Andre Iguodala out for next 5 games

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by truebluefan, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. truebluefan

    truebluefan Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Philadelphia 76ers guard Andre Iguodala will miss at least the next five games due to tendinitis in his right Achilles tendon.

    Iguodala, whose 14.2 points per game average is his worst since the 2005-06 season, has played in just 25 games this season due to the injury. He's not expected to return to on-court activity until Jan. 10.

    "What we did was, when he went and got a second opinion, both doctors were in agreement that if he's going to take some time off, give it a significant amount of time," coach Doug Collins told the Philadelphia Inquirer on Saturday. "What happened last time was he took seven or eight days off and he was feeling much better, [but] he came back and he didn't get it out of his system."

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