GT: Playoffs 2007 - 1st Round - Rockets vs. Jazz G7

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by tracymcgrady_01, May 3, 2007.

  1. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Boozer abused Yao the entire series....


    I don't know why JVG continued to put Yao on him...he's much too quick.
  2. ownage

    ownage JBB JustBBall Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Yes, this really really hurts... I think this is probally the best chance we will have for a long time considering GS took out Dallas for us and the game as winnable. I feel sorry for Tmac.
  3. umair

    umair "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Damn man! I just can't get over this loss. I've been a fan for about 5 years. And I see Rockets do good in regular season, then choke in playoffs. We haven't won a playoff series in a long time man. Like DREAM, who has been a longer fan of the Rockets, I really want Rockets to win now. First off I feel these changes need to come:

    Coach: Adelman
    Better PG: Alston be back up.
    Get Rid of: Spanoulis, Tsaka, and Sura
    Improve and Work on: Bonzi (if he stays), JJ, Novak, and Luther Head
    Bring in: a solid PG who can run the offense instead of Tmac, an experienced and a big PF who can help out Yao.

    Man I really feel bad about that loss. Only if we played good for 2 minutes. Only 2 minutes, we could've won. Next year I am hoping for some key additions to this team to build around Yao/Mac. Hopefully, next year we get a good seed in playoffs and we get past first round. <font size=""3""><font color=""Red"">GO ROCKETS!!</font></font>
  4. ownage

    ownage JBB JustBBall Member

    May 30, 2005
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    Yea like Dream said this one will hurt until next season. I really think we had a great chance to not only advance into the second round, but also make it deep in the Playoffs.
  5. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    the last time I hurt this bad was when captain nut huggers hit his shot at the buzzer....I hate (and I mean HATE) the jazz with a passion and that's why about 10-15 Utah fans got cursed out after the game last night.........
  6. umair

    umair "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

    Dec 19, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">ownage Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I think this is probally the best chance we will have for a long time considering GS took out Dallas for us and the game as winnable. I feel sorry for Tmac.</div>

    Good point. If Dallas had knocked off GS, we had basically no chance against Dallas. I think we would have had more chance against GS than Dallas. We had a good chance to go really far this year since Dallas was out in first round. But, we lost!! MAN!! We will be back next year.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    For those of you who ragged on me for my opinions. Here are a couple of my quotes before the playoff season:

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">Ego hurt?[​IMG] That's the funniest thing you've said all season. It's a really a double edged sword for JVG. I'm sure he got satisfaction by running off Bonzi. He didn't like him, and wasn't ever gonna give him time to learn the system. But he'll find out (as will you) that there are serious holes in his current 8-man rotation. First off, our jumpshooting will only take us so far, that's why Carol Dawson actually signed Bonzi in the first place. If god forbid Tmac has an off series against Utah in the playoffs, and we lose, JVG will not have a job next season. So either way those silly mind games will come back to haunt JVG[​IMG]</div>
    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life:</div><div class="quote_post">A couple things. Bonzi is a very solid player. He's been solid everywhere he's played. So if ur attempting to say he's not, then ur obviously dellusional. Contrary to what you stated, he's great at getting to the free throw line and has great post game. Looking at our team, we desperatley need a 3rd option and we're last in the league at free throws. We could REALLY use Bonzi. But JVG feels otherwise, just as he felt with Jim Jackson, Stromile Swift & Derek Anderson. The cycle never stops. The truth is we'll NEVER have a consistent 3rd option under JVG because Tmac & Yao do 98% of the creating and our role players getting the leftovers. We'll never be like Dallas, San Antonio or Phoenix, all who have multiple threats on offense. Unless we make a coachig change. I'll admit that</div>

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Look I know ur a pure stats guy. We all know that by now. Stats are important, very important. But some things call for good basketball judgement. This is ur weakness. I'm not sayin going strictly by stats is bad, because as we all know even I myself use them from time to time. But regular season stats don't neccesarily translate to playoff stats. Which means just because our record with Chuck starting was good in the regular season, doesn't mean we'll have the same success against the elite teams like Phoenix, Utah, San Antonio or Dallas. As you saw against Phoenix, they completley embarrassed Chuck Hayes.</div>
  8. umair

    umair "Never underestimate the heart of a champion."

