nice little way of trying to get out of this debate dumbass. Please, grow up. Has it ever occured to you that other people find your little one-line responses offensive? Like the following: "Nate impregnated your mother... again." Yeah, that one will probably get a few reports. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I got almost 10 PM's from 76ers fan, asking for my AIM ID, insulting me, running to the moderators, the moderators getting on my case...because I schooled you guys in a debate? Grow up, you shouldn't take this so seriously.</div> Dude, listen. You did not "school" me in a debate. The only reason your posts are being "reported" is because of your repeated childish insults, which are against the rules. Every little shred of "factual evidence" you have provided, has been shot down by me. It's apparent who has won the debate. Grow up. Stop trying to save face by saying "I'm not debating with you because the moderators are on my case." Please... grow up. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Why are you trying to cop me now? "Fall back" and using the crybaby thing I totally clowned you out with? You can't be this frustrated, you need to control your emotions and stop letting it get to you. You think sounding like me will give you any chance to look like you have the advantage in any debate? When I read your post I see a crying unemployed kid reaching out for respect like "Dude whatever, please stop it". Present your explaniations that aren't logical to me like a grown man, I find it very hard to read such childish and immature post.</div> Wow, you are one of the most ignorant people I have ever seen post on a message board. Yeah dude, you definitely owned me! Crying, unemployed kid? Dude, I'm telling you, I have a better life than you, a better job, a better girl, a better everything. You brought up "sexual frustration." We don't want to know about what's happening with you and your boyfriend. And, um, why would I want to sound like you in a debate? That would be incredibly stupid. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">After this, all 3 of you guys will run to the moderator cause I'm laying it too hard for you kids. Not only we got frustrated crybabies before we also got snithces , I thought you guys would be better than that.</div> Right! You are very lame. Are you a "gangster" because we are "snitching." Dude, you are a kid in the suburbs pretending to be gangster! Anyway, seeing as you think you have won, let's prove it for sure, alright. Here is how it will work: 1. Make a list of factual evidence that you believe support your argument, and then post it... without any insults. Also, add a list of questions you want to ask me... without any insults. 2. I'll respond to your lists, and then I'll post my own... without any insults. 3. After that, we'll let the JBB members decide who had the better argument. Cool? Or, are you too afraid? It's up to you dude. Don't be a "coward" and back out, Mr. Gangster. Hell, we'll even make it a new thread in a separate sub-forum, and ask the JBB mods/admins if we could do it. If you are so sure you won, then why not "own" me "again?" If you back out, I'll take that as you acknowledging your defeat, because everybody else has. The ball's in your court, j0se. Oh wait, you probably don't understand that analogy either...
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Laker_fan:</div><div class="quote_post">j0sie, I've come across some poor posters before, but you have got to be one of the worst. I don't see how you can act like a "gangsta thug" calling people snitches and acting like you "clowned" people by saying "fall back crybaby," when you are on the internet having e-beef. Not to mention you being worried about people asking for you AIM. You are a pure clown, get off the internet, get on the street and rob some people if you want to be a "gangsta." You don't impress me with your immature callouts to people that you will never meet in person. How can you call people "suburbs kids" when A, you look like a kid in your picture and B, you clearly aren't poor when you have a computer with internet connection. I've seen around two or three threads and countless posts about you posting junk about a dunk contest that happened a week ago. Here's a little advice, if you don't want to get banned, drop the act, if you do, go ahead bigshot.</div> No one is pretending to be gangster, you obviously haven't been out into society much to understand whats going on right now. You're an obese plumpy British man with no employment or social life, you dare to make fun of my apperance? You're a no one, trying to take a shot at me, and you failed. If you want to post your picture, go ahead, but don't try to clown yourself. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Best Kept Secret:</div><div class="quote_post">I can?t speak for him, but honestly your argument was to much for him? I think your failure to create a debate, and personal shots is what caused him to report you, if he even did that. Their is no problem debating, but how is posting a picture, along with two sentences, none of which address the issue that is being argued a debate? Schooled someone in a debate? What thread are you reading? And what is up with you addressing everyone as a whole ?76ers fans? I?m a 76ers fan, and didn?t pm you so I don?t know what the hell your talking about when you say " 76ers fans". BigMo Date of Birth: July 6, 1987 Age: 18 Jose Date of Birth: June 15, 1987 Age: 18 Does the whole 21 days that separates you guys make you a ? grown man? and him a ?child??</div> You accually have nothing else better to do than look up birthdays? You're really TOO into this, its Saturday, hopefully you got other plans than playing detective on a basketball forum, its nothing serious, stop stressing, especially when you play no part of it. I meant a couple of 76er fans, not you, you were nuetral and who weren't trolling in the Knicks board and the all star board. