Best Move By A Team this Year?

Discussion in 'NBA General' started by Roaming, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (redneck @ Apr 3 2007, 02:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Just because he has been scoring a lot of points doesn't mean he is having his best year. his best year was his MVP year, his scoring may not have been at it's peak but his passing was, he defense was, and his team was at it's peak. his team hasn't even been close to being good since that season, they've made the playoffs a few times but they have been mediocre at best. Iversons defense and his health have taken a hit too.</div>Dude your wrong for sure ask anyone why watched AI the last 2 years before this one was he best yet better then MVP year. Was not just scoring his assits were way up.
  2. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GArenas @ Apr 3 2007, 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Ugh, you're way over-rating AI. Everyone has agreed in this thread that it wasn't the greatest deal ever and I've explained it to you more than once. AI has proved in Denver that he can't make his teammates better and is only a very versatile scorer. AI needs to be the franchise player for a team to be succesful becuase we know all he can do is score loads and cut off passing lanes.He's still a great player but you're making him out to be the best in the NBA.</div>The dude is still like 5-7 best at 31 one wake up tonight again Kings on ESPN dude was saying that he is one of the best to play the game not just me.And again your showing your wrong. Cause he has not proven what you said. Actually do you watch games if you did you see how many great passes tight passes he makes during games. He makes his teammates better ask guy right now on his team. Ask his former teammates like Korver, Iggy check out how Nene/KL got better from AI's play. He is not just a scorer dude went from 24 shots a game to like 16 shots a game do you even watch? He stoped shooting to get everyone involved is now not even shooting enough this dude is deff not just a scorer he get's everyone involved and if you watch the games you would see.
  3. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (CB4AllStar @ Apr 3 2007, 06:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>No, their offense isn't like the Suns. AI and Carmelo are better in a halfcourt offense in my opinion, and they don't have a ton of shooters on their team like the Suns do.</div>They are not the Suns, but pretty damn close they can deff keep up with the Suns, and out score them.
  4. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GArenas @ Apr 3 2007, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Not to mention they don't have Nash to spread the ball around with amazing court vision on offense. Plain and simple the Nuggets are wanna-be Suns, they want to run the same pace but their players don't fit the pace like the Suns roster does.</div>AI can pass not as great as Nash, but your also underrating him as a passer. And AI runs, if other guys would meet him down court they would be better. Instead AI is down the floor like Karl said before and guys are still just getting back slow.
  5. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Nitro1118 @ Apr 3 2007, 06:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>Hmmm...I'm gonna say Webber to Detroit. Detroit wasn't playing well, and without Ben it seemed they had lost the motivation and confidence to win the East. But with Webber they have gained a new confidence in their game, and are looking like the best team in the East.2nd best move was Philly shipping AI. Trading that old of a player with that kind of contract from a situation in which he would never win a title for a long time is always a great move. Now Philly has a lot of money to rebuild, Iguodala is getting the exposure needed to develop as a #1 option in this league, and they are just in rebuilding mode. It's too bad they haven't played worse since the trade, because if they could have gotten oden, this would be a scary team in a few years.</div>I agree about to bad they did not play worse we should have went all tank mode if you trade AI why would you try to win lol idiot they are I think for winning.And AI is 31, but has not lost a step.
  6. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ballerman2112 @ Apr 3 2007, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>He is the hater? You are just an AI homer. Denver hasnt gotten better since AI has been there, and Philly got rid of his contract, they are starting to rebuild, they are letting Iggy become their first role, and they have drastically improved from the worst team in the league, to a team that has almost played 500 ball since AI's absense. Denvers not lucky....They arent going to get past the first round of the playoffs, and AI is going to be gone from the league in 3 years.</div>They were strugling they were far from worse teams with AI.And Denver is lucky. They will not only get past first round maybe not this year cause they will have a bad match up, but they will contend on Dallas level next year, and the following year. And AI already said he is going to resign with Denver for 3-4 years when his contract is done.
  7. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (The Legacy @ Apr 3 2007, 09:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>whoa, whoa, whoa: why do you say AI will be out in 3 years? I'd say he has at least 5 more years in him, probably more.</div>Thank you this dude has no clue I been following AI for every I watched AI here in Philly for years I know more about this dude then you watching him on TV, or in person a few times when he comes plays your team.I see how underrated he is at passing you don't just average 7.5 assists last 2 years unless your a good passer. You can't be top 10 in league in passing unless your a good passer.And I watched him enough to tell you once his contract is up, unless he get's a big injury were he can't play he will be playing like he said re sign with Denver.There was a ESPN article a few weeks ago with him were he said he will re sign with Denver when his contract ends.
  8. GArenas

