My first large scale graphic (not a sig those are simple) in quite a while. I think this is like my 4th or 5th, but definately my 1st in a while, like 6th months. Tell me what you think.
Very nice wallpaper especcialy if its your first time doing a wallpaper graphics. I love the use of the colors and the end just came out great, good job twool913.
Not bad from coming back from a break as big as that on top of being new at this. I actually like the text for this one, but it should all be closer together. The pattern on the edges can go, and some pictures faded in the background wouldn't hurt. I like the lighting on this. Add a drop shadow to to the pic at 0 distance, and use the actual pic in the background feathered around the edges faded behind him. Again, not bad for a comeback, good work.
I see where your trying to go here but I think you can put something out much better then this. Make it either all yellow or all blue and that's a great start.