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting BigMo763:</div><div class="quote_post">Um, FYI homie, it wasn't me fool. So, anytime somebody says "several reports ... by members and staff" it has to be me? Yeah, right. That's a nice little way of trying to get out of this debate dumbass. Please, grow up. Has it ever occured to you that other people find your little one-line responses offensive? Like the following: "Nate impregnated your mother... again." Yeah, that one will probably get a few reports. Dude, listen. You did not "school" me in a debate. The only reason your posts are being "reported" is because of your repeated childish insults, which are against the rules. Every little shred of "factual evidence" you have provided, has been shot down by me. It's apparent who has won the debate. Grow up. Stop trying to save face by saying "I'm not debating with you because the moderators are on my case." Please... grow up. Wow, you are one of the most ignorant people I have ever seen post on a message board. Yeah dude, you definitely owned me! Crying, unemployed kid? Dude, I'm telling you, I have a better life than you, a better job, a better girl, a better everything. You brought up "sexual frustration." We don't want to know about what's happening with you and your boyfriend. Right! You are very lame. Are you a "gangster" because we are "snitching." Dude, you are a kid in the suburbs pretending to be gangster! Anyway, seeing as you think you have won, let's prove it for sure, alright. Here is how it will work: 1. Make a list of factual evidence that you believe support your argument, and then post it... without any insults. Also, add a list of questions you want to ask me... without any insults. 2. I'll respond to your lists, and then I'll post my own... without any insults. 3. After that, we'll let the JBB members decide who had the better argument. Cool? Or, are you too afraid? It's up to you dude. Don't be a "coward" and back out, Mr. Gangster. Hell, we'll even make it a new thread in a separate sub-forum, and ask the JBB mods/admins if we could do it. If you are so sure you won, then why not "own" me "again?" If you back out, I'll take that as you acknowledging your defeat, because everybody else has. The ball's in your court, j0se. Oh wait, you probably don't understand that analogy either...</div> "Dumbass" you're angry now right? The more you get frustrated, the more you make me look better, I'm giving you a chance to debate here, and you continue to make yourself look immature, sexually frustrated, and very angry. I have control to you, and you're stressing it out. You need to relax, and let it go. I've listed my reasons -Nate is 5"7, he went up in a competition against long wing players, who are usually the elite dunkers (Jordan, Hakeem) -Nate has small hands -Nate has no wingspan and short arms -Nate has short legs, stumpy with alot of muscle, built to play football, not basketball -Nate came to the contest with the most creativity -Nate's dunks varied by far than any dunker in the contest. -Nate's first dunk was underrated, he glided threw the hair and did it smoothly -Nate's 2nd dunk stole the show, not only he brought out one of the most ledgendary dunk contest winners, Spudd Wedd, the power of his dunk he displayed, and while at the same time he had the hang time to jump over him is amazing. You never probably played basketball in your life to understand this, but trust me its something thats so physically impossible and insane, only Nate Robinson can preform. He's not a finnese dunker, he's very powerful and explosive. Combine that with his creativity and you got a dunk champion -Nate's last dunk had the most difficulty, the reason why he got the advantage cause Iggy Dala couldn't come up something better than his previous dunk, and thats why he didn't deserve to win, do you understand? Its simple -Nate started his dunk from the half court, starting it off with a combo of a creative pass OFF the back board, combined with a creative powerful/explosive dunk. Please, no one reached that difficult level of a dunk in the contest, and Nate is a 5"7 pudgy guard, while the other guys are long wings...so how do you sound? You have said nothing, all you have said Andre was rob, you have no valid agruement, no logical post. You have never played baskeball in your life. People who play basketball don't go on the internet like a computer geek and said they do between the leg dunks. You're obviously obese and lonely to be this lonely and get so frustrated quickly on the internet. You need to help yourself, and not expose yourself with your femine like characterics. You seem like to agrue too much. No, I don't want to talk to you on AIM, you mo', and Stop flooding my PM box, you're MAD angry
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting J0sie:</div><div class="quote_post">No one is pretending to be gangster, you obviously haven't been out into society much to understand whats going on right now. You're an obese plumpy British man with no employment or social life, you dare to make fun of my apperance?</div> Obese British man? I'm 17 kid. A nobody? Since when does knowing what is going on in a forum make me unsocial? Infact, I thought that would make me socially aware, seeing as being on the internet is different to real life. <div class="quote_poster">Quoting J0sie:</div><div class="quote_post">You're a no one, trying to take a shot at me, and you failed.