Carnage in Kissimmee

Discussion in 'National League Central' started by truebluefan, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. truebluefan

    truebluefan Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    "One strike. One out.

    All Astros pitcher Ryan Rowland-Smith(Above) needed was either/or to emerge from his first spring-training start unscathed. With two outs and nobody on base in the second inning against the St. Louis Cardinals, Rowland-Smith worked the count to 1-2 on Skip Schumaker.

    And walked him.

    The Cardinals pounced on Rowland-Smith for three runs and cruised to a 10-2 victory against the Astros on Friday afternoon at Osceola County Stadium. It became a familiar pattern for the Astros, who allowed nine of the Cardinals' runs with two outs.

    "I was trying to overdo it a bit – that putaway pitch," Rowland-Smith said.

    Next thing Rowland Smith knew, he'd allowed a single to Gerald Laird, a double to Matt Carpenter and a single to John Jay. Rowland-Smith, the only lefthander among the five candidates for the fifth spot in the starting rotation, allowed three runs on four hits with a walk and a strikeout in his two innings. Instead of fret over his pitching line, Rowland-Smith preferred to focus on the way he mixed in two-seam fastballs with changeups and breaking balls."

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