GT: Playoffs 2007 - 1st Round - Rockets vs. Jazz G7

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets' started by tracymcgrady_01, May 3, 2007.

  1. squall15

    squall15 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Yea, but Chuck's job is too rebound. That's his job. If we couldn't get a rebound in the closing seconds of game 7, who does that fall on?</div>

    I am not sure if this is a sarcasm or real question. If it is a sarcasm, I hope as hell that you ain't gonna say it's gonna be on Chuck. Even though Chuck's job is to rebound, you can't blame him for not getting the some of the rebounds in the last seconds. Here I attached the "closing seconds" of game 7 that you were talking about.

    Invalid Video Link

    1st missed by Okur, Hayes was running toward Okur, ball bounced and Yao had chance to get it, but Boozer hit it out.

    2nd missed by Okur, the ball bounced away from Chuck. Harpring got it and passed it to Deron

    3rd missed by Okur, and guess what, ball bounced away from Chuck.

    If you seriously ask this question wanting to know the answer, then watch the video and you should know the answer. If it's sarcasm, I don't even know what to say about you anymore.

    ROCK4LIFE Active Member

    May 26, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Um, explain how we got to the line more often than Utah (who leads the league in getting to ft line, while we ranked last). It sure as hell wasn't from jumpshooting. They launched much more jumpshots than we did. A lot of our points came from in the paint and the free throw line (as a result of penetration). You obviously didn't watch the games.</div>
    First off, 90% of those free throws came from Yao (who lead the league in playoff free throws). Secondly, if ur theory holds up that "Utah shot more outside jumpers than the Rockets", then how is it that they OUTSCORED us in the paint the majority of the series?

    Points in the paint= Post up, drive, penetration

    ^^^^^^Why Utah won.........

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Or how about when Bonzi decided to come out of the offseason severely out of weight. What the hell are you talking about sided with JVG, any coach with half a brain could see JVG was playing poorly. Your performance is also based on how well you perform in practice. It was clear Bonzi wasn't even close to ready. His play this year was atrocious. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realized how badly hes played.</div>
    Groin injuries permit you from runnng. We've been thru this kid[​IMG] Either way what happened in the beginning of the season shouldn't have affected JVG's decision before the playoffs. Things changed in the season, Bonzi tried to talk to JVG but he refused. Anytime you come to a new team ur gonna struggle, but that obviously doesn't register in ur brain.

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">1. Utah was more of a jumpshooting team....That was directly referring to the series. The key word is SERIES. We DID NOT SHOOT THAT MANY JUMPSHOTS THAT GAME. Jesus. Go check the points in the paint stats. Go check the freethrow differentials. They've shot tons off the pick and roll. The only jumpshots we shoot are those from the three point line. Almost everything else is in the paint.</div>
    Oh, I see. But the problem with you is when I explained to you we were a jumpshooting team in the regular season you thought I was crazy. So ur belief extends further than this SERIES, you actually believe in ur head that the Rockets aren't a jumpshooting team. Which nobody quite agrees with

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">2. Tmac has never run point GUARD. Key word is guard. Even JVG said that when ALston is not on the floor, Luther was our point guard. Or are you telling me that JVG doesn't even know what position his players play.</div>
    Again, ask any real Rocket fan if Tmac has ever ran point guard for this team. That's somethin I expected you to know. But you obviously don't follow the Rockets as closely as I thought. Which is funny being that ur so quick to correct me lol (like you actually know what ur talkin about[​IMG])

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">3. Never said Bonzi wasn't good enough. My point is you don't know how much he would have contributed if he were healthy. Sure he can create, but he can also miss crucial freethrows and turn the ball over. Until he's actually plaid, you can't say anything on whether he would contribute or not. Where did I say our bench was good enough? You are like a presidential candidate. You stick to rhetoric and ignore the truth.</div>
    What you said was we didn't need Bonzi. Ur logic is that he could've hurt the team more than help us. Which is FOOLISH considering that Luther's our only guard in the rotation, and he's inexperienced. Giving Bonzi's track record in the playoffs, how could you denounce him so quickly in the season? You had already given up on him almost half way thru the season.

