Make It Or Break It

Discussion in 'Washington Wizards' started by Shapecity, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Jurassic:</div><div class="quote_post">Dude you are a lost cause. First overall picks are supposed to be NBA ready. Even if they aren't they should develop quickly.</div>
    There was one option better to take @ number one in that draft..Pau Gasol...everyone else has been labeled as a "bust".

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">As for MJ, he's hard on everyone. I've heard Magic's testimony about their dream team days, and Pip's opinions on their bull's days. MJ motivates through hardcore trash talking. If you cant take it from your teammates how are you supposed to take it from opposition?</div>
    Pip and Magic were established players already. They could take the trash talking, and also Jordan was not the games best back then. You take any other rookie fresh out of HS (besides Amare and Bron) and put them in Kwame's situation..I guaruntee they act the same way. You just are not supposed to be that hard on someone that early in their career..they are still just a kid. And another thing, JO got to ride the bench, that can be seen as a good thing, gave him time to develop...he wasnt rushed and expected to be a star from the get go.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">I could care less if he had a good game against Webber or JO. NOBODY GETS UP FOR KWAME BROWN. I have seen Mobley drop 24 on Kobe, that doesn't mean that he's in Kobe's league.</div>

    Do you write the playbook for every team? Do you know who players get up you dont... [​IMG]
  2. Jurassic

    Jurassic Trend Setter

    Jul 13, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Kobe 8 Ball:</div><div class="quote_post">There was one option better to take @ number one in that draft..Pau Gasol...everyone else has been labeled as a "bust". </div>

    What does that have to do with anything? I'm not bashing the Wiz for not picking Gasol.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Pip and Magic were established players already. They could take the trash talking, and also Jordan was not the games best back then. You take any other rookie fresh out of HS (besides Amare and Bron) and put them in Kwame's situation..I guaruntee they act the same way. You just are not supposed to be that hard on someone that early in their career..they are still just a kid. And another thing, JO got to ride the bench, that can be seen as a good thing, gave him time to develop...he wasnt rushed and expected to be a star from the get go. </div>

    Look at how Shaq treated Kobe early on. I know that GP gave Rashard a hard time because he was rough on everyone. Yet both of those players are developed, and succeeded on teams with the players that were hard on them.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Do you write the playbook for every team? Do you know who players get up you dont... [​IMG]</div>

    Dude, this has nothing to do with running plays. My point was that elite players only get up for elite players. Webber could care less how many points Kwame drops, and he would be more likely to take a night off against Kwame than he would against Duncan.

    You know what, this isn't getting us anywhere because you are being a biased groupie. We will see how poorly or well Kwame plays when the season starts.
  3. Mamba

    Mamba The King is Back Staff Member Global Moderator

    Apr 5, 2003
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Jurassic:</div><div class="quote_post">What does that have to do with anything? I'm not bashing the Wiz for not picking Gasol.

    Look at how Shaq treated Kobe early on. I know that GP gave Rashard a hard time because he was rough on everyone. Yet both of those players are developed, and succeeded on teams with the players that were hard on them.

    Dude, this has nothing to do with running plays. My point was that elite players only get up for elite players. Webber could care less how many points Kwame drops, and he would be more likely to take a night off against Kwame than he would against Duncan.

    You know what, this isn't getting us anywhere because you are being a biased groupie. We will see how poorly or well Kwame plays when the season starts.</div>

    This is getting no where but I want you to remember this thread when Kwame is posting 15 and 9 this season... :mrgreen:
  4. hagrid

    hagrid JBB JustBBall Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Kwame Brown, to this point in his career, is little more than a draft notation.

    Time to develop? Too much pressure?

    He was a #1 overall draft pick. Don't accept negotiations with a team with the #1 pick if you can't handle the heat. He took the money, the pressure didn't stop him from cashing the paychecks, now did it?

    IMO, He's a bum, just like Eddy Curry, just like Tyson Chandler, which coincidentally he played against last night. These guys are working off the "potential" label and making millions off it without producing.

    I need a job like that. I've got the "potential" to be great at something. Someone start shelling out the millions to me for that something. At least unlike these guys, I'll make it worth your investment. [​IMG]
  5. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">He's a bum, just like Eddy Curry, just like Tyson Chandler, which coincidentally he played against last night. These guys are working off the "potential" label and making millions off it without producing. </div>
    Kwame didn't play, he's out till end of November, if he did we'd be hearing about the 22 points and 11 rebounds he put up :P
  6. og15

    og15 JBB *********

    Jan 17, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Jurassic:</div><div class="quote_post">
    Look at how Shaq treated Kobe early on. I know that GP gave Rashard a hard time because he was rough on everyone. Yet both of those players are developed, and succeeded on teams with the players that were hard on them.
    Huh? Rashard didn't start producing till his third year, last year was Kwame's third year, and he started prodicing.
  7. hagrid

    hagrid JBB JustBBall Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Kwame didn't play, he's out till end of November,</div>

    With all due respect og15, there are plenty of people besides myself that are going to tell you that his being "injured" is part of thier thoughts that he's a bust waiting to happen.

    He hasn't come close to living up to expectations yet. He's played on some fairly run-of-the-mill Wizard teams, yet under little-to-no pressure, he's still done little. That stuff someone said about having the greatest player ever looking over his shoulder as the reason for him not succeeding is pure bunk, IMO. If anything, it should have helped his development come along faster.

    I hope the best for him, but he's looking like he's going to be an average player at best, thus far, which is going to b e a disappointment given his draft status.
  8. upsidedownside7

    upsidedownside7 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 9, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quoting Kobe 8 Ball:</div><div class="quote_post">There was one option better to take @ number one in that draft..Pau Gasol...everyone else has been labeled as a "bust".

    Pip and Magic were established players already. They could take the trash talking, and also Jordan was not the games best back then. You take any other rookie fresh out of HS (besides Amare and Bron) and put them in Kwame's situation..I guaruntee they act the same way. You just are not supposed to be that hard on someone that early in their career..they are still just a kid. And another thing, JO got to ride the bench, that can be seen as a good thing, gave him time to develop...he wasnt rushed and expected to be a star from the get go.

    Do you write the playbook for every team? Do you know who players get up you dont... [​IMG]</div>

    I'd rather take the fifth pick in that year's draft in Jason Richardson than Kwame. JRich definitely doesn't have this controversy around him.

    What did you expect the greatest player of all time to take Kwame's hand and whisper sweet nothings in his ear? When ya come in the league and collect millions expect to hear some mean things. "Oh Mr. Jordan please don't yell at hurts...I just want to play my x box!"

    If your going to draft a high school kid then make sure he's confident enough to take some yelling from the mean old coach and the mean old greatest player of all time. Bron and Amare were tough and had their eye on the freakin prize since day one. They were absolutely dying to play in the NBA and it shows with their passion on the court. This is a man's league and a man's world. Don't open your hand and ask....take! "Oh well this is my 4th year in the league and now I will finally do what you asked of me in my first year! Let's play! hee hee!" Real world=Fired and Jordan knew that.

    I know kids who have high paying financial jobs with extreme amounts of risk. You lose people's money and they will sue your ass. They get screamed at and could possibly lose their shirts but they spend hours on hours studying, researching & preparing. They keep their cool and look good. I've also seen grown men cry like babies and assume everything is given to them. No I've seen a lot of people and age isn't an excuse. If your too young to take it then be the gatorade dispenser and clean that sweat spot and give back that 12 million dollar contract.

    If I was an NBA owner I would fire my players in the morning so that they could get in the unemployment line right after lunch. That's nice isn't it? Guess who would be at the front!

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