    Dec 19, 2005
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    Man this hurts. I am going to cry watching this over and over

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  9. The Dream

    The Dream mama there goes that man!

    Nov 7, 2004
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    lets not turn this into a "i told you so" thread Rock4life....I'm really pissed right now...

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">THE DREAM Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">lets not turn this into a "i told you so" thread Rock4life....I'm really pissed right now...</div>
    No...I'm not. This is more of a "we should've seen it comin" thread. I can't even watch my boy Tmac crying, it pisses me off as well! But the fact is he needed more help but the coach short changed not only the team, but the whole organization. Then he quit! What a coward
  11. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Utah shut down Hayes offensively by putting AK under the basket, he gave us a good reason not to give Hayes the ball. This allowed Utah to double on Yao with zero deficiency.

    <div class="quote_poster">Umair Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Damn man! I just can't get over this loss. I've been a fan for about 5 years. And I see Rockets do good in regular season, then choke in playoffs. We haven't won a playoff series in a long time man. Like DREAM, who has been a longer fan of the Rockets, I really want Rockets to win now. First off I feel these changes need to come:

    Coach: Adelman
    Better PG: Alston be back up.
    Get Rid of: Spanoulis, Tsaka, and Sura
    Improve and Work on: Bonzi (if he stays), JJ, Novak, and Luther Head
    Bring in: a solid PG who can run the offense instead of Tmac, an experienced and a big PF who can help out Yao.

    Man I really feel bad about that loss. Only if we played good for 2 minutes. Only 2 minutes, we could've won. Next year I am hoping for some key additions to this team to build around Yao/Mac. Hopefully, next year we get a good seed in playoffs and we get past first round. <font size=""3""><font color=""Red"">GO ROCKETS!!</font></font></div>

    We wont get anything for him. We don't need the roster spot. Boki Nachbar says we keep him around for a few more years.

    I thought it all happened so fast. We went from being up 6 do down 4 in a matter of minutes. The last 1:30 of the game just disappeared thanks to a few lucky bounces. We never really had a chance to come up.

    I will never forget that call though.

    <div class="quote_poster">ownage Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yea like Dream said this one will hurt until next season. I really think we had a great chance to not only advance into the second round, but also make it deep in the Playoffs.</div>

    Going up 2-0, I believed we learned our lesson last time. After Dallas was knocked out, I thought we really had a chance to go at least 6 games with the Spurs, or 5 with the Suns. GS is the best RUNNING team in the NBA. If other teams try to run with them (Dallas, even Phoenix) they will get burned. I believed if the Rockets could control the pace, and stay in the game until the 4th, we could slow it down and beat them in a half-court game. GS is terrible at executing in a half-court game.
  12. durvasa

    durvasa JBB Rockets Fan

    Feb 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">For those of you who ragged on me for my opinions. Here are a couple of my quotes before the playoff season:</div>

    You also predicted we'd win in the first round, and that Juwan would be the X-factor. You throw enough crap on the wall, and some of it will stick. If we were going to lose, lack of offensive talent from the role players was likely going to be a big reason. You don't have to be Nostradamus to figure that out.

    In game 7, fourth quarter, it came down to our inability to get stops in the last 5 minutes of the game. We were too slow getting after the loose balls. You can point to our dreadful offense, sure, but when it counted the most we also failed to make the defensive plays.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting igotask8board:</div><div class="quote_post">Utah shut down Hayes offensively by putting AK under the basket, he gave us a good reason not to give Hayes the ball. This allowed Utah to double on Yao with zero deficiency.</div>

    AK was either guarding Battier or McGrady all game. If he's under the basket, then one of those guys should be open. Yao was slow to recognize the double teams in this series and get the ball quickly to the open shooters on the perimeter.
  13. igotask8board

    igotask8board Active Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Ok. What I meant to say was he gave Yao a good reason not to dish it to him when AK/Okur doubled on him.

    AK helped on Yao plenty, I don't think I'm going crazy...but I am trying to forget this series asap. I don't want to get pissed off every morning I wake up and remember the Rockets aren't in the playoffs anymore.

    On not getting stops in the 4th of game 7, it felt more like the whole game. They came out hot, and cooled down in the late 3rd, early 4th.

