At long last, Freese's wait appears to be over

Discussion in 'National League Central' started by truebluefan, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. truebluefan

    truebluefan Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    In the finite world of Spring Training in Florida, Fort Myers, is the equivalent of Pluto or one of those planets (or former planet in Pluto's case) discovered ever so often that never are formally named. Fort Myers is 200 miles from just about everywhere. And rare is the player who sees a trip there as anything other than a monumental pain.

    How many dozens of pitching coaches have been bribed by a veteran? "Please, anything but Fort Myers. I'll buy you three dinners at The Palm. You can have my number or my third born. I'll pitch in Wrigley with the wind blowing out. I'll pitch in Philly when Howard and Utley are sizzling. But not Fort Myers ... Please."

    Well, the Cardinals, who play their home games here in this burg that is three Albert Pujols home runs from the Atlantic shore, play the Twins on Monday afternoon. And the Twins are one of the two clubs who have their February and March mail sent to lovely Fort Myers.

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