I joined a social group (lol), and because I am a moderator, I can moderate their social group, despite the fact that I was not the one who created it.
We enabled social groups to see how they work. We figure that by watching you guys try them out, we can figure out how to admin them
Wrong. Just check the post(s) you want to delete and there's a drop down at the bottom of the page that has delete as an option. You can also merge posts that way.
Looked up your user record, it says you have no avatar. You can go to http://old.sportstwo.com and find one of your posts and save the avatar to disk and then upload it here from your usercp. &c
I'm trying to replicate the IPB home page where it had the new posts both read and unread. Is this possible?
I think if you click and then bookmark the search parameter times out after the date changes. If you drag the link to the bookmark folder, it should be OK. I think more than half the posters used the old homepage like this and if there isn't simple access to a page like this there will be a lot of disconnect and a lot less people seeing threads from smaller forums. The homepage really needs a long, descriptive list of new threads/content both read and unread.
Ghoti, if you bookmark http://sportstwo.com/forums/search.php?do=getdaily and not the search parameters, it should work fine.
Yeah, I figured that out. That's what the post above says in a more confusing way. I still think it's too complicated to expect everyone to do, so I want to know if it's possible to make it a part of the homepage. I think people liked and used that feature.
Here is my feed back: Yinka = Suck up. Joker = Gangsta. Call me for back-up, no homo. Other than that, site looks good.