    Edit: Steve Kerr was a cranky bastard while commentating this game, because the Bulls lost. I muted the TV the entire second quarter after he said, "I was going to say the Rockets should go for a 2 for 1, but I forgot this was the Rockets playing."

    In the 3rd, I turned the volume back on and he said one thing that really just pissed me off. I know I should just stfu and stop complaining, but I think is assness shouldn't go unnoticed. He said the Rockets really aren't that great of a team. "Yeah, I know they won 52 games, but there were a lot of bad teams this season."

    Doesn't this apply to every team? Utah lost to some pretty bad teams. We lost to a lot of bad teams. We did beat a lot of good teams, so I think this guy should be banned from commentating any sporting events.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You also predicted we'd win in the first round, and that Juwan would be the X-factor. You throw enough crap on the wall, and some of it will stick. If we were going to lose, lack of offensive talent from the role players was likely going to be a big reason. You don't have to be Nostradamus to figure that out. </div>
    Yea ur right. I agree. Me, Rock4life can be wrong and I'm fine with that. But if you go back and re-read my posts you'll notice that I simply destroyed ur conclusions. After all the pointless stats you threw out there, not having Bonzi DID comeback to hurt us. We DID need another creator comin off the bench. You underestimated Bonzi and proudly stood behind 95% of anything JVG did. Well, smart move[​IMG]

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">In game 7, fourth quarter, it came down to our inability to get stops in the last 5 minutes of the game. We were too slow getting after the loose balls. You can point to our dreadful offense, sure, but when it counted the most we also failed to make the defensive plays.</div>
    Ur blind to the facts. Lookin at the whole game we did NOT deserve to win. We offensivley got off to a horrible start in all but one game that series (which I stated we'd do with Hayes starting) including game 7. Our offense was too predictable, we took too many jumpshots, and Utah exposed our lack of size by posting up 5 different players. Something I warned you about ALL season, especially without Bonzi (and rebounding is Bonzi's strong point[​IMG])

    However, I can't quite understand how we couldn't get a rebound with Hayes out there. Wasn't that his sole purpose? Isn't that what you've praised him over all season? Isn't that what all ur +/- stats pointed too? If that's true, why was Juwan the one who got the big offensive rebounds in game 7? You have some answering to do
  15. foo82

    foo82 JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yea ur right. I agree. Me, Rock4life can be wrong and I'm fine with that. But if you go back and re-read my posts you'll notice that I simply destroyed ur conclusions. After all the pointless stats you threw out there, not having Bonzi DID comeback to hurt us. We DID need another creator comin off the bench. You underestimated Bonzi and proudly stood behind 95% of anything JVG did. Well, smart move[​IMG]</div>

    You didn't destroy ****. You made a large amount of prediction, 90% of which is bullshit. Its very easy to say Bonzi would have helped us in hindsight. But, how did you know he wouldn't have hurt us? You use previous playoff example as a basis, yet it is very clear that the bonzi of this year IS DEFINATELY NOT THE SAME AS BONZI OF LAST YEAR. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. Turnovers was a very common theme and hurt us this series. You expect a guy with a high turnover ratio to destroy UTah? Utah is a very foul-proned team in that series. You also want a guy who shoots 55% from the ft line to play? Fact is, we don't know how he would play unless he ACTUALLY PLAYED.

    I agree though, if Bonzi played at the level he played last year, he would have helped us tremendously. Don't blame JVG for this one. This was clearly Bonzi's fault. He was clearly still upset over the whole Sacramento deal and this affected his game. Mentally, he was not all there. He made "stupid" mistakes with the ball. He was also given 7 games at the end of the season, but he was so dissapointed in his own play on his return to Sacramento, that HE TOOK HIMSELF out of the game. Before you blame JVG for Bonzi's poor play, let me ask you how long did it take YAO to recover from his injury in terms of production?

