Depends on how badly we get shafted. I never would have even considered it if he had given Joe a list and not gone scorched earth.
I might boo Chauncey Billups if he starts Simons and Dame in the backcourt. That is the worst backcourt combination possible. Dame- Scoot Could be great. Scoot - Simons OK Scoot - Sharpe Yes Please. Dame - Sharpe Unstoppable? Simons - Sharpe At least Sharpe starts. Dame - Simons. Fuck you Chauncey.
Maybe not, but I think it would be better than Dame and Simons. Also it's possible that Chauncey starts Sharpe at SF. If one of Sharpe or Scoot is starting I won't complain too much.
To play the devil's advocate, if you had to pick a CLOWN in this situation, you can be damn certain it isn't the fans, whether they boo or not.
you can be upset with the Miami-or-bust stance, but without knowing exactly all that was said, implied, and understood in the Dame/Cronin/Blazer relationship it's kind of hard to assign all the blame to one side or the other.
I almost put this post up a few weeks ago about what kind of reception he might have. If we boo him, that means he won't come back in his twilight years to win the Chip with Scoot and Sharpe. That would be such a incredible story Arc of the fallen hero and his redemption.