GB punted to Seattle, Seahawks fumbled the ball, Packer ball. On the 34. Clinton-Dix recovered the ball.
Halftime 17-10 Seattle Seahawks 12 FD 28 plays 221 total yds 121 passing yds. Russell Wilson 10-14. Harvin 5 catches, 48 yds 100 rushing yds. Lynch 7 carries, 59 yds 3 penalties 59 yds 1 turnover Time of possession 13:31 Packers 11 FD 32 total plays 131 total yds 86 yds passing. Rodgers 14-18 Nelson 4 catches 31 yds 45 yds rushing Lacy 8 carries 29 yds Penalties 3-15 yds Time of possession 16: 28