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Ur blind to the facts. Lookin at the whole game we did NOT deserve to win. We offensivley got off to a horrible start in all but one game that series (which I stated we'd do with Hayes starting) including game 7. Our offense was too predictable, we took too many jumpshots, and Utah exposed our lack of size by posting up 5 different players. Something I warned you about ALL season, especially without Bonzi (and rebounding is Bonzi's strong point[​IMG]) </div>

    You keep bringing the Hayes issue up, but never bring up the Juwan issue. What are you dense? Is there nothing going on in that "rock" of yours? And too many jumpshots? Were you even watching the game? We penetrated tons of time. We took more shots within 10ft of the basket than Utah. Utah is more of a jumpshooting team than we were that series.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    However, I can't quite understand how we couldn't get a rebound with Hayes out there. Wasn't that his sole purpose? Isn't that what you've praised him over all season? Isn't that what all ur +/- stats pointed too? If that's true, why was Juwan the one who got the big offensive rebounds in game 7? You have some answering to do</div>

    Apparently you only watch the games Juwan outperforms Hayes. Hayes averaged more rebounds than Juwan. In 4 of the games Hayes outrebounded Juwan. Juwan outrebounded Hayes in 2 of the games. It's funny. I was right about you though. You will never admit when Hayes outperforms Juwan. And you will never admit if Juwan is playing Horribly (his first four games he was 4/21 shooting and averaged 3 rebounds a game). Yea, you were right though. He certainly was an X-Factor. Him and Head were the reason why we lost games 3 and 4. I guess its also convenient to overlook that Hayes was a huge reason we won game 2.
  16. Pakman

    Pakman JBB ITS ON ME!!!

    Aug 8, 2006
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    aight look calm down.. cmon man.. everyone is mad, not just you ..

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You didn't destroy ****. You made a large amount of prediction, 90% of which is bullshit. Its very easy to say Bonzi would have helped us in hindsight. But, how did you know he wouldn't have hurt us? You use previous playoff example as a basis, yet it is very clear that the bonzi of this year IS DEFINATELY NOT THE SAME AS BONZI OF LAST YEAR. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. Turnovers was a very common theme and hurt us this series. You expect a guy with a high turnover ratio to destroy UTah? Utah is a very foul-proned team in that series. You also want a guy who shoots 55% from the ft line to play? Fact is, we don't know how he would play unless he ACTUALLY PLAYED.</div>
    We didn't need the Bonzi of last year. We needed a decent player off the bench that could create his own shots. That's Bonzi best attribute, keepin him inactive for all that time was a mistake.

    Moving along.....I don't have the energy for personal attacks lol. But I will say that ur posts don't make any sense. Heres one of ur recent quotes:

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Were you even watching the game? We barely took jumpshots. We penetrated more in this series than we did in most games. Our "jump shots" were mainly bad shots from Tmac or open 3's. Hell, Jazz is more of a jump shooting team than we are.</div>
    Explain this theory....Because the Utah team everybody else saw posted up Boozer, Kirilenko, Hapring, Williams & even Milsap. That's where they did most of the damage. EVERYBODY noticed this, everybody BUT FOO82. No suprise[​IMG]

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I agree though, if Bonzi played at the level he played last year, he would have helped us tremendously. Don't blame JVG for this one. This was clearly Bonzi's fault. He was clearly still upset over the whole Sacramento deal and this affected his game. Mentally, he was not all there. He made "stupid" mistakes with the ball. He was also given 7 games at the end of the season, but he was so dissapointed in his own play on his return to Sacramento, that HE TOOK HIMSELF out of the game. Before you blame JVG for Bonzi's poor play, let me ask you how long did it take YAO to recover from his injury in terms of production?</div>
    So how about when JVG chose to leave Bonzi inactive knowing he was healthy and ready to contribute? There was no real reason for not activating him other than "I haven't made a decision". No attitude problems, no fussing from Bonzi. 7 games doesn't make up for months of inactivity.I'm not sayin Bonzi would've put up huge numbers, I'm saying that he would've UNDENIABLELY helped our bench. So stop making excuses and just admit that JVG made a HUGE mistake in not giving Bonzi a shot (along with other mistakes). You and Durvasa have sided with JVG 95% of the time. According to Foo:

    -We're not a jumpshooting team, Utah is

    -Tmac has never run point for us

    -We didn't need Bonzi, our bench was good enough

    -JVG should indeed be brought back in for another wonderful year of losing a 2-0 lead in a playoff series

    Good luck........