</div> How am I a nobody when I've been on this forum longer than you? Your a rookie. J0sie, you flopped bigtime. I don't know why I got myself involved in this little "problem." I should have let everyone else make you look like the stupid guy who took the internet as a place where you create e-beef. Your whole post on Nate is based on the fact that he's under 6 foot. Since when did being small give you the automatic right to have an advantage in terms of dunk ratings. Ever player should be treated equally, they shouldn't be given extra points because they are smaller.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">"Dumbass" you're angry now right? The more you get frustrated, the more you make me look better, I'm giving you a chance to debate here, and you continue to make yourself look immature, sexually frustrated, and very angry. I have control to you, and you're stressing it out. You need to relax, and let it go.</div> Wait, so I'm angry, sexually frustrated, and immature for making fun of you, but you're not angry, sexually frustrated, and immature for making fun of me, and other posters? That makes a lot of sense. That offer of me buying you a dictionary still stands. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate is 5"7, he went up in a competition against long wing players, who are usually the elite dunkers (Jordan, Hakeem)</div> Already answered this: Being short in a dunk contest gives you an advantage. Why? Because you will get more points for doing easier dunks. Simple as that. Ask anybody. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate has small hands -Nate has no wingspan and short arms -Nate has short legs, stumpy with alot of muscle, built to play football, not basketball</div> So, is that my fault? Last time I checked, the judges didn't go out and measure a person's hands, and give them points for that. The rest of this is pretty much lumped into my previous answer. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate came to the contest with the most creativity -Nate's dunks varied by far than any dunker in the contest.</div> What was "more" creative about any of his dunks, except for the Spud dunk? I've told you to answer this many times, but you have yet to do so. So, a 180 off the bounce is more creative than a windmill of the bounce? No, it's about the same, if not less creative. A dunk off a bounce from a teammate is more creative than Iggy's dunk from behind the backboard? Um, no. The only dunk that was original from Nate was the Spud dunk, and even that has been done before, but it was still incredible. I never said it wasn't. But your argument that he was the most creative dunker in the contest is invalid, because he wasn't. Here is the definition of creative from the dictionary: "Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative." So, that means for him to be creative, none of his dunks should have been done before, but all of them were, with the exception of the Spud dunk. So, there goes that argument. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate's first dunk was underrated, he glided threw the hair and did it smoothly -Nate's 2nd dunk stole the show, not only he brought out one of the most ledgendary dunk contest winners, Spudd Wedd, the power of his dunk he displayed, and while at the same time he had the hang time to jump over him is amazing. You never probably played basketball in your life to understand this, but trust me its something thats so physically impossible and insane, only Nate Robinson can preform. He's not a finnese dunker, he's very powerful and explosive. Combine that with his creativity and you got a dunk champion</div> Again, people don't glide through "hair." Nobody is arguing about his Spud dunk. We have all said that it was incredible, and that it was arguably the best dunk of the night. But, since this is the only thing you can come up with to make your case, you continue to use it when we have said that it was a great dunk. Please, read posts before commenting. And since when do you know what it takes to complete a dunk like that? I mean, since you yourself say you are "Not atheletic, quick or strong". <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate's last dunk had the most difficulty, the reason why he got the advantage cause Iggy Dala couldn't come up something better than his previous dunk, and thats why he didn't deserve to win, do you understand? Its simple</div> Do you know what his last dunk was? An off the glass windmill. How is that more difficult than any other dunk he has done? Um, it's not. The only reason you believe it was difficult, was because he put the ball between his legs twice before doing the toss, and that is not supposed to be counted in the score. In the 90s, Michael Finley was ridiculed for doing a cartwheel before a dunk. So, now the rules have changed? <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">-Nate started his dunk from the half court, starting it off with a combo of a creative pass OFF the back board, combined with a creative powerful/explosive dunk. Please, no one reached that difficult level of a dunk in the contest, and Nate is a 5"7 pudgy guard, while the other guys are long wings...so how do you sound?</div> Again, read the above part of my post. And, since earlier you said he was a "finesse dunker, not a power dunker" how can you now claim he is a power dunker? Good one, genius. The final dunk he did was an off the glass half-windmill. Not to difficult... <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">You have said nothing, all you have said Andre was rob, you have no valid agruement, no logical post. You have never played baskeball in your life. People who play basketball don't go on the internet like a computer geek and said they do between the leg dunks. You're obviously obese and lonely to be this lonely and get so frustrated quickly on the internet. You need to help yourself, and not expose yourself with your femine like characterics. You seem like to agrue too much.