I'm trying to hack together a grease monkey script to put a table cell on it inbetween forums and user CP (along with a cell to the Nets board), with no luck. Peggy is trying to help me right now.
I noticed that auto spell checker thing is back. Thank you, it sounds minor but it is convenient imo. :]
So, I tested out the poll function. That's pretty cool. Then, I tested out the blog. It doesn't have the auto spell check, which is pretty lame, but I'll live.
Hey how do you mark messages as "read?" I tried doing it because all my messages are now unread, and it doesn't work
The thing I miss most from the old site right now is the drop down menus on the left that allowed you to view the recent posts for each sport. I think we should add an option to either see the forums of the sport or the recent posts in those forums when you click on the forum links that are now on the bottom left of the home page, then we should merge them with the links directly above them if we really want to be equal parts message board, wiki, blog, etc. I also agree that it would be nice to be able to look at the recent posts on the right and know which ones you have already read. Even just username and forum would be good. One last suggestion, we have the option of showing all of our friends or the default two or whatever it is, I'd like that same option for the list of users online on the home page.
This really needs to be (or be incorporated into) the landing page. Average posters aren't bookmarking this. Posts in less busy forums are not getting read or responded to.
I'm sure that can be made into a block, and applied to the front page (Can blocks be put on the front page?)