Well, I figured I might try this out. I'm not THAT good and I don't really have alot of "skillz" so yeah. It may take me awhile to get you your sctuff. But anyways, I'll do my best. If you'd like something, leave me a description, colors, a picture, any effects you may want and a prefered font. If you don't, I will choose the way it looks. If you are not descriptive with your request and don't like the final product I make, don't complain. I will not remake it. If it turns out you're not going to use it, let me know. In addition, if I make you something, <u>please find your own server to upload it onto</u>. I don't want your signature/avatar using up all my bandwidth. If I see you are using me as your host, I will tell you and if you then don't find space for it, it will be deleted. Here's some samples of my work. Avatars will be 80x80 or smaller (please give me a size) and signatures will be 468x100. Please don't use any of these samples on your own website or on JBB unless I made one of these specially for you. Lastly, if I make something for you, please give me credit in your signature. Thanks. AS OF 4/06/04 : REQUESTS ARE NOW CLOSED <u>SAMPLES!</u> Avatars/Icons Sigs << made for BigNasty << made for BallerAK47 << made for choppa22 << made for ShortyC20 << made for deestillballin
thanks now I was wondering if you could make me an AI sig also if you have time peole always tell me they are gonna make me a sig and they never do so i would apreeciate if you could make me an AI sig
Hey KVH, any chance you can make me a sig with Chris Andersen and Luke Ridnour. I don;t care about the colors or size. It would be greatly appreciated, Thanks
Hey, kvh4fan, can you make me a avatar of Kurt Cobain? And do the special effect thing like in your blue Iverson avatar. Thanks. =)
Just-Magic, here's your KG avatar: cArMeLo15, here's your Kurt avatar: Let me know what you guys think. And if you use them, plz give me credit. The Waiting List: choppa22 - signature request ballerak47 - signature request Reminder that requests are now CLOSED! Do NOT request anything else. If you do, it will be ignored. Choppa & Ballerak47, I will get your stuff to you. Don't worry. Sigs just take me a little longer.
Choppa 22- Here's your sig. I hope you like it. Lemme know what you think and if you use it, plz give me credit. Thanks.=) BallerAk47, I'll be working on yours tonight or tomorrow.
Hey do you think I could get a Gary Payton signature? I don't really want it to be bright colors you know? kinda dark colors with the words Da' Glove. If you could do this for me i know i would like it? Alright cya
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting kvh4fan:</div><div class="quote_post">No prob. I'll start on it tomorrow.</div> Alright well thanks. Not to be a pest or anything but how long do you think it'll take?
I dunno. Should have it done by tonight (Wednesday) night at the earliest.. I got places to go and people to see. So hang tight.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting deestillballin:</div><div class="quote_post">Could you hook me up with a Dirk avatar and sig? you can hook it up your style, thanks in advance</div> Sure, I'll have it to you by the end of the weekend.
I got your avatar. I'll get you the sig tomorrow. Lemme know what you think so far. EDIT: Okay, I got bored and finished your sig early. Lemme know what ya think of it. And if you use it, could I get some credit?