I have an ok collection of avatars and signatures, unfortunetely, that is my only Marbury signature and avatar. I can e-mail you some of my stuff, if you'd like. To place your signature, clikc on the button that says "User CP" then clikc on "Signature." Put image tags around the URL of the picture as demonstrated below: To place your avatar, you can upload it from your computer or you can get it from the internet, by placing the URL in the correct place.
SIG Character:TiMVP & Parker Colors: Silver and Black Special Effectsut in a nice special effect that u feel looks hot. Size:dont matter Text:The Quiet Man... , The Kid... AVATER Character:Emanuel Ginobili Colors:Silver (if u can get Ginobili in the Silver jersey thatd be cool too) Text:none E-Mail Address:SArulzNBA03@aol.com
Avatar Character: Jermaine O'Neal Main Colors: Yellow and Blue Special Text: Up to you Special Images: none Special Effects: none Other: Maybe a pacer logo somewhere in there E-Mail Address: MadMatt8734@yahoo.com thanks in advance
Banner Characters: Any top College basketball players.(warrick, deng, felton, okafor, gordan, rice, sato or someone else who is good) Main Colors: Blue, white, dark blue or black... w/e looks good Special Text: College Hoops Central Special Images: none Special Effects: none Im only requesting because I'm interested to see what you come up with. E-Mail Address: raptors21@hotmail.com
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Kosarkas, have you read the first post in the thread? When you do, get back to me. By the way, are you from the balkans, telling from your username, I bet you are. I am too.</div> YEah i am. Im from Bosnia and you ?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Sta ima, gdje zivis?</div> Haha, nema nista. U phoenixu a ti ?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Tennessee, to su me poslali, haha!</div> Hehe, i mene su ovdje. Odakle si s balkana ?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Iz Sarajeva, a ti?</div> Same.. Gdje si zivio/la u sarajevu ? BTW.. Kolko tije godina ?
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Sasha:</div><div class="quote_post">Cengic Vila 2. 16, a tebi?</div> Daj zezas hehe. Ja sam zivio na dobrinji c-5 prije rata pa sam onda kupio kucu u buca potoku. 19 mije godina jos malo i 20. Jel se zoves Sasa il ?
Okej, Hehe. Ja mislim da se pitaju o cemu pricamo LoL.. Demi reci jeli moguce dobiti avatar, procito sam onaj prvi post i nisam bas skonto jer mi nije engleski nesto extra.