Graphics by the Rookie Design Team-RDT There is a new Design Team on JBB called the Rookie Design Team. The members are currently PyroManiac Trip TimFlem DajuanWagner#2 eginobili20 PrimeTime Ankle Breaker Jump The Answer PG2 Peja King BeastMode We're able to design avatars and signatures for you. Requirements We now have to have a list of requirements because we were being swamped with requests. All the people that have requested up till now will still get their graphic, it is just from now on, the person must have: <ul> [*]50 quality posts for an avatar [*]100 quality posts for a signature [/list] The reason we are the rookie team is because we are new and do not have too many examples, take a gamble. :mrgreen: Requests Form: Make the requests as vague or as detailed as you like. You can ask for a certain member, but it is not a guarantee that he will be the one to make the graphic. (However, 90% chance that they will make it.) Use the form below please, if you don't have a preference just delete that line from the form. Type: Avater or Sig Player/Celebrity: (Name) Dimensions: Max: Sig-468x100 Avatar-80x80 Main Colors: Include colors. Special Text: Include text. Special Images: Type the URL here. Special Effects: Include which. Anything else: Preferred Designer: (Not guaranteed but about a 90% that they will make it.) Here are some examples of our work: <font size="3"><u>PyroManiac:</u></font> <font size="3"><u>Trip: </u> </font> Currently available Currently available Currently available Currently available <font size="3"><u>TimFlem:</u></font> <font size="3"><u>DajuanWagner#2:</u></font> Currently available Currently available Currently available Currently available <font size="3"><u>eginobili20:</u></font> Currently available Currently available <font size="3"><u>PrimeTime:</u></font> <font size="3"><u>Ankle Breaker:</u></font> Coming up <font size="3"><u>Jump:</u></font> <font size="3"><u>The Answer:</u></font> <font size="3"><u>PG2:</u></font> Currently available Currently available Please reply with your requests.
Well it's about that time folks. As of now and until further notice I will not be accepting any requests Me and my Rookie Design team Teammates have been struggling furiously to try to get my photoshop back up and running. I have tried to get other programs/versions to do my designing and they weren't any help. So sorry to break it to those who really liked my stuff and wanted me to do an Avator and Sig of there own. Rookie Design Team #3 Designer Tim Flem
Well since I can't design anymore I'll request. Type: Avater Player/Celebrity: Michael Jordan Dimensions: Avatar-80x80 Main Colors: Carolina Blue Special Text: The Beginning(If it fits If not think of something) Special Images: Michael In his North Caorlina Jersey Special Effects: Any you could think of Anything else:nope Preferred Designer: Pyro Type: Sig Player/Celebrity:Michael Jordan Dimensions: Max:468x100 Main Colors: Carolina Blue Special Text: The Early Days Special Images: Michael In his North Carolina Jersey Special Effects: Any you could think of Anything else:Nope Preferred Designer: Pyro
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting TD21.:</div><div class="quote_post">sorry timflem. i was just posting the links for pyro to use cause the ones he was trying werent working. i hope that didnt take too long. sorry for the confusion. its pretty nice though.</div> It's alright. I needed to make it better anyway
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting TimFlem:</div><div class="quote_post">I'm taking requests now. Anyone need something from TimFlem INNETSWETRUST here you go resized it and everything hope you like it along with everyone else. </div> hey man i need a signiture of michael jordan, darko milicic, ben wallace and dirk nowitzki next to each other if you can please... thx man
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting DajuanWagner#2:</div><div class="quote_post">^So are I </div> Hey I dont no how to put a picture in my signature so can u help me plz!
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting PyroManiac:</div><div class="quote_post">There is a new Design Team on JBB called the Rookie Design Team. The members are currently PyroManiac Trip TimFlem DajuanWagner#2 eginobili20 We're able to design avatars and signatures for you. Requirements We now have to have a list of requirements because we were being swamped with requests. All the people that have requested up till now will still get their graphic, it is just from now on, the person must have: <ul> [*]50 quality posts for an avatar [*]100 quality posts for a signature [/list] The reason we are the rookie team is because we are new and do not have too many examples, take a gamble. :mrgreen: Requests Form: Make the requests as vague or as detailed as you like. You can ask for a certain member, but it is not a guarantee that he will be the one to make the graphic. (However, 90% chance that they will make it.) Use the form below please, if you don't have a preference just delete that line from the form. Type: Avater or Sig Player/Celebrity: (Name) Dimensions: Max: Sig-468x100 Avatar-80x80 Main Colors: Include colors. Special Text: Include text. Special Images: Type the URL here. Special Effects: Include which. Anything else: Preferred Designer: (Not guaranteed but about a 90% that they will make it.) Here are some examples of our work: <u>PyroManiac:</u> <u>Trip: </u> Currently available Currently available Currently available Currently available <u>TimFlem:</u> Currently available Currently available <u>DajuanWagner#2:</u> Coming up <u>eginobili20 :</u> Currently available Currently available Please reply with your requests.</div> yes i need a signature please give me signature with 50 cent and LeBron James on thanx JBB_LBJFAN23
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting Streetball2k3:</div><div class="quote_post">I Guess Ill Shake Thing Up Again! ... Can I Get A Sig? Type: Signature Player: Vince Carter Size: The Maximum Main Colors: Whatever looks the Best. Special Text: Sick, Wicked, And Nasty Or The Sultan Of Slam, whatever suits the sig better Special Images: --- Special Effects: Whatever looks best Anything else: --- Preferred Designer: Anyone who has the time Thanks In Advance!</div> Since E is busy I'll take this one
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting SirDunkadelic:</div><div class="quote_post">Lol, he meant that he wanted text to say "Get Big"</div> oh man stupid from me
lbjfan23: primetime has done you one, im doing one for you right now, so if you still want mine ill do it if youre satisfied with his i wont
So far here's how my shedule is I'll get you guys A.S.A.P <u>Accepted</u> Waiting on requests <u>Rejected</u> Waiting on requests <u>Want to do over</u> Anyone who want's me to do theirs over. <u>Did Over</u> Ming637
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting PrimeTime:</div><div class="quote_post">Umm was i accepted? ~Out, Prime</div> Your request was hard. I don't think I can do it as you specified. If you fill out another requet for I'll see what I can do.
Type: Sig Player/Celebrity: Kobe Bryant Dimensions: Max: Sig-468x100 Main Colors: Yellow, Black, White Special Text: "The Missing Link" Special Images: Any Cool Kobe Pics Special Effects: Make font have "Outer Glow"-Font color white with outer glow yellow Anything else: Preferred Designer: TimFlem ~Out, Prime
seeing how this avatar looks for real on the forums, its from a request from worldchamps0903 blah...holdup...GRR this thing is a piece of crap...hold on
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">"i made my avatar"</div> WOW... LOL. ~Out, Prime
Type: Sig Player/Celebrity:Amare Stoudemire Dimensions: Max: Sig-468x100 Main Colors:doesnt matter Special Text: Get Big Special Images: Special Effects: Anything else: Preferred Designer:anbody with time