Arenas/Francis Fued?

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Mamba, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. dtpxcore

    dtpxcore JBB The Regulator

    Dec 8, 2005
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    I think Francis talks to much crap. He needs to get back to his all-star level again to start dissin other people. Arenas is playing way better ball then him right now. I can't see Francis getting back to his All-star caliber in Orlando, he needs a team that relies him to score alot. Orlando has Dwight and Jameer in the future, they want to get them their pionts, and Francis wants to get his. So, I don't see Francis in an Orlando uni for long.
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 JBB Banned Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    yea francis is wack now and theres no other "scorer/semi-star" on that team, grant hill is a star but hes always injured, dwight and jameer are the future of the magics but not this year yet... so francis is the best scoring option the magics have... and hes not doing well, on the other hand the wizards got butler and jamison right behind arenas, and arenas is still doing so well right now
  3. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting rookie789:</div><div class="quote_post"><font size=""7"">Arenas>>>>>>>>>>>></font>francis period. francis is plain wack and he cant shoot like arenas, and GA does have better ability to get to the line, he gets to the line about 7 times a game... </div>Francis gets to the line 6.5 times a game. Just how much more superior is Arenas? The different is minimal.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">hes also a way better scorer than francis and a better leader, he has 2 other scorers next to him and still getting 28 pts and 6 assts a game, plus i said hes a FUTURE perenial allstar, CANT YOU READ ENGLISH????? learn how to read first before you talk **** about my boy gilbert arenas...</div>How can you be a "future" perennial All-Star? Do you have a magic crystal ball that sees Arenas in All-Star uniforms every year for the next ten years? For all we know, he could blow his knee out and retire from the NBA in three years. Let's go on the present and past, things we know for sure, than speculation.

    As for "two other scorers", who are they? Antawn Jamison is a 20ppg guy at best and Caron Butler hasn't topped 17ppg. If Arenas has two thirty-point scorers beside him and he still gets 28, it's understandable, but he's leading the team in scoring, and most importantly, the team isn't winning. If he has two other scorers around him, why can't he get more than just six assists? Jason Kidd has two other scorers around him and he gets 8 assists a game. Steve Nash has one scorer around him and he gets 11. And oh, both Kidd and Nash are leading their teams to winning records.

    My English is fine, thank you, but judging from the way you abuse the written aspects of this language, I'd be open to offer free tutoring.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">francis cannot and will never get to the level arenas is at now and arenas works way more harder than francis, GA hit the gyms as much as he could to work on his jumpshots, hes still in the weight room when all his teamates left... oh yea last year his stats are better than francis and the magics didnt even make the playoffs, the wizards did... watch son when wizards vs magics arenas is gonna **** on francis so bad to make francis stink like a shitfield</div>Once again, do you have a crystal ball? Unless you do and can see into the future, how about going by the present and past?

    From that, we see that whatever level Arenas has been at the past and present, Francis has been there, done that. Francis is more multi-faceted than Arenas. For example, Arenas's best season assist-wise is 6.3 apg. Francis averages 6.4 for his career.

    Were you at Wizards practices watching Arenas stay later than everyone? In fact, Arenas skipped a practice in Golden State. So much for hard work, eh?

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">so what francis was rookie of the year, he was a high ass pick and arenas was drafted in the second round, plus he didnt even get minutes in his rookie year, he worked his ass off to be where hes at right now</div>Michael Jordan was a "high ass pick". Does that make Arenas, "drafted in the second round", better? I don't care where you're drafted, it's your skill that matters. And Arenas didn't have minutes in his rookie year? Buddy, he started 30 of his 47 games played in his rookie year. That's not "minutes" enough for you?

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">and watch in 3 years, arenas is gonna get a mvp award</div>
    Man, do you get crystal balls on bulk discount or something?
  4. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">How can you be a "future" perennial All-Star? Do you have a magic crystal ball that sees Arenas in All-Star uniforms every year for the next ten years? For all we know, he could blow his knee out and retire from the NBA in three years. Let's go on the present and past, things we know for sure, than speculation.
    Actually to be fair, that's not really a wild prediction. With how he's playing, as long as he wins, he should be a future perennial All-Star, saying he could blowout his knee and retire is a far more extreme prediction than him being a perennial All-Star.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Francis gets to the line 6.5 times a game. Just how much more superior is Arenas? The different is minimal.</div>
    The first poster actually got it wrong, Arenas is going to the line 9.2 times a game this season, which is a pretty decent gap from 6.5 FTA/G.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">As for "two other scorers", who are they? Antawn Jamison is a 20ppg guy at best and Caron Butler hasn't topped 17ppg. If Arenas has two thirty-point scorers beside him and he still gets 28, it's understandable, but he's leading the team in scoring, and most importantly, the team isn't winning. If he has two other scorers around him, why can't he get more than just six assists? Jason Kidd has two other scorers around him and he gets 8 assists a game. Steve Nash has one scorer around him and he gets 11. And oh, both Kidd and Nash are leading their teams to winning records.</div>
    I don't know what you guys are actually arguing here. The more shots you take, the harder it is to maintain a higher percentage. Arenas is shooting 43.6% FG and 35.7% 3PT while taking 20.8 shots/game and 7 three's/game. Maintaining his percentage on those shots when taking into account that he's shooting 36% on three's while taking 7 a game puts him as a very good scorer and right up there as a pure shooter. Arenas is a better scorer than Francis, their's not really much argument against that. Francis is a superior rebounder, and slightly better playmaker [though that's debatable]