    GArenas Wiz Fo Champz

    Mar 30, 2006
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    [quote name='Serge' post='326482' date='Apr 5 2007, 06:20 AM']AI can pass not as great as Nash, but your also underrating him as a passer. And AI runs, if other guys would meet him down court they would be better. Instead AI is down the floor like Karl said before and guys are still just getting back slow.[/quote]If AI could pass like other PG's then the Nuggets would not be in their sticky situation. Lack of ball movement and no very easy shots have created problems for Denver. It doesn't matter how fast one players on the Nuggets is, as a team they can't run at nearly the same tempo as the Suns.
    Ugh, I heard the commentray, he said that he was one of the best pure scorers to play the game. Besides a random guy on ESPN saying that doesn't make it right, for god sakes Stephen A. Smith loves AI and talks for hours about how AI is the best in the NBA.
    Actually in Philly, AI was pretty much forced to do all of the scoring load. He could make offense for himself but not for his teammates. Look at Philly's roster and look how well they're playing without him. They have a true PG in Andre Miller now who can get easy looks for his teammates while when AI was there the Sixers were a complete mess. Sixers play team-ball now which is much better than relying on 2 scorers. Serge, look at the Nuggets record sicne AI got there and look at the Sixers.
    You're telling me to watch more games rather than looking at stats yet you're trying to prove your point using stats.....Of course AI is gonna take less shots with another dynamic scorer on the team, doesn't mean he can do much else._____________________BTW, next time make one post. Stop making thousands of posts to talk about a few topics, not to mention most of your posts arent even long.
  9. Serge

    Serge BBW Elite Member

    Jun 15, 2006
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    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (GArenas @ Apr 5 2007, 06:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'>If AI could pass like other PG's then the Nuggets would not be in their sticky situation. Lack of ball movement and no very easy shots have created problems for Denver. It doesn't matter how fast one players on the Nuggets is, as a team they can't run at nearly the same tempo as the Suns.Ugh, I heard the commentray, he said that he was one of the best pure scorers to play the game. Besides a random guy on ESPN saying that doesn't make it right, for god sakes Stephen A. Smith loves AI and talks for hours about how AI is the best in the NBA.Actually in Philly, AI was pretty much forced to do all of the scoring load. He could make offense for himself but not for his teammates. Look at Philly's roster and look how well they're playing without him. They have a true PG in Andre Miller now who can get easy looks for his teammates while when AI was there the Sixers were a complete mess. Sixers play team-ball now which is much better than relying on 2 scorers. Serge, look at the Nuggets record sicne AI got there and look at the Sixers.You're telling me to watch more games rather than looking at stats yet you're trying to prove your point using stats.....Of course AI is gonna take less shots with another dynamic scorer on the team, doesn't mean he can do much else._____________________BTW, next time make one post. Stop making thousands of posts to talk about a few topics, not to mention most of your posts arent even long.</div>They are not losing cause AI can't pass or cause they have a PG problem. They are losing cause Nene until lately was not consistent. And JR/KL of the bench were not doung much until now. But really it is all D. They are not losing for any other reason except there lack of D.And lack of ball movement also can fall on Melo pretty much cause once AI throws it down to Melo in the post it is over Melo is shooting that even if he is doubled/tripled teamed. Melo needs to stop forcing it sometimes and pass it back out.Well I was saying that they are not running not cause of AI being there and not Miller cause AI is the only one running it's others who don't run.And that guy knows that he is talking about he is talking NBA for a reason. And AI is 4 time scoring champ at not even 6 feet. He is 3rd highest average of all time behind Wilt, and Jordan he deff is one of the best scores to play the game.And Stephen A Smith likes AI true, but I never here him say he is the best in the NBA he says one of the best, and that is true.And AI made offense for other guys in Philly you have guys missing once he set them up men. And yes he had to force it all him self mostly cause the stupid gm gave him no real 2nd option they all were either to old like Webber, or to young when they played with AI.AI stoped passing probably short after those guys were always scared to shoot, and passed the ball back with a few sec were AI would have to force a bad shot that is what happend I been going to Sixers games for years. What is Iverson suppost to do when he passes to Korver then Korver to Iggy say he is scared to shoot he then passes to someone else and then that person scared to shoot finally AI get's it back with shot clock down to 2 or something. Or he passes to Sammy D just to have him fumble and have the ball go out of bound.And stop looking at the record. First Melo, and AI did not play all those games together since the trade you for got the suspention/injurys? Come on think a little. And just cause they are losing don't mean it's cause AI don't pass. I give stats yet I watch the game. You don't I guess cause if you would you see AI+Melo are clicking that is not the problem. Also AI is passing WAY TO MUCH actually so him not passing is far from the problem. The problem is bench somtimes, but the NO D is the problem. Watch the game you can't say AI+Melo are not click it is just that they are giving up like 10-15 more then they score. And AI is trying on D now everyone else needs to.

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