Fire Thread Photoshop Tutorial

Discussion in 'Graphics Showcase' started by dycdan, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. dycdan

    dycdan DYC please wait...

    Oct 30, 2006
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    This photoshop tutorial will teach you how to create a pleasant filter effect, which I call "Fire Thread". I recommend this to newbies, especially those who like to create forum SIG's, as it's a nice alternative for a background.

    1) We start off by opening a new document, please pick your set size specifications and please note it doesn't really matter what size you pick as this is just a tutorial. =)

    Right now we start with the filter effects, select 'filter' > 'renders' > 'clouds' oh and make sure you've got the colour pallets set to black and white.


    2) Moving on with the filters, we do 'filter' > 'disort' > 'twirl' a dialogue should popup, change the 'Angle' to 999° and click OK.


    3) This next filter is the last one, so here we go: ' filter' > 'disort' > 'polor coordinates' and check 'polor to rectangular'.


    4) Firstly, duplicate the current layer! and go back to the non-duplicate... Right it's time to add some colour which can be done by using the 'hue/saturation' dialogue, which we can pop-up by pressing the shortcut keys: 'ctrl+u'. Now enter the following settings:


    Now go back to the duplicated layer and again we use the 'hue/saturation' dialogue, so press 'ctrl+u' to make it pop-up and then use the following settings:


    Going into the layers window and change the top layer to 'overlay'... once done merge both of the layers, this can be done with a keyboard short: 'ctrl+e'.

    5) Duplicate the layer and select 'edit' > 'transform' > 'rotate 90° cw' and set the layer to 'lighten'. Follow this step two more times and you will get this effect:


    The finished fire thread tutorial should look like this:

  2. retardx

    retardx DYC Mr Lee

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Excellent tutorial dan.

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