If You can make icons i will like a icon to be made. You can make ur own style to it But its a new generation type Family i have created and need a good graphic icon made have it saying TU Syndicate corps like i said if you have a good style use it. I real would like for someone to help a wolf out if able. Thank you sportstwo.com
Can you describe what you want, exactly? When you say an icon, do you mean an avatar, a desktop/forum button, or what? What size pixels x pixels? Do you mean a banner/signature? Are you actually a wolf?
32x32 size example ? http://s3.amazonaws.com/tmb_icons/1336001164ucrepubwargen.gif http://s3.amazonaws.com/tmb_icons/1336170715Badboyz.gif http://s3.amazonaws.com/tmb_icons/1336002676UCMoct.gif http://s3.amazonaws.com/tmb_icons/13359965951324764376kuntzIcon.gif
I want the icons saying TU Syndicate Corps If you have a different style you may use it TU then Syndicate Corps or T then U then Syndicate Corps Have T and U Flashing