Avatar Requests Anyone needing an avatar e-mail me, and I'll hook you up. I use Adobe Photoshop 7.0 to make them, pretty easy program. So if you want one, specify the following information in your PM or e-mail to HeelsBasketball@aol.com: -Which Team/Player/Celebrity/Whatever -Size -Border/No Border -Any Special Text (ie. "The Answer," " The G.O.A.T" <font color="DarkRed">I DONT'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE GIF'S, SO PLEASE DON'T REQUEST THEM!</font>
Alright then, I'll make the avatars, and you can make the sigs. For anybody wanting one, just specify the same info I told you about in regard to the sigs. If that's ok with you purehoops?
<div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Which Team/Player/Celebrity/Whatever -Size -Border/No Border </div> Can i have...a amare avatar...that is a normal size on here...with a border..thanks...that has him dunking..if possible
I have finished all the requested avatars, and I added some extra ones as well. Some of you received them via e-mail, some didn't. They are all on this page, so whoever didn't get one, click on the link: http://www.members.aol.com/_ht_a/heelsbasketball
It's supposed to be that wind effect thing. I'm not the best with these programs, I just got started.
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting "purehoops":</div><div class="quote_post">It looks like hes turning into sand or somethin lol</div> lol, i like it, its cus he is movin so fast, his body is just disinigrating
<div class="quote_poster">Quoting "jdub":</div><div class="quote_post"><div class="quote_poster">Quoting "purehoops":</div><div class="quote_post">It looks like hes turning into sand or somethin lol</div> lol, i like it, its cus he is movin so fast, his body is just disinigrating</div> hahaha ... nice anaylsis there...