</div> Yeah man, all I have said is "Andre was robbed." Maybe that's all you think I have said in every other post of mine, because you don't want to accept the facts I have presented. Do yourself a favor, and go back and read through all of our discussions, and then come back. Wait, so I'm a computer geek for posting on a message board? But, then, what are you doing here? Think about that one for a second, chief. And, apparently you missed the part in my previous post where I said "no insults" so that we could have a clean discussion without insults clouding the posts. But, you couldn't do that, because you know that the only way you have a chance of "winning" is by insulting people. That way, people don't pay as much attention to your sorry arguments. And, everything you have called me, goes right back to you. I like to argue to much? Yeah, kid, what are you doing? You brought the entire topic back up. We left it alone. You told me to "stop trolling, and get over it" in another thread, but then a few days later, you come here and start the discussion up again? Do you know what the word hypocrit means? <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">No, I don't want to talk to you on AIM, you mo', and Stop flooding my PM box, you're MAD angry </div> Yeah, j0se, I definitely PMed you asking you for your AIM address! I'm flooding your PM inbox? So I guess the five or six PM's you send me don't flood mine? Dude, your telling us to stop doing something, calling us names, but we are the ones frustrated? Yeah... think about that. We shouldn't PM you, but you can PM us freely? I shouldn't call you names, because that makes me angry, immature, and sexually frustrated, but you calling me names doesn't make you angry, immature, and sexually frustrated. Hell, YOU brought up "sexual frustration." It isn't my fault that your boyfriend refused to sleep with you... get over that too. Everything you say about us goes right back at you, but you don't get that. Your telling somebody that he has no life because he's posting on a message board on a Saturday. Well, what are you doing? Dude, honestly, I don't care if you keep posting, because you are just making yourself look more and more like a jerk. Ask ANYBODY who has read any of our debates, and they'll you the same. Even MrJ. Go ahead, do it. Now, answer all the questions I have posed throughout my post, and try not to make yourself look angry, sexually frustrated, and immature this time by insulting others. And, don't worry man, I know it'll take you a good two or three days to figure out how to reply, so don't sweat it.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">You accually have nothing else better to do than look up birthdays? You're really TOO into this, its Saturday, hopefully you got other plans than playing detective on a basketball forum, its nothing serious, stop stressing, especially when you play no part of it.</div> Again you try to use a personal shot to distract attention away from something you said that makes no sense. It really took a lot of time to click your user name, and then copy and post to show you how your statement about u being a “grown adult” and him being a “child” made no sense. That was real tough. <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I meant a couple of 76er fans, not you, you were nuetral and who weren't trolling in the Knicks board and the all star board.</div> Ok, then you should talk directly to those 76er fans (which is why some of them probably asked u for your aim) not address them simply as “ 76er fans” because if you do that you seem to be talking to anyone and everyone on the forum that is a fan of that team. I will let you do your debate thing now that I have cleared that up.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting j0se:</div><div class="quote_post">I meant a couple of 76er fans, not you, you were nuetral and who weren't trolling in the Knicks board and the all star board.</div> Wait, so now I'm trolling if I post in any other forum except the Sixers forum because I'm a Sixers fan? Yeah... right. Oh wait, what were you doing in the All-Star forum, and here right now? Honestly man, just stop... actually, no, don't. I enjoy making you look like a fool!
Please guys just keep it clean, and please don't post AIM names on a public board (Jose). If not I'm going to have to ask you guys to complete this conversation on AIM. Jose please, we are not crying we just feel that Iguodala got robbed from what he deserved. Noticed not all Sixer fans are sporting the "Iguodala Got Robbed Signatures".
Exactly. And I've said this for quite a while now... everybody has their own opinions. Your opinion is that Nate deserved the win. That's cool. Our opinion is that Andre was robbed. That's cool too. Now, Nate won. Did he not? So then why are you crying j0se? I mean, aren't you supposed to be happy? Why are you continuing to argue for no reason when you're man won it? Nobody's opinion is going to change... that's just the way it is. You just keep trying to prove to yourself that Nate deserved it. What other explanation is there for you to keep bringing this up over and over again? Jeez. I mean, you're crying this much when Nate won. I don't even want to imagine what you'd be like if Nate lost. Accept it. Nate won! Good job! Now, stop trying to validate the victory to yourself. You lost. Man up, and accept it. You keep saying you respect our opinions, right? Then, why not show it, grow up, and act your age? Damn man. A moderator already closed one of our debates afer I destroyed you, and he realized that you had no chance of coming back with a decent argument. Now, don't make it happen twice... save yourself, and your dignity! We all have our own opinions. We all respect yours, but respecting somebody's opinion does not necessarily mean you have to agree with it. If you don't realize and understand this, you will go nowhere in life. You lost. "Fall back."