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Were you at Wizards practices watching Arenas stay later than everyone? In fact, Arenas skipped a practice in Golden State. So much for hard work, eh?</div>
    I think he knows that due to what the coaches have said. Arenas was given a key to the training facilty in Washington, and he would be out there in the middle of the night working on his game.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Ernie Grunfeld paused. Thump! The Wizards' president of basketball operations was heading home, walking down a hallway in the bowels of MCI Center. Thump-thump! The Wizards had an off day " no meetings, no practice. Outside, it was dark.
    Grunfeld opened the door to a practice court. What was that noise?
    "We just had something like three games in four nights," Grunfeld recalls. "And Gilbert's in there shooting, by himself."
    Coach Eddie Jordan calls Arenas' training habits "weird." He's only half-joking. When Arenas gets bored " which is often " he goes to the gym, often in the wee hours. With the Warriors, he had a key to the team's practice facility; at Arizona, coach Lute Olson briefly tried to ban Arenas from the student recreation center. Too much shooting. Not enough studying.
    "I don't know too many players who come in at 2, 3 in the morning, or put up 500 jump shots every day to try and improve their game," says Grunfeld. "Gilbert is just a basketball junkie." </div>

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">When Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas was a rookie with Golden State, teammate Troy Murphy decided to give his mother a tour of the Warriors' practice facility one afternoon. "We came into the workout area, and music was blasting, and the place was empty," Murphy recalls. "Except for Gilbert on the treadmill." Nor was Arenas alone. His two pit bulls were on treadmills beside him, tongues swinging to and fro. "It was like he was their trainer," says Murphy, shaking his head at the memory. "He was bragging how he got them up to 3.7 miles and he'd have them at 4.0 the next week."

    Three years later Arenas remains just as unorthodox, not to mention just as zealous, about his training. When the team is idle he often works out three times a day: first with the team at practice, then to do drills at 8 p.m. and a third time around midnight, when he hoists 300 jumpers with the rebounding machine. His rationale: Since most of his peers don't work out during the season, this is his chance to overtake them. And the key wrinkle to this master plan for NBA domination? Starting with the 42nd game -- the season's precise midpoint -- Arenas stops the extra workouts. "So while everyone else is burning out," he says with a conspiratorial nod, "I'm finally getting my legs."


    Arenas might chalk it up to something else, though who knows what. He believes his strength comes from not lifting weights: "I'm mentally strong." He sleeps only three hours a night: "I just got a ticking mind. That's how it is with all the great ones, like Jordan and Iverson." And though he watches tape of opponents, he does so selectively: "I have the mind-set that a guard can't stick me. So I watch the bigs and see how they like to play. If you're a shot blocker, then I jump into you. If you take charges, then I pull up for the midrange."

    The guy is probably the most hardworking player in the league, even over a guy like Kobe.
  5. rookie789

    rookie789 JBB Banned Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    <font color="red"> We're going to have a nice chat...

  6. Trip

    Trip 2000000000000000000000000

    Dec 14, 2003
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    London/Mississauga, ON

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting rookie789:</div><div class="quote_post">
    to me francis comparing himself to arenas is more funnier, i mean come on its a superstar/future perenial all star VS. a role player..... francis will never be at the same level arenas is at and plus like all great current players, arenas knows how to get to the line</div>That whole quote essentially painted Arenas as an All-NBA guy and put Francis on the same ranks as Matt Harpring. There's no disputing that Arenas is the superior player right now, but Francis's bad statistical year is merely because of the situation the Magic are in, and definitely not his abilities.
  7. openglfx

    openglfx JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 2, 2004
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    You guys forgot to mention that Gilbert Arenas is a second round draft pick (31st overall), Steve Francis is a first rounder (2nd overall), comparing apples to oranges. In that sense, Gilbert has done a hellauva lot more than Francis has in terms of accomplishments.
  8. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    I don't think that should really be a huge factor. Arenas dropped because people didn't think he could play PG, and he was too small as a SG. Francis won ROY, has been an All-Star a few times, mostly because of his exciting play that had the fans vote him in. Arenas has won MIP, has won a playoff series, and has been an All-Star once, and has made the All-NBA third team, but it's only his 5th year.

    In terms of All-Star teams, Arenas should now go to 2 of 5 years, and Francis has should go to 3 of 7 years. Francis also was a rookie at 22 which was the same age as Arenas in his third season when he averaged 20-5-5, and played injured for most of his 55 games.

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