Looking for the name of an old Sonics Player from the '80s

Discussion in 'Oklahoma City Thunder' started by sheldonwhite, Oct 9, 2003.

  1. sheldonwhite

    sheldonwhite JBB JustBBall Member

    Oct 9, 2003
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    I'm trying to win a little bet:
    My friend has a poster he claims is from the '80s. It's a picture of a Sonics player (African-American) wearing a
    jersey with #51 on it. He's stading on the path around Green Lake in Seattle with roller skates on, holding a basketball. The caption on the poster says ' "Skate" King '. He says it was a promotional poster given out at the game, but he couldn't figure out who the player was. I bet that I could get a name!

    Anyone with any ideas? Someone have an NBA encyclopedia with old team rosters?

    Thanks in advance!

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