@KingSpeed Hey man. So when you do a show like this, sign a contract, etc., Do they dictate every little thing including your hairstyle? or are they a bit more flexible on certain things? Watching the trailer, I see you have several Do's and some of them don't look like "You" if ya know what I mean. I am sure it is all relative to the individual gig, but on average are most fairly open, or are almost all jobs strict as hell?
Also, Is there anything else you have done or are in? You need a sticky thread to list accolades man! And if Bones is the only one so far, then you still make the thread and link to specific episodes to converse over. You could turn this forum into a Bones show. Probably more entertaining than the current state of the Blazers anyhow, and I think we are starting to get tired of beating each other up over Ideas of what to do, so the thread might just take off!!! lol.
Interesting side note, I watched the original 3 Star Wars with my kids for the first time this weekend. (6y.o and 5) In Empire, where Darth says "Luke, I am your father" my son looks at me and says "no, Daddy. That's not right, right? He's not REALLY his father, right?! He's trying to trick him, right?! Right?!!?!" Me:
They've never "dictated" my hairstyle but I need to assert myself more. If I just speak up, they do it like I want to.
I was in an episode of "Law & Order: Criminal Intent" in its first season. My episode was called "Insider" I think. I was also in "100 Centre Street" but it never came out on DVD. Probably my best acting was in a movie called "On_Line." It premiered at the 2002 Sundance Film Festival and is available on DVD and Amazon. It's very racy. Not for children. I'm also in a movie called "Lady Peacock" that's on Amazon.
Excellent work. So great to see you back in the saddle again! Can we do a KS road trip documentary called "Planes, Trains and Pinwheels"?
Just started Bones tonight on Netflix, gotta say i'm finding Erics character quiet funny so far, reminds me of a much more realistic version of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.
Thanks man. That would be awesome! Thank you! That's what I used to tell people. He's the sitcom version of my character.