Playoffs Round 2 Game 1: Warriors vs. Jazz

Discussion in 'Golden State Warriors' started by Custodianrules2, May 7, 2007.

  1. AlleyOop

    AlleyOop JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    I wonder if Baron's comment about the whole team having the flu was for real?

    Regardless, this game is going to give Nellie a lot to chew on for Wednesday. Hopefully GS can steal one and come back to Oakland tied 1-1.
  2. Clif25

    Clif25 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">AlleyOop Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I wonder if Baron's comment about the whole team having the flu was for real?

    Regardless, this game is going to give Nellie a lot to chew on for Wednesday. Hopefully GS can steal one and come back to Oakland tied 1-1.</div>

    Didn't Michael Jordan have the flu that one time in the finals vs. Utah and I think in Utah. Maybe they have some secret in Utah? haha j/k.

    Ditto on coming back to Oakland tied 1-1. That would be a good position to be in for the Warriors.
  3. Custodianrules2

    Custodianrules2 Cohan + Rowell = Suck

    Dec 4, 2003
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    I think whatever happens, we should draw parallels between what the Suns are going through against the Spurs. They seem to have similar problems when they go small. The small teams all do. They sacrifice strength and size for quickness and speed.

    SIXPAK GQ JBB JustBBall Member

    May 3, 2007
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    either the warriors get blown out in utah game 2..or they are going to win a close one ..
  5. jason bourne

    jason bourne JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">AlleyOop Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I wonder if Baron's comment about the whole team having the flu was for real?

    Regardless, this game is going to give Nellie a lot to chew on for Wednesday. Hopefully GS can steal one and come back to Oakland tied 1-1.</div>

    That was weird, but then he said it was allergies. Dunno.

    Nellie's gonna have to get on AL, Jax, and Pietrus to get some boards. I think he'll play Monta some more, too. But he needs to pull someone else off the bench to give some guys a blow. Boozer got 20 freakin' boards. What a pest!
  6. HiRez

    HiRez Overlord

    Aug 4, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">AlleyOop Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">Regardless, this game is going to give Nellie a lot to chew on for Wednesday. Hopefully GS can steal one and come back to Oakland tied 1-1.</div>They had their chance to steal one, and they blew it with a million unforced turnovers and the utter inability to secure one single freakin' rebound in a critical situation. I doubt they'll get a better chance. Sorry, but I am much more depressed about this game than most of you all seem to be. Yet another game the Warriors just let slip away.
  7. upsidedownside7

    upsidedownside7 JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 9, 2004
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    As far as actual basketball, this was the best playoff game I have seen. Both teams dug in deep and Utah simply outsmarted us. I am proud of our boys for their performance but they made a lot of small stupid mistakes.

    Jax is awesome but he can't be trying to outquick Kirilenko. I mean come on, Kirilenko is an elite defender and the dude completely shut down Jax going to the basket. I like the heart of continuing to go at him but that's a battle he's never going to win (trying to take him off the dribble).

    Harrington is going to be a key for this series. He shot the ball very well, I felt he should have gotten the ball even more and he defended Boozer pretty well in his isolation plays. His rebounding is poor, he needs to step up and he also needs to get the ball even more. Boozer and Okur won't be able to guard him well.

    JRich was hot and cold but he really tried to rally the troops and I appreciate that. Baron was solid in the 2nd and really lost focus trying to take over. Those little dump passes to Biedrins were a terrible idea. This is the playoffs, the Jazz are going to rip the ball out of his scrawny latvian arms and Biedrins won't get that call.

    Keys to winning the next game: Play Kirilenko tougher, don't try to outquick him. He's not mentally tough, gotta play him more physical. He tends to hide in his shell for periods of time. You can't be having him average 8 blocks a game. Punk him if necessary.

    Baron needs to chill, and run the team. Montay MUST STEP UP. He MUST take the burden off Baron Davis. He has to RIGHT NOW.

    Baron's hammie ain't looking to good, I'd go for zone rather than man to man. Deron Williams is good but 30 points? come on.

    The thing is that was Utah's A+++ game. Boozer was solid, Kirilenko was solid, Williams was solid and Okur was solid. Kirilenko and Okur aren't mentally tough in the slightest, they can be rattled pretty easily. Boozer and Williams will probably be consistent most of the series.