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Once again, you failed to grasp the truth. Bear with me. I know its hard. Maybe you need to brush up on your reading comprehension. I said Utah was more of a jumpshooting team we were that SERIES. I'm sorry, if you don't see this, you are blind. I guess you missed all those time we went into the paint and drew fouls.</div>

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">My goodness you are quite a narrowminded person. He performs well in games 1 through 5, yet somehow when he doesn't put up the expected numbers in game 7, you said "oh we should have played Juwan all along". You are the master of making statements in hindsight. Juwan played like **** in games 1 through 4.</div>
    Ur completley ignoring the facts. I've criticized Juwan at times. Chuck Hayes wouldn't start for anybody but JVG. Juwan's more experienced and a better polished overrall player. He should've started.

    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">JVG's not gonna get fired. More likely than not, hes going to quit. Yes, I stood by his strategy, because it's the only one that will work with the PLAYERS WE HAD. We can't run a D'antoni style offense with our current players. We have no creators (other than Bonzi). So our only offensive course was to play the inside out game. That said, Utah is a VERY GOOD team and we took them to game 7. We have a crappy bench.</div>
    CORRECTION! With the players HE BROUGHT IN. This was JVG's team from top to bottom. You obviously haven't factored that in, or simply forgot. This team was strictly built around JVG's coaching style.

    ******It's also funny how alot of you are complaining about stuff I took heat for earlier in the season with JVG's coaching style. Glad to see you've come back[​IMG]
  3. foo82

    foo82 JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">First off, 90% of those free throws came from Yao (who lead the league in playoff free throws). Secondly, if ur theory holds up that "Utah shot more outside jumpers than the Rockets", then how is it that they OUTSCORED us in the paint the majority of the series?

    Points in the paint= Post up, drive, penetration

    Who said they did? They've made a lot of shots as well from pick and rolls. The only difference is that they created their own jumpshots, while we rely on open 3's. In my book, if you create your own shots, you are more of a jumpshooting team. Hayes isn't a jumpshooter, Yao is a low post guy. Tmac penetrated most of the game. Alston and Battier only shoot open 3's. Most of our points came from Tmac and Yao, both of which got a lot of points inside. Utah had a lot of points from Boozer, which about half of it came from arches over Yao. Deron Williams loves the pick and roll jump shot. Derek Fisher also likes to shoot. Giricek and Okur shot quite a bit from outside.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    ^^^^^^Why Utah won.........

    Utah won because our offense sucks, not our defense.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Groin injuries permit you from runnng. We've been thru this kid[​IMG] Either way what happened in the beginning of the season shouldn't have affected JVG's decision before the playoffs. Things changed in the season, Bonzi tried to talk to JVG but he refused. Anytime you come to a new team ur gonna struggle, but that obviously doesn't register in ur brain.</div>

    So do broken legs, and hyperextended knees. Did'nt stop Yao and Hayes from producing shortly after coming off an injury. No, I don't remember Battier struggling. Hayes certainly didn't struggle when he first came into the NBA.
    You are blaming his poor performance on the coach? Since when does how you perform is the coach's fault.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Oh, I see. But the problem with you is when I explained to you we were a jumpshooting team in the regular season you thought I was crazy. So ur belief extends further than this SERIES, you actually believe in ur head that the Rockets aren't a jumpshooting team. Which nobody quite agrees with.</div> Your defintion of a jumpshooting team and mine our different. Apparently you define jumpshooting as anyone who shoots. My definition of a jumpshooting team consits of people who create their own shots off the dribble and shoot at will. We are not that. We are an inside out, open 3 point shooting team.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Again, ask any real Rocket fan if Tmac has ever ran point guard for this team. That's somethin I expected you to know. But you obviously don't follow the Rockets as closely as I thought. Which is funny being that ur so quick to correct me lol (like you actually know what ur talkin about[​IMG])</div>
    I haven't seen one person agree with you that Tmac plays point guard. Point guards also guard opposing team's point guards. When was the last time you seen Tmac guard an opposing point guard. Or do you think Kobe runs point as well[​IMG] Point runs the 1 position. It applies on defense and offense. Tmac does not ever run the 1. He is always 2 or 3. Do you think Lebron plays point as well? Maybe Dwyane Wade plays point as well...Give me a break.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    What you said was we didn't need Bonzi. Ur logic is that he could've hurt the team more than help us. Which is FOOLISH considering that Luther's our only guard in the rotation, and he's inexperienced. Giving Bonzi's track record in the playoffs, how could you denounce him so quickly in the season? You had already given up on him almost half way thru the season. </div>

