Greetings, this is King James of the Design Team. This is where you want to put ina request for either an avatar or a sig. My work is for JBB members that love being here, just my way of showing appreciation for their active membership. <font color="Red"><-- Avatars are now 80x80 pixels</font> <font size="1">Credit me and Sir Desmond for the Allen sig</font> Before we get started there are a few things that you need to know. <font color="Red">Do not use my graphics without asking</font>, that goes for here at JustBBall or anywhere else. My graphics are property of King James and To put in an avatar request, please have at least 100 posts before even thinking about anything. For a sig, please have 250 posts before submission. If you post more than one time about a graphic or request, you can just forget about it. I am not blind, I see everything that gets posted here. Please provide as much detail as possible, or just be happy with what I come up with, and once they are done, they are done. I have a system below that displays the current status of requests, pretty simple to follow. Thanks, KJ