    We can still easily win game 2 and the series. Lets do it.
  8. boogiescott

    boogiescott JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    You guys are forgetting our secret weapon ..... the laibility...... the pylon..... the flooper known as derek fisher.....

    with him back .... they will have a defender that will be reaching.... never moving his feet.... sagging into the paint and then never closing.... getting lost on his man.... and essentially a tree that any one on the team including foyle can go right past.....

    on offense instead of giricek who was constantly in motion we will have a guy standing stock still spotting up and doing nothing else on offense.... yeah he might hit a few open shots if he is on.... he will stagnate the offense

    what we should do is not guard fisher.... force the ball into his hands and keep it out of williams ..... fisher has no handles.... and makes poor decisions with the ball.... fisher with the ball in hand will dribble dribble dribble jack up fade away off balance brick..... or he will go to the hole and throw up his air ball lay ups.... pure comedy

    fisher is our x factor.... our secret weapon.... our 6th man..... fisher on the floor = warriors victory
  9. mike18946

    mike18946 JBB

    Jan 29, 2003
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    If Derek Fisher hurts the Jazz in any way you really think Sloan will play him? not a chance. People should know by now how tough Sloan is. That said Fisher is no where near as bad as you say. He has been a good addition to their team this season.
  10. The Legend

    The Legend Legend of JBB..

    Dec 28, 2006
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    Game 2 is a must win for the Warriors, then if they win both at home. The Warriors can win this series in 6.
  11. philsmith75

    philsmith75 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    The Warriors were right there with a chance to win; SJax with an open (wide open?) 3 after the Baron drive and kick. He's the most clutch shooter the Warriors have, except maybe Baron. That's not too bad.

    Also, if only they could have secured one of the last 3 rebounds off Jazz misses, they would have possibly won.

    I love JRich's enthusiasm and he did make a huge 3 to put the Warriors ahead but he makes turnovers are the worst times. The Warriors are up 1 very late and he goes to the left block with 3-4 Jazz defenders and he turns right into an easy steal and Deron turns it into a 3 pt play the other end. That's just stupid BB IQ. Jason, please give the ball to your PG unless you are either going to catch and shoot or catch it on the move.
  12. AlleyOop

    AlleyOop JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">philsmith75 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">The Warriors were right there with a chance to win; SJax with an open (wide open?) 3 after the Baron drive and kick. He's the most clutch shooter the Warriors have, except maybe Baron. That's not too bad.

    Also, if only they could have secured one of the last 3 rebounds off Jazz misses, they would have possibly won.

    I love JRich's enthusiasm and he did make a huge 3 to put the Warriors ahead but he makes turnovers are the worst times. The Warriors are up 1 very late and he goes to the left block with 3-4 Jazz defenders and he turns right into an easy steal and Deron turns it into a 3 pt play the other end. That's just stupid BB IQ. Jason, please give the ball to your PG unless you are either going to catch and shoot or catch it on the move.</div>

    I agree, P75.

    Both teams played well enough to win, and it seemed to me GS gave it away, rather than Utah taking it. Also, I know DWill was spectacular, but he didn't strike me as a vocal leader. Nor did Boozer, despite his gaudy numbers.

    The Jazz like to roll the ball up court and have the PG pick it up at half-court, so they'll have a full 24 second shot clock with which to run a play. That way they get a ton of ball movement and swing passes.

    The thing about that, though, was at times it seemed they didn't know who wanted to shoot. Kirilinko wound up with the ball and tossed up some ill-advised bricks, and other times he passed up wide-open shots.

    Honestly, I wasn't overly impressed with Utah. They played a solid game, and everybody in the media is gushing about Boozer's 20 boards -- but the Jazz only won by 4 points, two of those late give-away free throws. They were down in the 4th quarter. Sure they dominated on the boards, but that barely got them the victory.

    GS has been winning games by losing the rebound-battle all season. It's nothing new. Look at Phoenix -- guss what? Worst rebounding team in the league. When you make a lot of shots, you don't get as many rebounds. Warriors LED THE LEAGUE in rebounds, the year they won 15 games. That's because the gathered in so many of their own bricks.

    With that said, of course they need to continue crashing the boards, but the Warriors weren't dominated by any means -- they led in the 4th quarter, and barely let it slip away at the end.

    Also, you have to LOVE Harrington's outburst, an offensive production which was completely absent against Dallas. With him in the mix, that changes everything. he stretches the D with his three, and is active under the basket. He had a few nice blocks on Boozer and even some nice drives.