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">You keep bringing the Hayes issue up, but never bring up the Juwan issue. What are you dense? Is there nothing going on in that "rock" of yours? And too many jumpshots? Were you even watching the game? We penetrated tons of time. We took more shots within 10ft of the basket than Utah. Utah is more of a jumpshooting team than we were that series.</div>
    Wow...The personal attacks keep mounding up here[​IMG] I'll let the other guys respond to ur theory that Utah's more of a jumpshooting team. If ur debating that, you've lost already. Give it up[​IMG]
    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Apparently you only watch the games Juwan outperforms Hayes. Hayes averaged more rebounds than Juwan. In 4 of the games Hayes outrebounded Juwan. Juwan outrebounded Hayes in 2 of the games. It's funny. I was right about you though. You will never admit when Hayes outperforms Juwan. And you will never admit if Juwan is playing Horribly (his first four games he was 4/21 shooting and averaged 3 rebounds a game). Yea, you were right though. He certainly was an X-Factor. Him and Head were the reason why we lost games 3 and 4. I guess its also convenient to overlook that Hayes was a huge reason we won game 2.</div>
    Howard had a underachieving playoff series, I've already said that. However, he did have some HUGE offensive rebounds in the 4th quarters of game 6 & 7. Statistically he's not the better rebounder, but somehow managed to get them in the crucial momments of games.

    My question is if Hayes's main job is to get rebounds & looseballs, then how is it we failed to get them in the closing seconds of game 7? Like I respectivley asked Durvasa, ISN'T THAT WHY HE'S IN THE GAME?

    Anyway, JVG is gonna get fired and Bonzi might be brought back in under new coaching. You along with Durvasa, stood by JVG's strategy all year long only to have it backfire in the playoffs (which I stated it would). Yes we did lose series. But atleast we're moving in whole new direction now............
  18. durvasa

    durvasa JBB Rockets Fan

    Feb 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yea ur right. I agree. Me, Rock4life can be wrong and I'm fine with that. But if you go back and re-read my posts you'll notice that I simply destroyed ur conclusions. After all the pointless stats you threw out there, not having Bonzi DID comeback to hurt us. We DID need another creator comin off the bench. You underestimated Bonzi and proudly stood behind 95% of anything JVG did. Well, smart move[​IMG]</div>

    I never said we couldn't benefit from another creator. I also acknowledged our lack of playmaking from the role players as a weakness. Any moron could see that. The point of disagreement is you felt Bonzi would automatically solve that problem and make us much better, without limiting us in other ways. I maintained that there is a tradeoff when you decide to make room for Bonzi in the rotation. He gives us that extra creator if he's on his game (a big if), but there are numerous potential drawbacks as well which I've gone over ad naseum.

    Nothing was proven here unless you can show that Bonzi in fact would have made us much better. Since Bonzi hasn't had consistent stretch of strong play in a year, that's where the burden of proof lies. As I've said, wait till next year and watch what Bonzi is doing. If he plays well, I'll concede: "Yes, it looks like Bonzi should have been given more of a chance, considering how he's playing now."

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Ur blind to the facts. Lookin at the whole game we did NOT deserve to win. We offensivley got off to a horrible start in all but one game that series (which I stated we'd do with Hayes starting) including game 7. Our offense was too predictable, we took too many jumpshots, and Utah exposed our lack of size by posting up 5 different players. Something I warned you about ALL season, especially without Bonzi (and rebounding is Bonzi's strong point[​IMG]) </div>

    Yes, our offense was terrible. Couple that with lack of defensive quickness from three of our frontline players (Yao, Dikembe, and Juwan), and we had major problems playing against the Jazz. Utah rarely posted up players in the low block this series. Their only post up option where they really exploited our lack of size was Matt Harpring on Luther Head. And I don't recall that happening in game 7 (I could be mistaken). Their primary post up option was Boozer on Yao -- I wouldn't call that a lack of size on our part.

    Could Bonzi have helped us more than Luther Head in this series? Of course. Luther was terrible. I think Snyder could have as well. I was dissapointed he didn't see much playing time.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">However, I can't quite understand how we couldn't get a rebound with Hayes out there. Wasn't that his sole purpose? Isn't that what you've praised him over all season? Isn't that what all ur +/- stats pointed too? If that's true, why was Juwan the one who got the big offensive rebounds in game 7? You have some answering to do</div>

    With Hayes on the court in the playoffs, our team offensive rebounding% was 26.8%, and with him off the court it was 22.5%. That's easily the best On/Off differential for offensive rebounding on the team. He was our best defender against Okur and Boozer throughout the series as well. That's the good with Chuck. The bad is he was a total nonfactor offensively for most of the series.