    I didn't denounce him. I said he COULD have hurt us, and gave the reasons how he could have hurt us. My point is seperating fact from opinion. You never know how "what ifs" turn out. And I judge solely on performance. If he plays poorly, of course I'm going to comment on him. Don't tell me you thought he played great this season.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">

    I would ask you to check the stats, but you don't do that. On a different board, Utah Jazz fans were complaining about the ft discrepencies and said that refs were helping the rockets win. I pointed out that it was because the Rockets penetrated more, and actually went through the games and actually counted that Houston had significantly more attempts from within 10 feet than Utah. A lot of Utah's points did come from midrange jumpshots.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    Ur completley ignoring the facts. I've criticized Juwan at times. Chuck Hayes wouldn't start for anybody but JVG. Juwan's more experienced and a better polished overrall player. He should've started. </div>
    You said he should have started, but he played beyond poorly in games 1 through 4. We would have lost for sure if he started games 1 and 2. Hayes was a big reason we won those two games. You fail to see that.

    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">
    CORRECTION! With the players HE BROUGHT IN. This was JVG's team from top to bottom. You obviously haven't factored that in, or simply forgot. This team was strictly built around JVG's coaching style.

    That may be true, but we can't simply swap all our players in the middle of the season. Now I may not agree with the overall strategy of the Rockets, but in terms of what players we had, it was the best fit. Unless, you want JVG to change offensive strategies with those players (which won't work).
  4. durvasa

    durvasa JBB Rockets Fan

    Feb 28, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Rock4life Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Yea, but Chuck's job is too rebound. That's his job. If we couldn't get a rebound in the closing seconds of game 7, who does that fall on?</div>

    Responsibility for these losses fall on a lot of shoulders. I don't know if Chuck should have gotten the rebounds in the closing seconds. Players have multiple responsibilities on the court and maybe he just wasn't in position. But he only had a couple rebounds all game. Clearly, we needed more from him.
  5. foo82

    foo82 JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">durvasa Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Responsibility for these losses fall on a lot of shoulders. I don't know if Chuck should have gotten the rebounds in the closing seconds. Players have multiple responsibilities on the court and maybe he just wasn't in position. But he only had a couple rebounds all game. Clearly, we needed more from him.</div>

    Funny thing is, in an interview, Yao blame the losses on himself. He pretty much stated "if I had gotten those 3 rebounds" or something of that nature.
  6. squall15

    squall15 JBB JustBBall Member

    Nov 18, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">foo82 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Funny thing is, in an interview, Yao blame the losses on himself. He pretty much stated "if I had gotten those 3 rebounds" or something of that nature.</div>

    I agree with Yao not getting the rebound the first time Okur missed. He should've been able to get the rebound. It was head to head against Boozer. The other 2 rebounds, I wouldn't blame him.
  7. ownage

    ownage JBB JustBBall Member

    May 30, 2005
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    <div class="quote_poster">squall15 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I agree with Yao not getting the rebound the first time Okur missed. He should've been able to get the rebound. It was head to head against Boozer. The other 2 rebounds, I wouldn't blame him.</div>

    Exactly my thoughts. Plus, the Jazz are the best off. reb. team in the NBA, its what they do. Give them credit. I wouldnt put all the blame on Yao.

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