    Now, if Monta can get it going.... that will be a good thing!
  13. philsmith75

    philsmith75 JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 12, 2004
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    Yep, it was great to see "Babyface" Harrington coming up huge. I missed the first half but I liked his confidence late. The Warriors just need to grab a few more scramble rebounds. It might be the zone, but a couple of times it looked like the Jazz were fighting themselves for the offensive rebound without a Warrior around, that's got to change. They can't all go for the block and no one left for the rebound.

    Alley Oop, I'd love to see the old Monta going to the rack, but he's been gone for a couple of weeks and he's 19/20 so we'll just have to do without probably.
  14. Shapecity

    Shapecity S2/JBB Teamster Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 30, 2003
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    I couldn't belive the 1st half scoring in this game, especially coming from Utah. They showed they can run with the Warriors for at least one game.

    The killer in this game was rebounding. The Jazz absolutely dominated the glass last night. 20 offensive rebounds and +18 overall for the game. The Jazz also visited the charity stripe 32 times.

    Despite these gawdy numbers, Utah only managed to win by 4 points, and the Warriors had a golden opportunity to steal game one if SJax drains the three ball.

    I'd be worried if I'm Utah after Game 1. It took an amazing effort on the glass and sloppy reach-in defense for them to win this game. Nellie only has to make a few minor adjustments and his team needs to clean up the hand checking on defense. The Warriors cannot get into the penalty early against Utah, and they have to account for the Jazz on rebounds. Kirilenko and Boozer, love to fly in and tap the ball out to the guards or to themselves on missed shots. The Warriors need to be concious of where they're at and get a body on them. Either Baron or JRich will have to help out on the rebounding like they did in the Dallas series. Baron had two double rebounding games in the Mavs series, so he's more than capable of getting in the paint and getting his hands on missed shots.

    Andris Biedrins will be an 'x-factor' for the Warriors in this series. He got himself into foul trouble and never found his ryhthm. If him and Harrington can get it going simultaneously, Utah will lose it's frontcourt advantage. Biedrins needs to be Mr. Windex out there on the court and help neutralize the rebounding edge Utah had in Game 1.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see this series going 7 games with the home teams winning the first 6 games of the series.
  15. jason bourne

    jason bourne JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    <div class="quote_poster">shapecity Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">I couldn't belive the 1st half scoring in this game, especially coming from Utah. They showed they can run with the Warriors for at least one game.</div>

    The Jazz showed they can run the fast break with DWilliams and they are physical enough to give the Warriors troubles. I don't think the Warriors controlling the tempo will bother them nor is an issue with them.

    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">The killer in this game was rebounding. The Jazz absolutely dominated the glass last night. 20 offensive rebounds and +18 overall for the game. The Jazz also visited the charity stripe 32 times.</div>

    This is the area everyone is going to question small ball on. If Nelson is going to have any credibility for building a championship contender with small ball, he's going to have to address this. In other words, your team isn't going to win the battle of the boards, but they have to win the game somehow. It probably takes some special talent like who the Suns have. It sounds illogical to most people including me.

    The other is slowing down Deron Williams. Boozer and Okur are going to get their points, but Williams added some speed, scoring, and physical play in the backcourt. He triggered some fast breaks and some defensive lapses on the Warriors. Even Dee Brown took advantage of the transition.

    Also, I would add one more in playing hard down the stretch. The Jazz aren't a team which makes mistakes down the stretch, and instead are very pesky during crunch time, especially with Boozer. You gotta keep it together during crunch time.

    I'm hoping the Warriors win Game 2 by slowing down Deron and grabbing the defensive boards from the Jazz. I doubt they win the boards battle, but they got to win despite it. They got to keep up their 3-pt shooting with good shots instead of casting off early in the clock. Then it will be interesting to see what Jerry Sloan does for game 3 when he has to come into the Oracle.
  16. Gohn

    Gohn JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    They really need Monta to play, mostly because he can create his own shot (though admittedly he'd probably get stripped a lot by the Jazz since they reached in a lot on drives, and he'd also probably get rejected by Kirilenko a ton). But the W's definitely need someone to attack the basket.

    The drawback with Richardson is that he can't drive. Jackson is better but you have to expect him to mishandle the ball at least once, which always seems to lead to a break away dunk. And the other problem is that BD is having trouble driving by Williams, maybe it's the hamstring.

