Arenas can't be team leader because he calls himself "a goof"

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Ming637, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. Ming637

    Ming637 BBW Banned

    Dec 31, 2003
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    Arenas can't be team leader because he calls himself "a goof"

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post"> WASHINGTON (AP) -- In his unique way, Washington Wizards point guard Gilbert Arenas said Tuesday that his verbal spat with coach Eddie Jordan was just a "little bump" for a team in need of a tuneup.

    In other Gilbertology news, Arenas said he can't be a team leader because he's "a goof." He also revealed a plan to try to wear an Agent Zero jersey when he starts in the All-Star game this weekend.

    Arenas criticized Jordan following Sunday's loss to the Portland Trail Blazers, saying the coach's overemphasis on defense contributed to the Wizards' fourth loss in five games. Arenas' remarks drew stern rebukes within the team and led to a players-only meeting Monday, plus a one-on-one meeting with Jordan in which the coach gave Arenas a tutorial in what was happening in the game.

    "We talked about everything. It was like a tuneup," Arenas said. "It was a tuneup for the team. We've lost four out of five. We're going into the All-Star break. This is when teams get lackadaisical, from both sides. Coaching staff felt we were getting lackadaisical, and we felt they were getting lackadaisical. We had a meeting and we got everything straightened out."</div>

  2. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    You see the problem is that people seem to think being the best player equals being the leader. A lot of best players on teams are given the "C" on their jersey and made the captain when that's not the kind of person they are. Look at Wade, he himself said he's not the kind of guy to talk and give motivational speeches, he just goes out there and plays. McGrady is not that kind of leader either, as much as anyone wants to argue it, he's not. For some reason people have this idea ingrained in their minds that basketball skills comes hand in hand with leadership and motivational skills, and it doesn't, sorry.

    I really see nothing wrong with his statement. Some guys want to force that leadership role on themselves, but if you're not one, it's of no detriment to the team. Many a times, the role player who is the leader has greater effect on the team than the star who's posing.

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