Iverson Vows To Change

Discussion in 'Philadelphia 76ers' started by Avery, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Allen Iverson declared Monday that he is feeling 100 percent and promised to be a better leader and teammate.

    Calling last year ``the worst season of my career, by far,'' Iverson came to training camp Monday with a positive attitude and said he would have no problems getting along with new Philadelphia 76ers coach Jim O'Brien.

    Sound familiar? Probably because Iverson has made similar proclamations in the past only to watch his reputation disintegrate with coaching clashes and questionable off-court conduct.

    This year he really means it. Honest.

    ``Saying it and doing it is something totally different,'' Iverson said. ``I didn't do a good job of anything last year. It was a season I don't want to remember.''

    Iverson was more of a distraction than a contributor on last year's team that went 33-49 and missed the playoffs for the first time since the 1997-98 season.

    He played only 48 games because of a knee injury, matching a low set during the 1998-99 strike season. Iverson clashed with interim coach Chris Ford and watched some games from a luxury box or the locker room, if he stayed at all, instead of on the bench with his teammates.</div>

    <div align="center">Full Story</div>

    It's been a while since we heard from Allen Iverson. But he has finally spoke up once again. In the article he promised that he will become a better and team player. But most importantly he feels great and that injury plagued knee is no longer bothering him...for now. Nonetheless, I?d suggest you guys read this article and learn more about what's going on. It's very interesting.
  2. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I really like this article,and I bealive our team is in good hands.A lot of people are saying how AI is changing and maturing and its true,but one thing I know is AI will still be the same player but with a different mentality and attitude.

    Another good thing to hear,is that Iverson is feeling 100%,some thought that he might be slightly banged up from his olympic expierence.But hopefuly he isnt buffling by saying he feels 100%.

    I cant wait for the season to start,and to see how Allen backs up his words!
  3. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    This is bull.....there is too much temptation to be selfish this year now that he is pg. With increase ball handling time Iverson is going to be more greedy than ever.
  4. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Are you sure abou that?Allen Iverson will have the ball in his hands a lot more but that doesnt mean a single thing.First of all he isnt greedy in the first place,last year he was playing SG and the PG was Eric Snow.Now I want you to tell me this,what 2 guard besides AI averaged 6.8apg last year?As a matter of fact AI averaged as many assists(and even more) as some starting PG's in the leauge,I'm talking about solid PG's like,Jason Willams,Mike Bibby,Steve Francis Jeff Mcinnis Gary Payton,Chauncey Billups,and Tony Parker.So with the ball in his hands more I bealive his assits will go up rather then go down.You watch.

    Also this is a topic about how AI is going to change not only on the court but off the court to,he isnt going to clash with coaches anymore or show up at practice late anymore.He is vowing to be a team leader,and a role model to the younger guys on the team.
  5. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    When Allen Iverson had the ball in his hands as a rookie, all hell broke loose. He did a crossover on every possesion. Yeah, he's probably more mature, but they ae giving hima little bit too much freedom.

    AI only averaged that many assists because he was passing out of double teams....he wasn't actually creating for people. AI getting that many assists shows that as a sg he was being greedy.
  6. Miami's Finest

    Miami's Finest JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 16, 2004
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    I've never thought of AI as a leader. He's a very difficult player to coach and he doesn't take practice and other stuff seriously. I'm sure if the 76ers could go back in time they would've traded him while he still had great value and LB would've stayed and coached. I'm sure I'll get ragged on by AI fans but the truth is he might not ever lead any team to a Championship. His accuracy throughout the year's has dropped and I'm not impressed by his PPG (he jacks up a lot of shots and I don't care for the and1 stuff). Very hard player to coach and he's not worth it.
  7. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">With increase ball handling time Iverson is going to be more greedy than ever.</div>

    Don't be too sure of that. It seems as if Allen Iverson goal is to lead the league in assists.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Imagine this: Sixers guard Allen Iverson leads the NBA in assists in 2004-05.

    It could happen. Iverson, who will move over to point guard for the Sixers this season, has already thought about it.

    "I've been thinking about that, wanting to lead the league in assists," Iverson said Monday at the team's media day. "I think I averaged (6.8) assists at the two guard (last season). Who knows what I can do at the one?

    "That would be a goal of mine."

    No one really knows because the last time Iverson played the point steadily, he was a young buck in the NBA. It was during his first two seasons. Now, he is entering his ninth NBA season and has since become a superstar, playing shooting guard.

    In a land of giants, the Little Man, all 6-feet and 165-pounds of him, has excelled at shooting guard. Now, he moves back to a familiar place.

    The move sounds like a win-win, mainly because Iverson is embracing it. "That's a role that I want," said Iverson, who has led the league in scoring three times. "I want to have the ball in my hands on the break a lot."</div>

    <div align="center">Full Story</div>
  8. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    I still think we are going to see a few too many crossovers this year.
  9. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    When is the last time you saw the original AI crossover,as fas as I know it was banned from the leauge and if it is attempted by him today it would be called a carry.
  10. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Silky Smooth:</div><div class="quote_post">When is the last time you saw the original AI crossover,as fas as I know it was banned from the leauge and if it is attempted by him today it would be called a carry.</div>


    My point was that every Philly game from now on is going to look like an And1 mixtape [​IMG] . Whoever decided to make AI a pg must have been at gun point.
  11. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I still think we are going to see a few too many crossovers this year.</div>

    Hey, if it's going to get by defenders and ultimately get him into the paint in which he will draw attention and then be able to kick the ball out, I say let it be. After all, Iverson isn't really the flashy player he once was in terms of ball handling. I remember when he first came into the league he was always trying to make a fool out of someone on every possession. But times has change and he has change (supposedly), and you rarely see him attempts to do such things unless if it's going to help him get by his defender.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">AI only averaged that many assists because he was passing out of double teams....he wasn't actually creating for people. AI getting that many assists shows that as a sg he was being greedy.</div>