    I also kind of expected BD and Jackson's 3pt shooting to go back to normal after that last series where they shot way better than normal, especially BD.

    I'd seriously think about putting Monta on Williams, because I think the hamstring is bothering Davis, possibly, or maybe Williams is just that much faster. He's fast enough to stop his dribble penetration, and I'm not sure if Williams has much a post up game, but then again I haven't watched him play much.
  17. boogiescott

    boogiescott JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 2, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">AllNet Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">If Derek Fisher hurts the Jazz in any way you really think Sloan will play him? not a chance. People should know by now how tough Sloan is. That said Fisher is no where near as bad as you say. He has been a good addition to their team this season.</div>

    We suffered for 2 years alll the things i mentioned as a Warriors fan. I did not exaggerate. Fisher killed us, especially when he ran the point, yet Monty ran him out there every night.

    Sometimes you simply don't have options, and when giricek is really your only option or a mediocre rookie what a re you gonna do?

    Sloan is a great coach and if you notice you never see Fisher with ball in hand running the offense. He is smart enough to see, like i said, on offense the only fisher is capable of is spotting up. That is what he does feach possession. The difference is that Utah has post presence so Fisher gets better looks than he did with the Dubs.

    On the defensive end i have notice fisher has been playing better, not sagging off as much and playing lazy. He still is one of the slowest players in the league. AGain the difference for Fisher is, like when he was with the Lakers he has great shot blockers and help in the paint so a lot of his mistakes are wiped away. With the Warriors when he got burned as people went right by him that player got to the rim most times unchallenged.

    Fisher is a horrible player that was exposed as a Warrior all his deficiencies. Sloan recognizes that and plays to fishers few strengths. Monty refused to do that.
  18. xplicitjc

    xplicitjc cold as a hooker's heart

    Sep 15, 2005
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    am i the only one who thought that the jazz, and especially the utah crowd was EXTREMELY annoying...they boo'ed EVERYTHING...and i mean EVERYTHING (substitutions, out of bounds calls, fouls, baron bringing up the ball)...even when it was obviously a good call against them. the ref's weren't giving us ANY kind of breaks, and when a utah player would clobber one of our guys he would look completely stunned to hear the whistle. arghhh...just made the game that more frustrating to watch, can't wait til we're back in oakland.
  19. AlleyOop

    AlleyOop JBB JustBBall Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">707to805 Wrote</div><div class="quote_post">am i the only one who thought that the jazz, and especially the utah crowd was EXTREMELY annoying...they boo'ed EVERYTHING...and i mean EVERYTHING (substitutions, out of bounds calls, fouls, baron bringing up the ball)...even when it was obviously a good call against them. the ref's weren't giving us ANY kind of breaks, and when a utah player would clobber one of our guys he would look completely stunned to hear the whistle. arghhh...just made the game that more frustrating to watch, can't wait til we're back in oakland.</div>

    Heh -- yeah, I did notice that. I love when a crowd is passionate, and excited, but the thing about Golden State Fans is that we're also very knowlegable about the game. The Oracle crowd will erupt moments before the play is finished, when we see a play develop or a back-door cut for soon to be dunk. GS fans will sometimes even applaud the opposition when they make a spectacular play. I know I tipped my hat to Josh Howard and Dirk a few times when they came up big for Dallas. Stackhouse too.

    I'm not saying Utah fans aren't knowlegable about the game, but it's funny you mention that because they were booing anything about the Warriors. I mean Don Nelson would call a play and they'd boo; Jackson would call a timeout and they'd boo; Jason Richardson would touch the ball and they'd boo!? They're going to lose the impact of that if they just do it all the time. Actually, it's a good thing because when it's not selective, it's probably easier for GS players to laugh at and ignore.

    Objectively speaking, I HAVE noticed a difference in that regard between our crowd and theirs, and it's obvious to me, IMO, that our crowd is more meaningful to our home team than they are to theirs.
  20. Gohn

    Gohn JBB JustBBall Member

    Feb 13, 2004
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    <div class="quote_poster">Quote:</div><div class="quote_post">Objectively speaking, I HAVE noticed a difference in that regard between our crowd and theirs, and it's obvious to me, IMO, that our crowd is more meaningful to our home team than they are to theirs.</div>
    Can't deny, though, that it's f-ing hard to win at their place.

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