    Juwan outrebounded him in game 7. Terrific. Unfortunately, it was all for not since we lost the game. Chuck provided strong contributions in 2 of our wins, and Juwan played well in one of them. Remember, I wasn't the one hyping up either of these players as an "X-factor" before the playoffs. That was you. Nothing in the way this series played out has made me rethink my original position that Chuck worked better in the starting lineup. The way Juwan was shooting in the first 3 games, if he had started we might have gone down 1-2 or 0-3 to start the series. Obviously, neither player really distinguished himself over the 7 games, so let's not argue over which player was less useless, ok?

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I never said we couldn't benefit from another creator. I also acknowledged our lack of playmaking from the role players as a weakness. Any moron could see that. The point of disagreement is you felt Bonzi would automatically solve that problem and make us much better, without limiting us in other ways. I maintained that there is a tradeoff when you decide to make room for Bonzi in the rotation. He gives us that extra creator if he's on his game (a big if), but there are numerous potential drawbacks as well which I've gone over ad naseum.</div>
    That's my point. The negatives outway the positives. Point blank, Bonzi's a better player than Luther Head. Every player has negatives in this league, even our superstars. It was bad judgement for JVG to not activate Bonzi early (and blame falls on Bonzi too for getting frustrated). He may not of put up 20 & 10, but he could've very well been a difference maker with a rebound or a few extra points.

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Nothing was proven here unless you can show that Bonzi in fact would have made us much better. Since Bonzi hasn't had consistent stretch of strong play in a year, that's where the burden of proof lies. As I've said, wait till next year and watch what Bonzi is doing. If he plays well, I'll concede: "Yes, it looks like Bonzi should have been given more of a chance, considering how he's playing now." </div>
    It was bad judgement to not activate him. We'll have to see..........

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yes, our offense was terrible. Couple that with lack of defensive quickness from three of our frontline players (Yao, Dikembe, and Juwan), and we had major problems playing against the Jazz. Utah rarely posted up players in the low block this series. Their only post up option where they really exploited our lack of size was Matt Harpring on Luther Head. And I don't recall that happening in game 7 (I could be mistaken). Their primary post up option was Boozer on Yao -- I wouldn't call that a lack of size on our part.</div>
    Kirilenko, Boozer, Williams & Hapring all got touches in the post.

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Could Bonzi have helped us more than Luther Head in this series? Of course. Luther was terrible. I think Snyder could have as well. I was dissapointed he didn't see much playing time.</div>
    But this was Luther's first playoffs, we should've expected him to struggle. Experience outweighs alot. I was tellin you this earlier in the season, but you refused to listen to me. JVG settled on his rotation WAY too early in the regular season. That's why I was so unhappy with him, even when we were winning.

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">With Hayes on the court in the playoffs, our team offensive rebounding% was 26.8%, and with him off the court it was 22.5%. That's easily the best On/Off differential for offensive rebounding on the team. He was our best defender against Okur and Boozer throughout the series as well. That's the good with Chuck. The bad is he was a total nonfactor offensively for most of the series.</div>
    True...He did a great job on Boozer and Okur. I still think he shouldn't have been starting.

    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Juwan outrebounded him in game 7. Terrific. Unfortunately, it was all for not since we lost the game. Chuck provided strong contributions in 2 of our wins, and Juwan played well in one of them. Remember, I wasn't the one hyping up either of these players as an "X-factor" before the playoffs. That was you. Nothing in the way this series played out has made me rethink my original position that Chuck worked better in the starting lineup. The way Juwan was shooting in the first 3 games, if he had started we might have gone down 1-2 or 0-3 to start the series. Obviously, neither player really distinguished himself over the 7 games, so let's not argue over which player was less useless, ok?</div>
    Yea, but Chuck's job is too rebound. That's his job. If we couldn't get a rebound in the closing seconds of game 7, who does that fall on?
  20. foo82

    foo82 JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Explain this theory....Because the Utah team everybody else saw posted up Boozer, Kirilenko, Hapring, Williams & even Milsap. That's where they did most of the damage. EVERYBODY noticed this, everybody BUT FOO82. No suprise[​IMG]</div>