    That's true to a certain degree. But if you watched all of his closely throughout the season he did get his teammates involved. If these assists were all coming out of double teams he would easily have about the same APG numbers the last three season. But that obviously wasn't the case, and if you look at his stats his assists numbers are going up year by year. And now that he is playing a role in which getting you're teammates involved is mandatory his assists numbers will keep going up.
  12. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    This sounds like A.I is going to become more of a team player, I am looking forward to seeing what kind of playing style Iverson will come out with, will he be a pass first point guard or a guy like Steve Francis who is a SG traped at PG. I hope it's the first one.
  13. Avery

    Avery JBB IDIOT!! GOSH!!!

    Dec 21, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">This sounds like A.I is going to become more of a team player, I am looking forward to seeing what kind of playing style Iverson will come out with, will he be a pass first point guard or a guy like Steve Francis who is a SG traped at PG. I hope it's the first one.</div>

    I hope he doesn?t become too passive. I could just see myself wanting the old Iverson the Iverson whom was a flat-out offensive juggernaut. Nonetheless, he is still our best offensive player, and we are going to need every single point we can get out of him. Hopefully, he'll play the way he did last year which is preferably fine because his mentality and health is what will really be the key to determine this team success. A 28 PPG, 3 RPG along with 7-8 APG is a possible stat line for Allen Iverson this season.
  14. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    I am not worried about how Allens game will change,I still bealive he will be the same huge scorer,even though he may be have a different mentality he will still play the same way.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">O?Brien stated that it is not his intent to stick Iverson in a position that will take away from his usual production.

    ?We are not a team that runs a pure numbered break,? stated O?Brien. ?He will certainly be the point on the break as much as I can have him be the point on the break. He will have to make more decisions on the break, but my intent is not to use Allen as a set-up point guard, in the traditional sense. We need Allen to put up numbers.? </div>
  15. Courtking

    Courtking Courtking

    Jul 7, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Avery:</div><div class="quote_post">I hope he doesn?t become too passive. I could just see myself wanting the old Iverson the Iverson whom was a flat-out offensive juggernaut. Nonetheless, he is still our best offensive player, and we are going to need every single point we can get out of him. Hopefully, he'll play the way he did last year which is preferably fine because his mentality and health is what will really be the key to determine this team success. A 28 PPG, 3 RPG along with 7-8 APG is a possible stat line for Allen Iverson this season.</div>

    Same here, I don't want Iverson to over do the whole thing, he is a scorer and thats the bottomline, Iverson will have to score to be effective period. If A.I can score AND get his team mates involed he will be an MVP canidate once again. With that said Iverson should be averages at least 27, and maybe 7-9 assits.
  16. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">When Allen Iverson had the ball in his hands as a rookie, all hell broke loose. He did a crossover on every possesion. Yeah, he's probably more mature, but they ae giving hima little bit too much freedom.</div>

    You just said it yourself,when AI was a rookie he wasnt capable of running an NBA team yet.But know he is an 8 year vet,and I bealive he knows the game well..I am sure that AI will be able to control this team because he has the skills and the mentality to do it.
  17. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    You guys are only looking at the positive, and potential. You are ignoring the fact that AI led the league in turnovers per game at 4.35. Yeah he averaged 6.8 assists, but his assist to turnover ration is 1.56......horrible.

    Also, AI was 19 in OVERALL TURNOVERS with 209. He only played 48 games!! He was 19th in total turnovers after playing half a season!! Image if he had played the whole year!

    Now that he's a pg he'll be turning the ball over even more.
  18. AllBoutDaPacers

    AllBoutDaPacers JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    Our olympic hero is moving to the point. Just great. I guess this cuts out the rest of the team on offense altogether. Now he won't have to wait for anyone to pass him the ball at all. I expect his shots per game to increase but big deal, he was only shooting 22 times per game before, what's another 10 gonna matter? I fully expect AI to lead his team to victory the same way he led the Athens team to victory this summer. That's a guarantee.
  19. B.e.

    B.e. The One Who Score Touchdowns and Spikes Mics

    Oct 25, 2003
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    Welcome back to the Sixers forum,I see you wasted no time coming back to bash on are franchise player some more.

    You act like AI was garbage in the olympics and it was his fault they got bronze,but if they would have one gold with AI scoring 30ppg you would have said something like,he doesnt pass enough or he shot to much and didnt sharre the ball ,because you dont have enough respect for a player who was actually loyal to his counrty and tried his hardest,that doesnt matter to you,you just want to hate on AI and thats the bottom line.I really dont think its fair for you to blame Iverson for team USA's disspointment in Athens.

    What do you think Team USA would have done without AI on their roster,you can already rule out a win against Germany.You act like he had a bad effect on the team,then why was he co-captain?

    And are you sure about your gurantee there?WE will see when the season comes around.Just make sure you stay around,and dont dissapear when AI and the Sixers prove you wrong.
  20. AllBoutDaPacers

    AllBoutDaPacers JBB JustBBall Member

    Dec 17, 2003
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    He was co-captain because he was one the oldest player on the team and because Larry Brown was coach. When a team loses, who do you blame? Do you think that when the Wolves lose they blame Madsen? I don't think so, you look to KG, so why shouldn't I look to AI. You may ask why I don't blame Duncan but would you blame Duncan for anything bad that happens on a basketball court. And I don't think it would be possible for any member of the USA team to average 30 ppg over the entire olympics. Think about it.

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