    Um, explain how we got to the line more often than Utah (who leads the league in getting to ft line, while we ranked last). It sure as hell wasn't from jumpshooting. They launched much more jumpshots than we did. A lot of our points came from in the paint and the free throw line (as a result of penetration). You obviously didn't watch the games.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    So how about when JVG chose to leave Bonzi inactive knowing he was healthy and ready to contribute? There was no real reason for not activating him other than "I haven't made a decision". No attitude problems, no fussing from Bonzi. 7 games doesn't make up for months of inactivity.I'm not sayin Bonzi would've put up huge numbers, I'm saying that he would've UNDENIABLELY helped our bench. So stop making excuses and just admit that JVG made a HUGE mistake in not giving Bonzi a shot (along with other mistakes). You and Durvasa have sided with JVG 95% of the time. According to Foo:</div>

    Or how about when Bonzi decided to come out of the offseason severely out of weight. What the hell are you talking about sided with JVG, any coach with half a brain could see JVG was playing poorly. Your performance is also based on how well you perform in practice. It was clear Bonzi wasn't even close to ready. His play this year was atrocious. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realized how badly hes played.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    -We're not a jumpshooting team, Utah is

    -Tmac has never run point for us

    -We didn't need Bonzi, our bench was good enough

    -JVG should indeed be brought back in for another wonderful year of losing a 2-0 lead in a playoff series

    Good luck........

    I did not say any of those things. Sometimes you need to know. It helps. I said the following things:
    1. Utah was more of a jumpshooting team....That was directly referring to the series. The key word is SERIES. We DID NOT SHOOT THAT MANY JUMPSHOTS THAT GAME. Jesus. Go check the points in the paint stats. Go check the freethrow differentials. They've shot tons off the pick and roll. The only jumpshots we shoot are those from the three point line. Almost everything else is in the paint.
    2. Tmac has never run point GUARD. Key word is guard. Even JVG said that when ALston is not on the floor, Luther was our point guard. Or are you telling me that JVG doesn't even know what position his players play.
    3. Never said Bonzi wasn't good enough. My point is you don't know how much he would have contributed if he were healthy. Sure he can create, but he can also miss crucial freethrows and turn the ball over. Until he's actually plaid, you can't say anything on whether he would contribute or not. Where did I say our bench was good enough? You are like a presidential candidate. You stick to rhetoric and ignore the truth.
    4. Where did I say that JVG should be brought back? Another case of you making **** up. Sorry thats not new here.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Wow...The personal attacks keep mounding up here[​IMG] I'll let the other guys respond to ur theory that Utah's more of a jumpshooting team. If ur debating that, you've lost already. Give it up[​IMG] </div>

    Once again, you failed to grasp the truth. Bear with me. I know its hard. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I said Utah was more of a jumpshooting team we were that SERIES. I'm sorry, if you don't see this, you are blind. I guess you missed all those time we went into the paint and drew fouls.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Howard had a underachieving playoff series, I've already said that. However, he did have some HUGE offensive rebounds in the 4th quarters of game 6 & 7. Statistically he's not the better rebounder, but somehow managed to get them in the crucial momments of games. </div>

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    My question is if Hayes's main job is to get rebounds & looseballs, then how is it we failed to get them in the closing seconds of game 7? Like I respectivley asked Durvasa, ISN'T THAT WHY HE'S IN THE GAME? </div>

    My goodness you are quite a narrowminded person. He performs well in games 1 through 5, yet somehow when he doesn't put up the expected numbers in game 7, you said "oh we should have played Juwan all along". You are the master of making statements in hindsight. Juwan played like **** in games 1 through 4.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Anyway, JVG is gonna get fired and Bonzi might be brought back in under new coaching. You along with Durvasa, stood by JVG's strategy all year long only to have it backfire in the playoffs (which I stated it would). Yes we did lose series. But atleast we're moving in whole new direction now............</div>

    JVG's not gonna get fired. More likely than not, hes going to quit. Yes, I stood by his strategy, because it's the only one that will work with the PLAYERS WE HAD. We can't run a D'antoni style offense with our current players. We have no creators (other than Bonzi). So our only offensive course was to play the inside out game. That said, Utah is a VERY GOOD team and we took them to game 7. We have a crappy bench.

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